
To be a knowledge nerve centre in Physical Sciences, Pure and Applied Research and industry requirements for creating sustainable infrastructure and enhancing quality of life.


  • To offer globally-relevant, industry-linked, research-focused, technology-enabled seamless education at the graduate, postgraduate and research levels in various areas of Physical sciences keeping in mind that the manpower so spawned is excellent in quality, is relevant to the global scientific and technological needs, is motivated to give its best and is committed to the growth of the Nation;
  • To develop and conduct continuing education programmes for Science graduates with a view to update their fundamental knowledge base and problem-solving capabilities in the various areas of core specialization of the University;
  • To develop comprehensive linkages with premier academic and research institutions within the country and abroad for mutual benefit.


The Department of Physical Sciences is offering Graduate, Post-graduate, and PhD. programs in Physics. Department has well equipped laboratories in Optics, Mechanics, Electromagnetism, semiconductor, and Modern physics for undergraduate courses, Advanced Electronics, Atomic and molecular, Nuclear, Condensed matter and Computational physics labs for post graduates, which allows the students to explore a variety of experiments, thereby helping them in understanding the fundamental aspects of the subject. Post graduate students are given the opportunity to undertake a research project in the thrust areas of research.

Our faculty is well qualified, highly motivated, and uses innovative methods/digital tools for teaching. Faculty members participate in the National and International conferences/workshops to update themselves in line with the latest developments in their research areas. Besides imparting quality education to the students, Department host various expert lectures in advanced areas of research, organize conferences/seminars and faculty development program, regularly. Faculty members have published more than 200 research papers in peer reviewed journals and have received wide recognition through prestigious awards/fellowships, such as, Young Scientist award by DST, Dr. D. S. Kothari Fellowship, and Visiting fellowship to visit USA. Research project worth of 1.5 crores under national/international collaborations are presently operating or have been completed by the faculty.