
Web 3 Sangam

The Web 3 Sangam, a collaborative effort between Google DSC Team at IK Gujral Punjab Technical University & Sudan tech. Which is supported by Trikon technologies, and 5irechain, was an enlightening and engaging experience for all attendees. The tech workshop focused on cutting-edge topics like Web 3, blockchain, and wallets, providing students with valuable insights. It was a platform for knowledge sharing and learning, where students actively participated and exchanged ideas.

Students had the opportunity to delve deep into these emerging technologies, gaining valuable insights and knowledge. The interactive sessions allowed students to ask questions and share their thoughts, fostering a dynamic learning environment.
GDSC members ensured a smooth flow of the whole workshop, working as a team helping make an impact. As a token of appreciation, goodies were distributed to participants, enhancing the overall experience.

The Web 3 Sangam proved to be an enriching platform for both learning and networking, ensuring that the future of technology remains bright in the hands of these philomathic students.