S. No. Lab Name Lab Description
1. Communication Skill Lab

1. Projector Facility in the lab which creates a smart classroom environment.

2. Communication skill lab in the department fully equipped with the latest computer configuration .

3. LAN internet service with the speed upto 1 GBPS.

4. 11 computers in the Communication lab.

5. One conference table of 21 seats is also available in the department.

2. Audio Video Lab

1. Projector Facility in all the classrooms which creates a smart classroom environment.

2. 11 Computers in the Audio-Video Lab fully equipped with the latest computer configuration.

3. High Tech Media instruments – Audio Mixer Console, Sony Handy Cam, Sony Video Camera, Canan Still Photography Camera and one Tripod Stand.

4. LAN internet service with the speed upto 1 GBPS.