

In a bid to further strengthen the spirit of Nationalism and Patriotic feeling amongst youth and masses for wholehearted participation in nation building, the Journalism department of IKG -PTU organized a declamation and caption contest.
The topics of the competition were Patriotism, Unity in India, National Integration and Culture of India. Dr. Priyanka Mahajan, Assistant Professor of English performed the onerous job of adjudging the event.

In declamation contest, the first prize was won by Manpreet (MAJMC ) and Chirag (BAJMC). Santokh (MAJMC) and Ramanjot (BAJMC) stood second and consolation prize was secured by Riya (BAJMC). In caption contest, first prize was won by Manoj (MAJMC) and second by Ramnjot (BAJMC).

Dr.Ranbir Singh, Head of Department of JMC in his address stressed on the importance of organising the contests to strengthen the spirit of nationalism and patriotism amongst students. He further said on the eve of this momentous day, it is important that students should have the knowledge of our Constitution. Such competitions enhance the knowledge and confidence level of the students.

Dr.Ekta Sharma extended the vote of thanks and motivated students to participate more in future. Dr.Balbir Kumar, Assistant Professor, Mangla Sahni and Assistant Professor Shiva A.Raja were also present.