Title of paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal Year of publication ISSN number Link to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal
Characterization of RF-Sputtered ZnO Thin film Coatings on AluminIum (Al6061): Microstructure, Wettability, Cavitation, and Corrosion Analysis Sachin Jha, Vikrant Singh, Anuj Bansal*, Jagtar Singh, Anil Kumar Singla, Vijay Kumar, Deepak Kumar Goyal Mechanical Engineering Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials 2024 2251-2381 LINK
Cavitation Erosion Investigations of Hard Carbide and Nitride Based Novel Coatings Manufactured by Plasma Spraying Pallavi Sharma, Vikrant Singh, Anil Kumar Singla, Anuj Bansal*, Jonny Singla, Deepak Kumar Goyal Mechanical Engineering Tribology Transactions 2024 1547-397X LINK
Electrochemical behaviour of Ti6Al4V porous structures fabricated by powder metallurgy route Maninder Singh, Amoljit Singh Gill, Parneet Kaur Deol Mechanical Engineering Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering 2024 1847-9286 LINK
Investigation on Mechanical and Fracture Behavior of Magnesium Composite Reinforced With Hybrid Fly Ash Particulates Synthesized via Friction Stir Processing Route Prem Sagar, Sushma Sangwan, Amit Handa Mechanical Engineering Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology 2024 0094-4289 LINK
Enrichment in Fracture Ductility Tribological Characteristics of Magnesium-Based Nanocomposites Fabricated via Multi-pass Friction Stir Processing and Study of Significant Parameters Prem Sagar, Sushma Sangwan, Amit Handa Mechanical Engineering Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 2024 1059-9495 LINK
Modeling and Optimization of Turning Hastelloy C-276 under Sustainable Machining Environments Singh, Balkar, Sehijpal Singh, Vivek Aggarwal, and Gurpreet Singh Mechanical Engineering Solid State Phenomena  2024 1662-9779 LINK
Enhancing the performance of reinforced hydroxyapatite coatings through post coating treatment, Gursharan Singh, Manoj Mittal, Jujhar Singh, Amoljit Singh Gill, Durba Pal, Kumari Bhavya Mechanical Engg. Results In Surfaces and Interfaces 2024 2666-8459 LINK
Effect of processing conditions and electrode materials on the surface roughness of EDM-processed hybrid metal matrix composites Hardeep Singh, Jujhar Singh, Santosh Kumar Mechanical Engg. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 2024 2588-8404 LINK
A Five-Step Block Method Coupled with Symmetric Compact Finite Difference Scheme for Solving Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations Komalpreet Kaur, Gurjinder Singh, Daniele Ritelli Mathematics, IKGPTU-Main Campus Symmetry 2024 2073-8994 LINK
Compact finite difference schemes with high resolution characteristics and their applications to solve Burgers equation Higinio Ramos, Akansha Mehta, Gurjinder Singh Mathematics Computational and Applied Mathematics (Springer) 2024 1807-0302 LINK
Improved monthly streamflow prediction using integrated multivariate adaptive regression spline with K-means clustering: implementation of reanalyzed remote sensing data Ozgur Kisi, Salim Heddam, Kulwinder Singh Parmar, Zaheer Mundher Yaseen, Christoph Kulls Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 2024 1436-3259 LINK
Development of multi-forecasting model using Monte Carlo simulation coupled with wavelet denoising-ARIMA model Sarbjit Singh, Kulwinder Singh Parmar, Jatinder Kumar Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 2024 1872-7166 LINK
“Coping Mechanism Beyond Brand Forgiveness: Do Individual Personality Traits Matter Among Online Shoppers?” Upasana Seth, Harmeen Soch Management Studies Journal of Product and Brand Management 2024 1061-0421 LINK
“Regtech and Insurance Sector: An Opportunity to Explore” Batra, Dr. Roopali and Bansal, Dr.Sanjeev K. Management & Hospitality The Management Accountant ,Vol.59,No.06,June 2024, Pp.56-60. 2024 0972-3528 LINK
“Renewable Natural Capital and Energy for Sustainable Development in India: A Study of Pharmaceutical Industry in India” Adkonkar, Amol ,Angrish, Dr.Anil, K, Batra, Dr. Roopali and Bansal, Sanjeev K. Management & Hospitality The Management Accountant, Vol.58,No.10, October 2023, Pp.30-37. 2024 0972-3528 LINK
“Determinants of Payment Methods and Sources of Financing for Mergers and Acquisitions: Insights from M&A Deals of Pharmaceutical Companies in India” Mishra, Jyotsana, Angrish, Dr.Anil, K and Bansal, Sanjeev K. Management & Hospitality Chartered Secretary, Vol. 53, No. 08, August 2023, Pp.104-113. 2024 0972-1983 LINK
Print Media Coverage On Environmental Issues In Punjab: A Content Analysis Study Ekta Mahajan, Mangla Sahni Journalism & Mass Communication Educational Administration: Theory and Practice 2024 2148-2403 LINK
Multi head self-attention gated graph convolutional network based multi‑attack intrusion detection in MANET R Reka , R Karthick , R Saravana Ram , Gurkirpal Singh IKGPTU, MOHALI CAMPUS-II Computers & Security 2024 0167-4048 LINK
Electric Vehicle Smart Charging with network Expansion Planning Using Hybrid COA-CCG-DLNN Approach.. J Rahila, G Soundra Devi, A Radhika, Gurkirpal Singh IKGPTU, MOHALI CAMPUS-II Optimal Control Applications and methods 2024 0143-2087 , 1099-1514 LINK
An efficient hybrid technique for energy management system with renewable energy system and energy storage system in smart grid M.Jagadeesh Kumar ,T. Sampradeepraj , E. Sivajothi , Gurkirpal Singh IKGPTU, MOHALI CAMPUS-II Energy 2024 0360-5442 LINK
A hybrid approach based economic assessment EV charging station powered by integrating solar PV and biomass Edwin Deepak , Soni M , B. Rajani , Gurkirpal Singh  IKGPTU, MOHALI CAMPUS-II Journal of Energy Storage 2024 2352-152X , 2352-1538 LINK
Carbon Footprint Analysis of Cement Production in India Sunita Kumari , Saurabh Jaglan , Arti Chouksey , Rinku Walia , Aman Ahlawat , Atul Garg , Manvendra Verma Civil Engg, IKGPTU Hoshiarpur Campus EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy 2024 2189-0420 LINK
Multivibrators operated anti-islanding protection scheme with frequency and voltage control for a utility-grid integrated SPV/battery energy system Harvinder Singh, Akhil Gupta and Surbhi Gupta Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 2024 1005: 9113 LINK
Load-frequency and voltage control for power quality enhancement in a SPV/wind utility-tied system using GA & PSO optimization S Kumar, Akhil Gupta and RK Bindal Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Results in Control and Optimization 2024 2666-7207 LINK
Power quality investigation of a grid tied hybrid energy system using a D-STATCOM control and grasshopper optimization technique S Kumar, Akhil Gupta and RK Bindal Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Results in Control and Optimization 2024 2666-7207 LINK
Estimating optimal location of STATCOM and minimization of congestion cost by locational marginal price using flower pollination, and particle swarm optimization techniques Gagandeep Kaur, and Akhil Gupta Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 2024 1005: 9113 LINK
Technological aspects, utilization and impact on power system for distributed generation: A comprehensive survey Preeti Rani, Ved Parkash Arora & Naveen Kumar Sharma  Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2024 1364-0321 LINK
Detection and classification of multiple PQ event using MWT and K-NN classifier Bharat Bhushan Sharma, Manoj Mathur, Vijay Mohan, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Anuj Banshwar Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus CNRE 2022 AIP Conference Proceedings 2024 0094-243X LINK
Acoustic perception of low and high frequency with noise Anuj Banshwar, Bharat Bhushan Sharma, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Bharti Panjwani, Satvir Singh, Yagya Prakash Arya Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus CNRE 2022 AIP Conference Proceedings 2024 0094-243X LINK
Thermal unit commitment using evolutionary programming Sukhpal Singh; Yadwinder Singh Brar Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus AIP Conf. Proc 2024 0094-243X LINK
A polarization-insensitive
metamaterial absorber for moisture-sensing applications of agriculture products
Harbinder Singh, Atipriya Sharma, Amit Gupta, Ankur Singhal, ECE Microwave and
Optical Technology Letters
2024 0895-2477 LINK
A compact artificial bee colony metaheuristic for global optimization problems Palvinder Singh Mann; Shailesh D. Panchal; Satvir Singh; Simran Kaur ECE Expert Systems 2024 0266-4720 LINK
Effect of biaxial strain on electronic and optical properties of vertically stacked HfS2/HfSe2 heterostructures Neha Kapila Sharma, Vivek Mahajan, Rajendra Adhikari, Hitesh Sharma Physical Sciences IKGPTU. Physica Scripta 2024 1402-4896 LINK
Enhancing the performance of reinforced hydroxyapatite coatings through post coating treatment Gursharan Singh, Manoj Mittal, Jujhar Singh, Amoljit Singh Gill, Durba Pal, Kumari Bhavya Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Results in Surfaces and Interfaces 2024 2666-8459 LINK
Electrochemical behaviour of Ti6Al4V porous structures fabricated by powder metallurgy route: Original scientific paper Maninder Singh, Amoljit Singh Gill, Parneet Kaur Deol Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering 2024 1847-9286 LINK
Fabrication of drug-loaded graded porous Ti6Al4V structures for load-bearing biomedical applications Maninder Singh, Amoljit Singh Gill, Parneet Kaur Deol, Anupam Agrawal Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Materials Research 2024 2044-5326 LINK
Evaluating the dynamic characteristics of microwave-casted metal matrix composite material by using experimental modal analysis Sahil Nandwani, Sachit Vardhan, Shashi Bahl, Adarsh Kumar Yadav, Rahul Samyal, Ashok Kumar Bagha Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering 2024 0954-4089 LINK
Effects of nano filler powder during microwave-based joining of SS304 butt joints Sony Salot, Shankar Sehgal, BS Pabla, Harmesh Kumar, Chander Prakash, Shashi Bahl, Kuldeep K Saxena Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering 2024 0954-4089 LINK
A comparative analysis of 3D woven honeycomb-based aircrew helmet liners against Nomex and Aluminum alternatives Omender Singh, Bijoy Kumar Behera, Nitin Thakur, Shashi Bahl Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Physica Scripta 2024 1402-4896 LINK
Optimisation of cutting parameters during turning of 16MnCr5 steel using Taguchi technique Swapnil Agarwal, Rajiv Suman, Shashi Bahl, Abid Haleem, Mohd Javaid, Munesh Kumar Sharma, Chander Prakash, Shankar Sehgal, Piyush Singhal Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 2024 1955-2505 LINK
The Role of Fintech in Promoting Financial Inclusion to Achieve Sustainable Development: An Integrated Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Literature Review Kishor, K., Bansal, Sanjeev.K. & Kumar, R Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of the Knowledge Economy 2024 1868-7865 LINK
Exploring the profile of green consumers: Role of demographics and factors influencing green purchase behavior Pooja Mehta, Harpreet Singh Chahal Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Business and Society Review 2024 Online ISSN:1467-8594, Print ISSN:0045-3609 LINK
Coping mechanism beyond brand forgiveness: do individual personality traits matter among online shoppers Upasana Seth and Harmeen Soch Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Product & Brand Management 2024 1061-0421 LINK
Investigating the Relationship Between Perceived Organisational Support and Employee Engagement in Public Universities: Moderating Impact of Gender and Designation Pooja Mehta, Harleen Kaur Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Public Administration 2024 0190-0692 LINK
Federated learning: a comprehensive review of recent advances and applications Harmandeep Kaur, Veenu Rani, Munish Kumar, Monika Sachdeva, Ajay Mittal, Krishan Kumar Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Multimed Tools Appl 83, 54165–54188 (2024). 2024 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-17737-0 LINK
Synthesis and characterization of a xanthene-based molecular probe to detect triphosgene in solution and vapor phases Bhanu Priya, Naresh Kumar and Roopa Department of Chemistry Journal of Molecular Structure 2024 0022-2860 LINK
Xanthene-based fluorescence turn-on detection of phosgene via analyte-triggered isocyanate formation Bhanu Priya, Naresh Kumar and Roopa Department of Chemistry New Journal of Chemistry 2024 1144-0546 LINK
Cheap and Effective potentiometric sensor for the determination of imidazolium based ionic liquids in aqueous and aqua-organic media Neha Sharma, Reshu Sanan Department of Chemistry Journal of Ionic Liquids 2024 Online ISSN: 2772-4220 LINK
Self-supervised learning for medical image analysis: a comprehensive review Veenu Rani, Munish Kumar, Aastha Gupta, Monika Sachdeva, Ajay Mittal, Krishan Kumar Computer Science and Engineering. IKGPTU Mohali Campus-1 Evolving Systems 2024 1868-6486 LINK
An eco‐friendly, sustainable, and greener approach to the synthesis of Dihydroquinazolin‐4(1H)‐ones using a deep eutectic solvent Gobind Kumar, Pule Seboletswe, Neha Manhas, Parvesh Singh, Gaurav Bhargava, Jaspreet Kaur Rajput, Rupesh Kumar Chemistry Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry 2024 1943-5193 LINK
Unlocking InhA: Novel approaches to inhibit Mycobacterium tuberculosis Simranpreet K Wahan, Gaurav Bhargava, Viney Chawla, Pooja A Chawla Chemistry Bioorganic Chemistry 2024 1090-2120 LINK
Structural and bioactive investigation of Sr and Sr-Zr doped hydroxyapatite: A Comparative study Ravinder Kumar Chadha, kanchan L.Singh, Chetan Sharma, Anirudh P.Singh, Vandana Naithani Chemistry Material Chemistry and Physics 2024 0254-0584 LINK
A facile, regio and diastereoselective synthesis of functionalized azetidin-2-ones: Cu (I) mediated Kinugasa reaction of functionalized nitrones with acetylenic alcohols Priyanka Sharma, Dinesh Mahajan, Vipan Kumar, Rupesh Kumar, Gaurav Bhargava Chemistry Synthetic Communications  2024 1532-2432 LINK
Butadienyl Ketene: An Unexplored Intermediate in Organic Synthesis Maninderjeet K. Mann, Simranpreet K. Wahan, Nitin Tandon, Gaurav Bhargava Chemistry SynOpen 2024 2509-9396 LINK
Density functional study on highly energetic organic azides with empirical formula Cn(N3)m Tnu Mahajan, Gaurav Bhargava, Hitesh Sharma Chemistry International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 2024 1097-461X LINK
Cheap and effective potentiometric PVC sensor for the determination of imidazolium based ionic liquids in aqueous and aqua-organic media Neha Sharma, Reshu Sanan Chemistry Journal of Ionic Liquids 2024 2772-4220 LINK
A Facile and One-pot synthesis of Pyrimidone-Thiazolidin-4-one bifunctional hybrids Rayees A. Naikoo, Rupesh Kumar, Gaurav Bhargava Chemistrty Journal of Sulfur Chemistry, Accepted, 2024. 2024 1741-5993 LINK
A Rapid and Environmentally-Friendly Synthesis of Thiazolidinone Analogues in Deep Eutectic Solvent Complemented with Computational Studies Gobind Kumar, Gaurav Bhargava, Neha Minhas, Pule Seboletswe, Sanjeev Dhawan, Rupesh Kumar, Parvesh Singh Chemistrty ChemistryOpen, Accepted, 2024. 2024 2191-1363 LINK
Ultrasound Assisted Solvent-Free Approach For The Synthesis Of 4-Thiazolidinone Derivatives Simranpreet K. Wahan, Pooja A. Chawla, Rupesh Kumar, Nitin Tandon and Gaurav Bhargava Chemistrty Journal of Sulfur Chemistry
2024, 45 (6), 941-949.
2024 1741-5993 LINK
A Facile, Regio and Diastereoselective Synthesis of functionalized Azetidin-2-ones: Cu(I) mediated Kinugasa Reaction of functionalized Nitrones with Acetylenic alcohols Priyanka Sharma, Dinesh Mahajan, Vipan Kumar, Rupesh Kumar, and Gaurav Bhargava Chemistrty Synthetic Communications, Accepted, 2024. 2024 0039-7911 LINK
Advancements in Visible-Light-Induced Oxidation of Aromatic Alcohols: Insights into Photo-redox transformative Pathways Gobind Kumar, Gaurav Bhargava, Sanjay Kumar, Jaspreet Kaur Rajput, Baljinder Singh Gill, Parvesh Singh, Rupesh Kumar Chemistrty Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2024, 563, 121935. 2024 1873-3255 LINK
Biogenic Synthesis of Nanoparticles using Microbes and Plants: Mechanisms and Multifaceted Applications Muskan Bokolia, Deepanjali Baliyan, Ajay Kumar, Riyapi Das, Rupesh Kumar,* Baljinder Singh Chemistrty International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2024, Accepted. 2024 0306-7319 LINK
An eco-friendly, sustainable, and greener approach to the synthesis of dihydroquinazolin-4(1h)-ones using a deep eutectic solvent Gobind Kumar, Pule Seboletswe, Neha Manhas, Parvesh Singh, Gaurav Bhargava, Jaspreet Kaur Rajput, Rupesh Kumar Chemistrty Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 2024, 61(2), 347-357. 2024 1943-5193 LINK
Sciene Fiction Sarabjit Singh Humanities Languages & Cultural Studies Samvad 2024 2395-1273 LINK
Effect of burnishing on HVOF coated boiler steel against hot corrosion in actual boiler environment Atul Agnihotri, Sukhminderbir Singh Kalsi & Harmesh Kansal Mechanical Engineering Surface Engineering 2023 1743-2944 LINK
Study of burnishing effect on the thermal spray coatings Agnihotri A, Kalsi SBS, Kansal H. Mechanical Engineering Materials Physics and Mechanics 2023 1605-8119 LINK
“Sustainable development in cold gas dynamic spray coating process for biomedical application: challenges and future perspective review” Harpinder Singh Sandhu, Deepam Goyal, Ankit Sharma, Tarun Goyal, Sapna Jarial, Anuranjan Sharda, Mechanical Engineering International Journal on Interactive design and manufacturing 2023 19552513 LINK
Influence of post heat treatment on metallurgical, mechanical, and corrosion analysis of wire arc additive manufactured inconel 625 Himanshu Sharma, Jonny Singla, Vikrant Singh, Jagtar Singh, Hitesh Kumar, Anuj Bansal, Anil Kumar Singla*, Deepak Kumar Goyal, Munish Kumar Gupta Mechanical Engineering Journal of Materials Research and Technology 2023 2214-0697 LINK
Sliding wear study of WC-10Co4Cr clad on SS-316 using microwave energy Paramjit Singh, Deepak Kumar Goyal and Amit Bansal* Mechanical Engineering Physica Scripta 2023 1402-4896 LINK
Slurry Erosion Behavior of Ni-Al and Fe-Cr Coatings Deposited by Arc Wire Spray (AWS) on Hydro Machinery SS316 Steel Rajat Vipra, Vikrant Singh, Indraj Singh, Ankita Omer, Anuj Bansal, Jonny Singla, Anil Kumar Singla, Akash Tiwari, Deepak Kumar Goyal* Mechanical Engineering Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 2023 1059-9495 LINK
Slurry Erosion Behavior of Hogonas+ 50% WC Cladded SS304 Steel Prepared using Variable Laser Cladding Parameters Sarpreet Singh, Anuj Bansal, Parlad Kumar, Deepak Kumar Goyal* Mechanical Engineering International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 2023 0263-4368 LINK
Development, characterization, and cavitation erosion analysis of high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) sprayed TiC and (70Cu-30Ni)-Cr based composite coatings on SS316 steel Rampal, Anil Kumar Singla, Anuj Bansal, Vikrant Singh, Navneet Khanna, Deepak Kumar Goyal*, Jonny Singla, Satish Tailor Mechanical Engineering Tribology International 2023 0301-679X LINK
Exploring the mechanical, metallurgical, and fracture characteristics of hybrid reinforced magnesium metal matrix composite synthesized via friction stir processing route Prem Sagar, Amit Handa Mechanical Engineering Proc IMechE Part L: J Materials: Design and Applications 2023 1464-4207  LINK
Synergistic effect of hybrid reinforcement on magnesium-based composites for enriching mechanical and tribological characteristics Prem Sagar ,Sanjeev K Khanna, Rade Vignjevic and Amit Handa Mechanical Engineering Proc IMechE Part E: J Process Mechanical Engineering 2023 0954-4089 LINK
The Comparative Effect of Wire Electrodes on Wire Breakage Frequency and Cutting Rate in WEDM of Inconel 706 Parshad, Jwala, Vivek Aggarwal, and Neelkanth Grover Mechanical Engineering MM Science Journal 2023 1803-1269 LINK
An Efficient Non-Standard Numerical Scheme Coupled with a Compact Finite Difference Method to Solve the One-Dimensional Burgers’ Equation Komalpreet Kaur, Gurjinder Singh Mathematics, IKGPTU-Main Campus Axioms 2023 2075-1680 LINK
Development of a Higher-Order 𝒜-Stable Block Approach with Symmetric Hybrid Points and an Adaptive Step-Size Strategy for Integrating Differential Systems Efficiently Rajat Singla, Gurjinder Singh, Higinio Ramos, Vinay Kanwar Mathematics, IKGPTU-Main Campus Symmetry 2023 2073-8994 LINK
Development of a Higher-Order A-Stable Block Approach with Symmetric Hybrid Points and an Adaptive Step-Size Strategy for Integrating Differential Systems Efficiently Rajat Singla, Gurjinder Singh, Higinio Ramos, Vinay Kanwar Mathematics Symmetry 2023 2073-8994 LINK
Autoregressive models in environmental forecasting time series: a theoretical and application review Jatinder Kaur, Kulwinder Singh Parmar, Sarbjit Singh Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2023 1614-7499 LINK
Development of a mathematical model to forecast black carbon concentration using ARIMA and soft computing Jatinder Kaur, Sarbjit Singh, Kulwinder Singh Parmar, Kirti Soni Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Arabian Journal of Geosciences 2023 1866-7538 LINK
Modeling significant wave heights for multiple time horizons using metaheuristic regression methods Rana Muhammad Adnan Ikram, Xinyi Cao, Kulwinder Singh Parmar, Ozgur Kisi, Shamsuddin Shahid, Mohammad Zounemat-Kermani Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Mathematics 2023 2227-7390 LINK
Forecasting of AQI (PM2.5) for the three most polluted cities in India during COVID-19 by hybrid Daubechies discrete wavelet decomposition and autoregressive … Jatinder Kaur, Sarbjit Singh, Kulwinder Singh Parmar Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2023 1614-7499 LINK
Water quality prediction of the yamuna river in India using hybrid neuro-fuzzy models Ozgur Kisi, Kulwinder Singh Parmar, Amin Mahdavi-Meymand, Rana Muhammad Adnan, Shamsuddin Shahid, Mohammad Zounemat-Kermani Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Water 2023 2073-4441 LINK
Financialization and Dynamics of Currency Futures Market during COVID-19: Evidence from India Adish Kumar and Kapil Gupta Management Studies Copernican Journal of Finance and Accounting 2023 e-ISSN 2300-3065 p-ISSN 2300-1240 LINK
Examining the Relationship between Management Quality Certifications and Long-run Performance of Initial Public Offerings: A Study of Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI) Sector in India Balpreet Singh and Kapil Gupta Management Studies International Journal of Business and Globalisation 2023 Online 1753-3635 Print 1753-3627 LINK
A Bibliometric Analysis on Financialization: Current Status and Future Directions Adish Kumar and Kapil Gupta Management Studies Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research 2023  2277-2146 LINK
Optimal Hedge Ratio and Hedge Effectiveness of Equity and Currency Futures Contracts: Evidence from NSE Mandeep Kaur and Kapil Gupta Management Studies Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research 2023  2277-2146 LINK
Stock Behavior of Acquirer Firms in Hospitality Sector around Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Announcements: Evidence from India Pinky Mall and Kapil Gupta Management Studies JOHAR – Journal of Hospitality Application and Research 2023 0973-4538 LINK
Longitudinal effects of high-performance work practices on job performance via person–job fit Harleen Kaur & Rajpreet Kaur Management The Bottom Line 2023 0888-045X LINK
Student’s Civic Engagement in University Co-Curricular Activities- A Study Harish B Bapat,Amita B Patel,Jitendera kumar B Patel,U Priya,Gurkirpal Singh IKGPTU, MOHALI CAMPUS-II Journal of Harbin Engineering University 2023 1006-7043 LINK
The Influence of Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives on Employee Retention: A Cross-Industry Analysis Jaya Ganesan, Somasekhar Donthu,Meena Sunildutt Sharma, Sneha Jha, Gurkirpal Singh IKGPTU, MOHALI CAMPUS-II Journal of Harbin Engineering University 2023 1006-7043 LINK
Ultra-sensitive detection and scavenging of arsenic ions and ciprofloxacin using 3D multipurpose hemicellulose based aerogel: Adsorption mechanism and RSM optimization Kavita Sharma, Manpreet Kaur, Preeti Tewatia, Vijay Kumar, Christian Paulik, Hideaki Yoshitake, Mukta Sharma, Gaurav Rattan, Sonal Singhal, Anupama Kaushik IKGPTU Mohali Campus-II Bioresource Technology 389(9):129825 2023 ISSN 0960-8524 LINK
Assessing Landslide Susceptibility along India’s National Highway 58: A Comprehensive Approach Integrating Remote Sensing, GIS, and Logistic Regression Analysis Mukta Sharma, Ritambhara K. Upadhyay, Gaurav Tripathi, Naval Kishore, Achala Shakya,
Gowhar Meraj, Shruti Kanga, Suraj Kumar Singh, Pankaj Kumar, Brian Alan Johnson et al.
IKGPTU Mohali Campus-II Conservation
3, 444–459. https://doi.org/10.3390/ MDPI
2023 2653-7159 LINK
Advancement in Geospatial technologies for soil and crop analysis: A review Bhartendu Sajan, Suraj Kumar Singh, Shruti Kanga, Mukta Sharma, Ritambhara K. Upadhyay and Gaurav Tripathi IKGPTU Mohali Campus-II Journal of Soils and Crops 2023 2582-2756 LINK
Examine Students’ Depression Levels Before Enrolling in Medical College Jetal J. Panchal, Hitesh P. Patel, Md.Mazharunnisa, Suman Singh, Gurkirpal Singh IKGPTU Mohali Campus-II Journal of Harbin Engineering University 2023 1006-7043 LINK
Climate Change Mitigation: Innovative Strategies and Policies in the 21st Century Radhika CA, More Rutuja Sanjay, Gurkirpal Singh ,Rajat Garg,P Sumalatha IKGPTU Mohali Campus-II Journal of Harbin Engineering University 2023 1006-7043 LINK
Urban Sprawl Mapping in the Area of Bathinda city Shamita garg, Anmol Garg, Rinku Walia, MK Kaushik and Abhishek Gupta IKGPTU Hoshiarpur Campus International Journal of science, Mathematics and technology Learning 2023 2327-7971 LINK
Fault Diagnosis For Oil Immersed Transformer Using Certainty Factor Kulraj Kaur, Deepika Bhalla JashandeepSingh Electrical Engineering. IKGPTU Main Campus, Kapurthala IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation., 2023 1070-9878 / 1558-4135 LINK
Implementation of an anti-windup control under partial shading for a photovoltaic grid interfaced system Harvinder Singh, Surbhi Gupta and Akhil Gupta Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 2023 17551315 LINK
Control of Dynamic Performance Through Feedback Converter SSC In Grid Integrated Wind Energy System Preeti Rani, Ved Parkash Arora & Naveen Kumar Sharma  Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Distributed Generation and Alternative Energy Journal 2023 2156-3306 LINK
Development of a cost-effective optical network based on free space optical (FSO) and optical fiber links for enabling smart city infrastructure: A hybrid approach Harjeevan Singh,, Rajan Miglani,
Nitin Mittal, Harbinder Singh, Jaspinder Kaur, Amit Gupta
ECE Optical Fiber Technology 2023 1068-5200 LINK
Analytical Solution for Ginzburg-Landau equation in Discrete Solitons Laser Arrays Lattices via Non Perturbation Methods Monika Rani, Vikramjeet Singh, Rakesh Goyal ECE Photonic Network Communications 2023 1387-974X LINK
Real-time linear antenna array synthesis of
broadside pattern using improved dwarf mongoose optimization algorithm
Harbinder Singh, Simrandeep Singh, Amit Gupta ECE Telecommunication System 2023 1018-4864 LINK
Impact of Scintillation Effect on Clear Weather and
Fog Conditions using MDM-WDM Modulation Technique
Anuranjana, Sanmukh Kaur, Rakesh Goyal ECE Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2023 1742-6588 LINK
Improved metaheuristic based cluster scheduling
for unmanned aerial vehicles
Palvinder Singh Mann, Shailesh D. Panchal, Satvir Singh ECE Wireless personal Communication 2023 0929-6212 LINK
Investigating 6,7 Li – induced reactions on 235,238U through a collective clusterization approach Rupinder Kaur,Birbikram Singh,Maninder Kaur, M.K.Sharma, PushpendarPal Singh Physical Sciences IKGPTU Physical Review C 2023 2469-9993 LINK
Evolution of the valence state of Ru metal ions in correlation with the structural and electronic properties of double perovskite ruthenates; A2SmRuO6 (where A = Ba & Sr), Sahil Dani, Rabia Pandit, Hitesh Sharma, A. Arya, R.J. Choudhary, Navdeep Goyal, Jarnail Singh and Rakesh Kumar, Physical Sciences IKGPTU J. Mater. Chem. C 2023 2050-7534 LINK
Ultralow thermal conductivity of W-Janus bilayers (WXY: X, Y = S, Se, and Te) for thermoelectric devices† Neha Kapila Sharma, Vivek Mahajan, Rajendra Adhikari, Hitesh Sharma Physical Sciences IKGPTU Nanoscale 2023 nan LINK
Theoretical Investigation of Substitutionally Doped Symmetrical Finite Phenine Nanotubes Amrish Sharma, Sandeep Kaur, Hitesh Sharma and Isha Mudahar, Physical Sciences IKGPTU Physica Scripta Phys. 2023 1402-4896 LINK
Synthetic polymer based electrospun scaffolds for wound healing applications Amoljit Singh Gill, Muskan Sood, Parneet Kaur Deol, Indu Pal Kaur Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 2023 2588-8943 LINK
A numerical study on high-velocity impact behaviour of ceramic composite laminates Nitin Thakur, Pramod Kumar, Rabinder Singh Bharj, Shashi Bahl, Omender Singh, Prince Sharma Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Physica Scripta 2023 1402-4896 LINK
Behavioural Investigation of Hardness Profile for Dissimilar TIG-Weldment between P22 and P91 Steels Bikram Jit Singh, Srihari Palli, Parmod Kumar, Shashi Bahl Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems 2023 0975-3060 LINK
Strategic Optimization of Post Weld Heat Treatment for Dissimilar TIG Weldment of P22 and P91 Steels Bikram Jit Singh, Azad Duppala, Parmod Kumar, Ravish Arora, Shashi Bahl Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems 2023 0975-3060 LINK
Ride Behaviour of Three-Wheel Vehicle using Semi-Active Suspension using Skyhook Control Strategy Rakesh Chandmal Sharma, Sono Bhardawaj, Sunil Kumar Sharma, Shashi Bahl Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems 2023 0975-3060 LINK
Modeling of a two-axle rail vehicle for state estimation, Noise & Vibration Worldwide Rakesh Chandmal Sharma, Sono Bhardawaj, LVV Gopala Rao, Shashi Bahl Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Noise & Vibration Worldwide 2023 9574565 LINK
Forecasting annual natural gas consumption in USA: Application of machine learning techniques- ANN and SVM, Sanjeet Singh, Pooja Bansal, Mosharrof Hosen, Sanjeev K. Bansal, Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Resources Policy 2023 0301-4207 LINK
Direct and Mediating Effects of Work Engagement on Organizational Commitment – A Conceptual Framework Harleen Kaur and Pooja Mehta Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Business Excellence 2023 ISSN: 1756-0055 LINK
Far More Than Just Flying! Role of Airline Brand Experience in Shaping Brand Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty Harleen Pabla and Harmeen Soch Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 2023 1477-5212 LINK
Examining the Relationship between Management Quality Certifications and Long-run Performance of Initial Public Offerings: A Study of Banking, Financial Services and Insurance Balpreet Singh and Kapil Gupta Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Business and Globalisation 2023 1753-3635 LINK
Differential Effect of Demographics on Employees’ Perception towards CSR: Empirical Evidences from Indian Banking Sector Deepali Soni and Pooja Mehta Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Pacific Business Review International 2023 ISSN: 0974-438X LINK
Up in the air! Airline passenger’s brand experience and its impact on brand satisfaction mediated by brand love Harleen Pabla and Harmeen Soch Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Air Transport Management 2023 0969-6997 LINK
A xanthene-based probe with dual reaction sites enables fluorescence turn-on detection of thiophenol in an aqueous medium Bhanu Priya, Naresh Kumar, Deepak Mishra and Roopa Department of Chemistry New Journal of Chemistry 2023 1144-0546 LINK
Reaction-based fluorescent detection of diamines via tuning the probe aggregation Bhanu Priya, Naresh Kumar and Roopa Department of Chemistry Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 2023 1010-6030 LINK
Optimizing Deep Learning Model Parameters Using Socially Implemented IoMT Systems for Diabetic Retinopathy Classification Problem Ashima Kukkar , Dinesh Gupta, Shehab Mohamed Beram , Mukesh Soni, Nikhil Kumar Singh, Ashutosh Sharma , Rahul Neware , Mohammad Shabaz , and Ali Rizwan CSE IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL SOCIAL SYSTEMS 2023 2329-924X LINK
The power of deep learning for intelligent tumor classification systems: A review Chandni, M Sachdeva, AKS Kushwaha – Computer Science and Engineering. IKGPTU Mohali Campus-1 COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 2023 0045-7906 / 1879-0755 LINK
Effective Brain Tumor Image Classification using Deep Learning Chandni, M Sachdeva, AKS Kushwaha – Computer Science and Engineering. IKGPTU Mohali Campus-1 National Academy Science Letters, 2023 2023 2250-1754 LINK
Quantum behaved Intelligent Variant of Gravitational Search Algorithm with Deep Neural Networks for Human Activity Recognition S Jindal, M Sachdeva, AKS Kushwaha – Kuwait Journal of Science, 2023 Computer Science and Engineering. IKGPTU Mohali Campus-1 Kuwait Journal of Science, 2023 2307-4108 / 2307-4116 LINK
Bagging: An Ensemble Approach for Recognition of Handwritten Place Names in Gurumukhi Script Harmandeep Kaur, Munish Kumar, Aastha Gupta, Monika Sachdeva, Ajay Miittal, Krishan Kumar Computer Science and Engineering. IKGPTU Mohali Campus-1 ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information 2023 2375-4699 / 2375-4702 LINK
Trio Role of Deep Eutectic Solvents in the Green Synthesis of 1,4-Dihydropyridine Synthesis via Hantzsch Reaction Gobind Kumar, Gaurav Bhargava, Rupesh Kumar Chemistry Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 2023 1563-5333 LINK
A Facile, Mechanochemical, Solvent-, and Catalyst-Free Synthesis of Functionalized 4-Thiazolidinones Simranpreet K Wahan, Pooja A Chawla, Parvesh Singh, Rupesh Kumar, Gaurav Bhargava Chemistry SynOpen 2023 2509-9396 LINK
Recent Developments in the Transformation of 3-amino-2-azetidinones Priyanka Sharma, Rashmi Sharma, Vipan Kumar, Parvesh Singh, Gaurav Bhargava Chemistry Current Organic Chemistry 2023 1385-2728 LINK
A Computational Study on the Structural Prediction of InhA Inhibitors as Antimycobacterial Agents Simranpreet K Wahan, Shelly Pathania, Pooja A Chawla, Gaurav Bhargava Chemistry Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 2023 1563-5333 LINK
Chlorophyll: A Greener Catalyst in Synthetic Transformations Simranpreet K Wahan, Gaurav Bhargava, Pooja A Chawla Chemistry SynOpen 2023 2509-9396 LINK
Diastereo-and π-Facially Selective Hetero-Diels Alder Cycloaddition Reactions of 3-Butadienyl-2-Azetidinones with Diazo-Dienophiles Maninderjeet Kaur Mann, Rashmi Sharma, Pooja Chawla, Rupesh Kumar, Gaurav Bhargava Chemistry Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 2023 1563-5333 LINK
Harnessing click chemistry for the discovery of fluorescent materials Simranpreet K Wahan, Gaurav Bhargava, Pooja A Chawla Chemistry Dyes and Pigments 2023  0143-7208 LINK
Removal of Organic Dyes and Endocrine Disrupter by Nanocomposite of Ag(0)-Fe(0)/Fe3O4@GO Synthesized using a Facial Green Technique Employing Camellia sinensis Leaf Extract Sarabprit Singh, Daljit Singh, Avneesh Kumar, Rupesh Kumar, Baljinder Singh and Sukhjeet Kaur Chemistrty Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2023, 14(6), 1729–1733. 2023 0976-1675 LINK
Highly Regioselective 6-exo-dig Iodo/Bromo Cyclizations of functionalized 5-amino propargyl Pyrimidinones: An Efficient Synthesis of Functionalized Pteridines Rayees Naikoo, Rupesh Kumar, Rashmi Sharma, Dinesh Mahajan, Gaurav Bhargava Chemistrty RSC advances, 2023, 13, 31891-31896 2023 2046-2069 LINK
A facile, mechanochemical, solvent and catalyst-free synthesis of functionalized 4-thiazolidinones Simranpreet K. Wahan, Pooja A. Chawla, Parvesh Singh, Rupesh Kumar, Gaurav Bhargava Chemistrty SynOpen, 2023; 07(04): 615-618 2023 2509-9396 LINK
Diastereo- and π-facially selective Hetero-Diels Alder cycloaddition reactions of 3-butadienyl-2-azetidinones with diazo-dienophiles Maninderjeet Kaur Mann, Rashmi Sharma, Pooja Chawla, Rupesh Kumar and Gaurav Bhargava Chemistrty Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 2023, Accepted 2023 1040-6638 LINK
Study of morphological aspects in the efficient adsorptive removal of heavy metal ions using graphene oxide-chitosan based magnetic nanocomposite (0.4Fe0x:6x@GCS) Monika Thakur, Jaspreet Kaur Rajput, Rupesh Kumar Chemistrty Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances, 2023, 11, 100362 2023 2772-4166 LINK
Deep eutectic solvents with ultrasonic energy as an environmentally benign and green approach for the synthesis of bisthioglycolic acid derivatives Gobind Kumar, Parvesh Singh, Gaurav Bhargava, Baljinder Singh Gill, Jaspreet Kaur Rajput, Rupesh Kumar Chemistrty Journal of Sulfur Chemistry
2023, 44(6), 751-761
2023 1741-5993 LINK
Morphological and structural analysis of Fe/Sn bimetal system and graphene oxide~chitosan modified Fe/Sn composite – A comparative study and their mechanistic role in degradative fixation of chlorazol black and reactive blue 4 from water Monika Thakur, Harminder Singh, Jaspreet Kaur Rajput, Rupesh Kumar Chemistrty Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms & Catalysis, 2023, 136, 689–711 2023 1878-5204 LINK
A new entrant in ketene family: Generation of 2-(3-Oxo-allyl)-isoindole-1,3-dione and their [4+2] cycloadditions with 1,3-diazabuta-1,3-dienes Rayees Ahmad Naikoo, Rashmi Sharma, Rupesh Kumar, Gaurav Bhargava Chemistrty Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2023, 12(2). 2023 2193-5815 LINK
Synthesis and Characterization of Graphene Oxide and Chitosan Decorated Nano Zerovalent Iron for Efficient Adsorptive Removal of Hazardous Azo Dye from Aqueous Medium Monika Thakur and Rupesh Kumar Chemistrty Asian Journal of Chemistry
35(1), 173-178, 2023
2023 0975-427X LINK
Groundwater Potential Zone Mapping in the Ghaggar River Basin, North-West India, Using Integrated Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques Upadhyay, Ritambhara K., Gaurav Tripathi, Bojan Đurin, Sanja Šamanović, Naval Kishore, Mukta Sharma et.al ARCHITECTURE (IKGPTU, MOHALI CAMPUS-II) Water 15, no. 5: 961 2023 ISSN: 2073-4441 LINK
Tethering cellulose fibers with disulphide linkages for rapid and efficient adsorption of mercury ions and dye from wastewater: Adsorption mechanism and process optimization using RSM Manpreet Kaur(a) , Vijay Kumar a , Kavita Sharma a , Sumant Saini b , Mukta Sharma c , Christian Paulik d , Hideaki Yoshitake e , Gaurav Rattan f , Anupama Kaushik a,f,* ARCHITECTURE (IKGPTU, MOHALI CAMPUS-II) Separation and Purification Technology 2023 ISSN 1383-5866 LINK
Geotechnical Data Analysis and Correlation Development for Sandy Soils – A Case Study using GIS, AIP Chauhan, R., Chander, P., and Kumar, R. Civil Engineering AIP Conf. Proc 2023 1741-8100 LINK
Influence of irradiation and addition of antioxidants on the oxidation stability of Jatropha, Pongamia, and Tectona Grandis biodiesels Meetu Singh, Neerja Sharma, Amit Sarin, Sujeet Kesharvani, Chandrabhushan Tiwari, Tikendra Nath Verma & Gaurav Dwivedi Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus International Journal of Ambient Energy 2022 0143-0750 LINK
Dosimetry of indoor alpha flux belonging to seasonal radon, thoron and their EECs Anjali Kaushal, Manish Joshi, Amit Sarin, Navjeet Sharma Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2022 0167-6369 LINK
Computing outer inverse-based solutions to the Yang-Baxter-like matrix equation Ashim Kumar, Dijana Mosic, Predrag S. Stanimirovic, Gurjinder Singh Mathematics, IKGPTU-Main Campus Mathematics 2022 2227-7390 LINK
A ComparativeStudyof Life Cycle Assessment for Sustainable Concrete Mixes Sunita Kumari and Rinku Walia IKGPTU Hoshiarpur Campus JOURNAL OF MA TERIALS AND EN GINEERING STRUCTURES 2022 2170-127X LINK
Life cycle assessment of sustainable concrete by utilizing groundnut husk ash in concrete Sunita Kumari and Rinku Walia IKGPTU Hoshiarpur Campus Material today proceeding 2022 2214-7853 LINK
Coupled Field Magnetostatic Analysis for Free Buckling in Double Layer Helical Winding of a Distribution Transformer Vibhuti Rehalia, Deepika Bhalla, and Genius Walia Electrical Engineering. IKGPTU Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Performability Engineering 2022 2993-8341 / 0973-1318 LINK
Performance investigation of solar-wind based grid-connected hybrid system under nonlinear load condition Preeti Rani, Ved Parkash Arora & Naveen Kumar Sharma  Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus 2022 1st international conference on sustainable technology for power and energy systems (STPES) 2022 nan LINK
Modeling and sensitivity analysis of grid-connected hybrid green microgrid system, Sumit Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Mohit Bajaj, Hossam M. Zawbaa, Rania A. Turky, Salah Kamel Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Ain Shams Engineering Journal 2022 2090-4479 LINK
A Topological Advancement Review of Magnetically Coupled Impedance Source Network Configurations Arvind Yadav, Subhash Chandra, Mohit Bajaj, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Emad M. Ahmed, and Salah Kamel Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Sustainability 2022 2071-1050 LINK
DGA-Based Health Assessment of a 20 MVA Power Transformer Sharma N. K., Banshwar A., Sharma B.B., Pathak M., Kumar S Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer 2022 978-981-16-2794-1 LINK
An Investigation to Different Methods of Health Assessment in Power Transformers Banshwar A., Kumar Sharma N., Pathak M., Sharma B.B., Kumar S. Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer 2022 978-981-16-2794-2 LINK
Power quality evaluation of photovoltaic grid interfaced cascaded H-bridge nine-level multilevel inverter systems using D-STATCOM and UPQC Dr Akhil Gupta Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Energy 2022 0360-5442 LINK
Study on the morphological and mechanical properties of TaC reinforced plasma spray coating deposited on titanium alloy Gursharan Singh, Manoj Mittal, Jujhar Singh, Shubham Sharma, Amoljit Singh Gill, Jasgurpreet Singh Chohan, Raman Kumar, Abhishek Joshi Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Today: Proceedings 2022 2214-7853 LINK
Ecological aspects of cutting fluids applications in small scale industries of Northern India region Gurpreet Singh, Sehijpal Singh, Vivek Aggarwal, Jujhar Singh, Neelkanth Grover, Amoljit Singh Gill Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Today: Proceedings 2022 2214-7853 LINK
Drug eluting titanium implants for localised drug delivery Maninder Singh, Amoljit Singh Gill, Parneet Kaur Deol, Anupam Agrawal, Sarabjeet Singh Sidhu Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Materials Research 2022 0884-2914 / 2044-5326 LINK
Designing and analysis of ultrathin metamaterial absorber for W band biomedical sensing application Harbinder Singh, Amit Gupta, Rajinder Singh Kaler, Surinder Singh, Amoljit Singh Gill Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala IEEE Sensors Journal 2022 1530-437X / 1558-1748 LINK
Hot deformation behaviour of Ti alloys: A review on physical simulation and deformation mechanisms Puja Yadav, Kuldeep K. Saxena, Shankar Sehgal, Tarunpreet Singh, Shashi Bahl Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering 2022 0954-4089 LINK
Structural design and its analysis of two station notching tool for industrial die Subhash N. Waghmare, Sagar D. Shelare, Shashi Bahl, Nischal Mungle, Ashok Kumar Bagha, Rakesh Chandmal Sharma Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Materials Today: Proceedings 2022 2214-7853 LINK
Determination of the material model parameters for high pressure densification induced glass inferred through analytical comparison and its ballistic performance as used in composite laminates Nitin Thakur, Rabinder Singh Bharj, Pramod Kumar, Prince Sharma, Sumit Sharma, Shashi Bahl Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Physica Scripta 2022 1402-4896 LINK
Detection dogs cases about their sniffing applications in medical and future application for COVID ‑ 19 pandemic Shashi Bahl, Ashok Kumar Bagha, Abid Haleem, Mohd Javaid Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Current Medicine Research and Practice 2022 2352-0817 LINK
Finite element model updating of microwave welded lap joint with direct updating algorithm Ashok Kumar Bagha, Shivashrit Tiwari, Shivani Kumari, Rahul Samyal, Raman Bedi, Nitin Sharma, Shashi Bahl Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Physica Scripta 2022 1402-4896 LINK
Significant applications of smart materials and Internet of Things (IoT) in the automotive industry Mohd Ammar, Abid Haleem, Mohd Javaid, Shashi Bahl, Sonu Bala Garg, Ahmad Shamoon, Jatinder Garg Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Materials Today: Proceedings 2022 2214-7853 LINK
The impact of smart materials, digital twins (DTs) and Internet of things (IoT) in an industry 4.0 integrated automation industry Ahmad Majid Qazi, Syed Hasan Mahmood, Abid Haleem, Shashi Bahl, Mohd Javaid, Kanu Gopal Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Materials Today: Proceedings 2022 2214-7853 LINK
Role of energy technologies in response to climate change Ahmad Shamoon, Abid Haleem, Shashi Bahl, Mohd Javaid, Sonu Bala Garg Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Materials Today: Proceedings 2022 2214-7853 LINK
Transformation temperature and corrosion behavior of porous NiTi and NiTiCu shape memory alloy Neeraj Sharma, Abhishek Sharma, Kapil Kumar Goyal, Shaman Gupta, Shashi Bahl, Gaurav Kumar Sharma Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Materials Today: Proceedings 2022 2214-7853 LINK
Environmental impact of energy production and extraction of materials – a review Ahmad Shamoon, Abid Haleem, Shashi Bahl, Mohd Javaid, Sonu Bala Garg, Rakesh Chandmal Sharma, Jatinder Garg Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Materials Today: Proceedings 2022 2214-7853 LINK
IoT-based low-cost 3D mapping using 2D Lidar for different materials Mohd Yusuf, Aman Zaidi, Abid Haleem, Shashi Bahl, Mohd Javaid, Sonu Bala Garg, Jatinder Garg Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Materials Today: Proceedings 2022 2214-7853 LINK
Finite element model updating of smart structures with direct updating algorithm Shivam Verma, Saurabh Kango, Ashok Kumar Bagha, Shashi Bahl Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Physica Scripta 2022 1402-4896 LINK
Understanding the role of advanced materials for energy infrastructure and transmission Ahmad Shamoon, Abid Haleem, Shashi Bahl, Mohd Javaid, Chander Prakash, Dharam Budhhi Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Materials Today: Proceedings 2022 2214-7853 LINK
Artificial intelligence and advanced materials in automotive industry: Potential applications and perspectives Sayed Suhaib Kamran, Abid Haleem, Shashi Bahl, Mohd Javaid, Chander Prakash, Dharam Budhhi Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Materials Today: Proceedings 2022 2214-7853 LINK
Recent advances in additive manufacturing for current challenges, materials and
their applications
Ajay Singh Verma, Atul Bisht, Suman Kant, Shashi Bahl Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences 2022 0971-4588 LINK
Experimental investigation for the dynamic characteristics of short natural fiber reinforced composite materials Kartikay Singh Pawar, Ashok Kumar Bagha, Shashi Bahl and Manoj Kumar Agrawal Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences 2022 0971-4588 LINK
COVID-19 pandemic: A seismically disruptive environmental event R.K. Dang, D.Goyal, T.Goyal, N.Mago, Department of Mechanical Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala ECS Transactions 2022 1938-5862 LINK
“Graphene: A path-breaking discovery for energy storage and sustainability” Deepam Goyal, Rajeev Kumar Dang, Tarun Goyal, Kuldeep K Saxena *, Kahtan A. Mohammed, Saurav Dixit Department of Mechanical Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Materials 2022 1996-1944 LINK
Sentimental Herding in Stock Market: Evidence from India Naina and Kapil Gupta Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Vision: The Journal of Business Perspectives 2022 0972-2629 LINK
Human Activity Recognition using Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networks and Long Short-Term Memory S Jindal, M Sachdeva, AKS Kushwaha – Kuwait Journal of Science Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Performability Engineering 2022 0973-1318 LINK
Photophysical characterization of coumarin and rhodanine derivatives as viscosity sensitive fluorescence turn-on probes Bhanu Priya, Naresh Kumar and Roopa Department of Chemistry Dyes and Pigments 2022 0143-7208 LINK
A Multi-Level Enhanced Color Image Compression Algorithm using SVD & DCT Garima Garg and Raman Kumar CSE International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication 2022 2321-8169 LINK
Detection of Behavioral Patterns Employing a Hybrid Approach of Computational Techniques Rohit Raja, Chetan Swarup, Abhishek Kumar, Kamred Udham Singh, Teekam Singh, Dinesh Gupta, Neeraj Varshney, Swati Jain CSE Computers, Materials & Continua 2022 doi.org/10.1515/9783110619751-002 LINK
A novel quantum-behaved binary firefly algorithm with gravitational search algorithm to optimize the features for human activity recognition S Jindal, M Sachdeva, AKS Kushwaha – Kuwait Journal of Science Computer Science and Engineering. IKGPTU Mohali Campus-1 International Journal of Modern Physics C 2022 0129-1831 / 1793-6586 LINK
Performance evaluation of machine learning based voting classifier system for human activity recognition S Jindal, M Sachdeva, AKS Kushwaha – Kuwait Journal of Science Computer Science and Engineering. IKGPTU Mohali Campus-1 Kuwait Journal of Science, 2022 2307-4108 / 2307-4116 LINK
Trio role of deep eutectic solvents in the green synthesis of 1,4-dihydropyridine synthesis via Hantzsch reaction Gobind Kumar, Gaurav Bhargava, Rupesh Kumar Chemistrty Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 2022, 1-14 2022 1040-6638 LINK
Eosin Y Photocatalyzed Access to Biginelli Reaction Using Primary Alcohols via Domino Multicomponent Cascade: An Approach Towards Sustainable Synthesis of 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-ones Gobind Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, Gaurav Bhargava, Rupesh Kumar Chemistrty Journal of Chemical Sciences, 134:44, 2022 2022 0973-7103 LINK
Facially selective oxo-diels-alder cycloadditions of a-dienyl-b-lactam: An entry to pyrano-tethered beta-lactums bifunctional hybrids Maninderjeet K. Mann, Rupesh Kumar, Gaurav Bhargava Chemistrty Orient. J. Chem., 38(3), 2022, 790-795 2022 0970 – 020X LINK
Recent Developments in the Synthesis of Bicyclic Condensed Pyrimidinones Rayees Naikoo, Rupesh Kumar, Vipan Kumar, Gaurav Bhargava Chemistrty Current Organic Chemistry, 26(2), 2022, 122-161 2022 1875-5348 LINK
Solvent free Mechanochemical synthesis of bisthioglycolic acid derivatives: An efficient and versatile strategy for carbon-sulphur bond formation Rayees Ahmad Naikoo, Parvesh Singh, Rupesh Kumar, Gaurav Bhargava Chemistrty Journal of Sulfur Chemistry
43(2), 2022, 117-123
2022 1741-5993 LINK
A Geospatial Approach for Mapping and Delineation of Palaeochannels of Ghaggar Basin, North-West India, for Groundwater Development to Meet Sustainable Development Goals. Upadhyay, R.K., Kishore, N., Sharma, M. ARCHITECTURE (IKGPTU, MOHALI CAMPUS-II) Recent Trends in River Corridor Management. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 229. Springer, Singapore. 2022 2366-2557 LINK
Study of kinematic viscosity and density of biodiesels exposed to radiations Amit Sarin, Neerja Sharma, Kusum Devgan and Meetu Singh Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Materials Today Proceedings, 46, 5516-5522 2021 2214-7853 LINK
Investigation of the shelf life of the optimized Neem biodiesel and its execution and excretion characteristics on automotive diesel engine Mayank Chhabra, Balraj Singh Saini, Gaurav Dwivedi, Arun Kumar Behura, Anuj Kumar, Siddharth Jain, Amit Sarin and Puneet Verma Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2021 1556-7036 LINK
Quantification of doses and health risks to organs and tissues corresponding to different age groups due to radon in water Amit Sarin, Anjali Kaushal, Bikramjit Singh Bajwa, Navjeet Sharma Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 2021 0236-5731 LINK
Exploring the significant applications of Internet of Things (IoT) with 3D printing using advanced materials in medical field Shaiba Fatima, Abid Haleem, Shashi Bahl, Mohd Javaid, Sunil Kumar Mahla, Someet Singh Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 2214-7853 LINK
Automation and manufacturing of smart materials in additive manufacturing technologies using Internet of Things towards the adoption of industry 4.0 Reem Ashima, Abid Haleem, Shashi Bahl, Mohd Javaid, Sunil Kumar Mahla, Someet Singh Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 2214-7853 LINK
Finite element analysis of VGCF/pp reinforced square representative volume element to predict its mechanical properties for different loadings Ashok Kumar Bagha, Shashi Bahl Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 2214-7853 LINK
Finite element modeling and simulation of the fiber–matrix interface in fiber reinforced metal matrix composites Shashi Bahl, Ashok Kumar Bagha Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 2214-7853 LINK
Mechanical and microstructural behaviour of weldment of two low alloy steels using MIG Vijay Kumar, Manoj Mittal, Deepam Goyal, Tarun Goyal, Rajeev Kumar Dang, Shashi Bahl Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 2214-7853 LINK
3D scanning of a carburetor body using COMET 3D scanner supported by COLIN 3D software: Issues and solutions Abid Haleem, Pawan Gupta, Shashi Bahl, Mohd Javaid, Lalit Kumar Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 2214-7853 LINK
Finite element analysis for predicting the vibration characteristics of natural fiber reinforced epoxy composites Mohit Kumar Saini, Ashok Kumar Bagha, Sanjay Kumar, Shashi Bahl Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 2214-7853 LINK
Biodegradation of plastics: A state of the art review Shashi Bahl, Jigmat Dolma, Jashan Jyot Singh, Shankar Sehgal Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 2214-7853 LINK
Fiber reinforced metal matrix composites – a review Shashi Bahl Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 2214-7853 LINK
Strain energy and finite element analysis to predict the mechanical properties of vapor grown carbon fiber reinforced polypropylene nanocomposites Ashok Kumar Bagha, Shashi Bahl Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 2214-7853 LINK
Removing uncertainty in the boundary condition of five degree of freedom spring mass vibratory system using direct updating method Sajid Mohammad Chhipa, Pramod Kumar, Ashok Kumar Bagha, Shashi Bahl Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 2214-7853 LINK
Experimental investigations into sound transmission loss by different materials at aircraft noise Shashi Bahl, Ashok Kumar Bagha, Shankar Sehgal Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 2214-7853 LINK
Big data applications to take up major challenges across manufacturing industries: A brief review Mohd Azeem, Abid Haleem, Shashi Bahl, Mohd Javaid, Rajiv Suman, Devaki Nandan Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 2214-7853 LINK
Data science applications for predictive maintenance and materials science in context to Industry 4.0 Sufiyan Sajid, Abid Haleem, Shashi Bahl, Mohd Javaid, Tarun Goyal, Manoj Mittal Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 2214-7853 LINK
Optimisation of engine operating variables on performance and emissions characteristics of biogas fuelled CI engine by the design of experiments: Taguchi Approach Sunil Kumar Mahla, Tarun Goyal, Deepam Goyal, Himanshu Sharma, Amit Dhir, Geetesh Goga Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 2021 1944-7450 LINK
Application of clean gaseous fuels in compression ignition engines under dual fuel mode: a technical review and Indian prespective Himanshu Sharma, Amit Dhir, Sunil Kumar Mahla Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Journal of Cleaner Production 2021 0959-6526  LINK
Effects of ternary fuel blends (diesel-biodiesel-n-butanol) on emission and performance characteristics of diesel engine using varying mass flow rates of biogas Geetesh Goga, Varun Singla, Sunil Kumar Mahla, Bhupendra Singh Chauhan, Amit Dhir, Dhinesh Balasubramaniam, Neeru Singla Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Energy Sources, Part A: Recov., Utiliz., and Environmental Effects 2021 1556-7230 LINK
Intervention of Artifical Neural Network with an improved Activation Function to predict the Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Biogas Powered Dual Fuel Engine Vinay Arora, Sunil Kumar Mahla, Rohan Singh Leekha, Amit Dhir, Kyungroul Lee, Hoon Ko Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Electronics 2021 2079-9292 LINK
Prediction of wear resistance model for magnesium metal composite by response surface methodology using central composite design Prem Sagar & Amit Handa Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) World Journal of Engineering 2021 1708-5284 LINK
Predicting the effect of fiber orientations and boundary conditions on the optimal placement of PZT sensor on the composite structures Rahul Samyal, Ashok Kumar Bagha, Raman Bedi, Shashi Bahl, Kuldeep K Saxena, Shankar Sehgal Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Research Express 2021 2053-1591 LINK
A systematic review on recent progress in advanced joining techniques of the lightweight materials Shashi Bahl, Tarunpreet Singh, Virinder Kumar, Shankar Sehgal, Ashok Kumar Bagha Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) AIMS Materials Science 2021 2372-0484 LINK
Finite element model updating of metallic and composite structures – A state of the art review Abhishek Sharma, Ashok Kumar Bagha, Dinesh Kumar Shukla, Shashi Bahl Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) AIMS Materials Science 2021 2372-0484 LINK
3D Printing Technology and its Significant Applications in the Context of Healthcare Education Ilma Tasneem, Aleena Ariz, Devyani Bharti, Abid Haleem, Mohd Javaid, Shashi Bahl Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Journal of Industrial Integration and Management 2021 2424-8622 LINK
Can open access publishing be made ‘JUST’ for authors from low-middle income countries? Karthikeyan P Iyengar, Vijay Kumar Jain, Shashi Bahl, Raju Vaishya Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) The American Journal of Emergency Medicine 2021 0735-6757 LINK
Advancements in Biosensor Technologies for Medical Field and COVID-19 Pandemic Shashi Bahl, Ashok Kumar Bagha, Shanay Rab, Mohd Javaid, Abid Haleem, Ravi Pratap Singh Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Journal of Industrial Integration and Management 2021 2424-8622 LINK
Bioengineering technology in context to COVID-19 pandemic : Potential roles and applications Shashi Bahl, Karthikeyan P Iyengar, Ashok Kumar Bagha, Ibrahim Jaly, Vijay Jain, Raju Vaishya Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Journal of Industrial Integration and Management 2021 2424-8622 LINK
Nanomedicine Technology and COVID-19 Outbreak: Applications and Challenges Nitin Gupta, Shashi Bahl, Ashok Kumar Bagha, Supriya Vaid, Mohd Javaid, Abid Haleem Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Journal of Industrial Integration and Management 2021 2424-8622 LINK
COVID-19 Pandemic and Debates on the Design of Operating Theatre Ventilation Systems in Healthcare Facilities Ibrahim Jaly, Karthikeyan P Iyengar, Shashi Bahl, Vijay Jain, Raju Vaishya Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Journal of Industrial Integration and Management 2021 2424-8622 LINK
Tissue Engineering and its Significance in Healthcare During COVID-19 Pandemic: Potential Applications and Perspectives Abhishek Softa, Shashi Bahl, Ashok Kumar Bagha, Shankar Sehgal, Abid Haleem, Mohd Javaid Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Journal of Industrial Integration and Management 2021 2424-8622 LINK
Image driven analysis of plates coated by cold spray coating process using a layerwise approach A.F. Mota, M.A.R. Loja, H. Singh, S. B. S. Kalsi, J. Infante Barbosa Mech. Engineering IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Composite Structures 2021 0263-8223 LINK
Prediction of COVID-19 Pervasiveness in Six Major Affected States of India and Two Stage Variation with Temperature Sarbjit Singh, Kulwinder Parmar, Sidhu Jitendra Singh Makkhan, Jatinder Kumar Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Air Quality Atmosphere & Health 2021 1873-9326 LINK
Soft computing model coupled with statistical models to estimate future of stock market Sarbjit Singh, Kulwinder Singh Parmar, Jatinder Kumar Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Neural Computing and Applications 2021 1433-3058 LINK
Suspended Sediment Modeling Using a Heuristic Regression Method Hybridized with Kmeans Clustering Adnan, R.M.; Parmar, K.S.; Heddam, S.; Shahid, S.; Kisi, O. Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Sustainability 2021 2071-1050 LINK
Modeling monthly streamflow in mountainous basin by MARS, GMDH-NN and DENFIS using hydroclimatic data. Neural Computing and Applications Rana Muhammad Adnan, Zhongmin Liang, Kulwinder Singh Parmar, Kirti Soni, Ozgur Kisi Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Neural Computing and Applications 2021 1433-3058 LINK
Delineation and Mapping of Paleochannels using Remote Sensing, Geophysical and Sedimentological Technologies :A Comprehensive Approach Ritambhra Upadhyay, Naval Sharma and Mukta Sharma, IKGPTU Mohali Campus-II Water Science, 35:1,100-108, Taylor and Francis Group 2021 ISSN: 2357-0008 LINK
Improving material quality management and manufacturing organizations system through Industry 4.0 technologies shashiMohd Ammar; Abid Haleem, PhD; Mohd Javaid, PhD; Rinku Walia, Ph IKGPTU Hoshiarpur Campus Material today proceeding 2021 2214-7853 LINK
Power quality monitoring for a solar PV grid controlled system at non-linear induction drives load Akhil Gupta and Saurabh Chanana Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Materials Science and Engineering 2021 1757-8981 LINK
Improved dynamic performance of permanent magnet synchronous generator-based grid connected wind energy system Preeti Rani, Ved Parkash Arora & Naveen Kumar Sharma  Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2021 1556-7036 LINK
Hybrid Local-Global Optimum Search Using Particle Swarm Gravitation Search Algorithm (HLGOS-PSGSA) for Waveguide Selection Simarpreet Kaur, Mohit Srivastava, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Kamaljit Singh Bhatia, Frie Ayalew Yimam, Harsimrat Kaur; Mohit Bajaj Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus IEEE Access 2021 2169-3536 LINK
Management of Cattle Dung and Novel Bioelectricity Generation Using Microbial Fuel Cells: An Ingenious Experimental Approach Gagandeep Kaur, Yadwinder Singh Brar, Jaspreet Kaur, Akhil Gupta, Kamal Kant Sharma, Jasgurpreet Singh Chohan, Raman Kumar, Shubham Sharma, Somnath Chattopadhyaya, Shashi, Prakash Dwivedi, Alibek Issakhov, and Nima Khalilpoor Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus International Journal of Chemical Engineering 2021 1687-8078 LINK
Power quality and transient analysis for a utility-tied interfaced distributed hybrid wind-hydro controls renewable energy generation system using generic and multiband power system stabilizers Kamal Kant Sharma, Akhil Gupta, Gagandeep Kaur, Raman Kumar, Jasgurpreet Singh Chohan, Shubham Sharma, Jujhar Singh, Nima Khalilpoor, and Alibek Issakhov Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Energy Reports 2021 2352-4847 LINK
Economic evaluation of a Hybrid Renewable Energy system (HRES) using Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable (HOMER) software-A case study of rural India Kamal Kant Sharma, Akhil Gupta, Raman Kumar, JS Chohan, Shubham Sharma, J Singh, N Khalilpoor, A Issakhov, Somnath Chattopadhyaya, and SP Dwivedi Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2021 1748-1325 LINK
Assessing the impact of valence sd neutrons and protons on fusion Varinderjit Singh, J. Vadas, T.K. Steinbach, B.B. Wiggins, S. Hudan, and R.T. deSouza Department of Physical Sciences Phys. Rev. C 103, 064606 2021 0556-2813 / 1089-490X LINK
Measurement of fission excitation function for 19F+194,196,198Pt. Varinderjit Singh, Bivash R. Behera, Maninder Kaur, Akhil Jhingan, Rupinder Kaur, Pullanhiotan Sugathan, Davinder Siwal, Savi Goyal, K. P. Singh, and Santanu Pal Department of Physical Sciences Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 48, 075104 2021 0954-3899 LINK
Effect of increasing neutron-excess on the fusion cross-section in 12-15C + 12C at above barrier energies R. T. deSouza, Varinderjit Singh, S. Hudan, Z. Lin and C. J. Horowitz Department of Physical Sciences Physics Letter B 814,
2021 0217-9849 / 1793-6640 LINK
MuSIC@Indiana: An effective tool for accurate measurement of fusion with low-intensity radioactive beams J.E. Johnstone, Rohit Kumar, S. Hudan, Varinderjit Singh, R.T. deSouza, J. Allen, D.W. Bardayan, D. Blankstein, C. Boomershine, S. Carmichael, A. Clark, S. Coil, S.L. Henderson, P.D.O’ Malley, Department of Physical Sciences Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 1014, 165697 2021 0168-9002 / 1872-9576 LINK
Hot corrosion behavior of HVOF-sprayed carbide based composite coatings for boiler steel in Na2SO4–60 % V2O5 environment at 900 °C under cyclic conditions Gurmail Singh, Niraj Bala, Vikas Chawla, Yogesh Kumar Singla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Corrosion Science 2021 0010-938X LINK
Comparative study of hot corrosion behavior of bare and plasma sprayed Al2O3-40%TiO2 coated T-91, A-1 boiler steel and Superfer800H superalloy in Na2SO4-60%V2O5 salt environment Mohd Shadab Ansari, Amit Bansal, Vikas Chawla, Vivek Aggarwal Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 2021 2051672X LINK
Performance of thermal-sprayed coatings to combat hot corrosion of coal-fired boiler tube and effect of process parameters and post-coating heat treatment on coating performance: a review Santosh Kumar, Amit Handa, Vikas Chawla, Neel Kanth Grover, Rakesh Kumar Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Surface Engineering 2021 0267-0844 LINK
Multi‐Objective Optimization of WEDM of Aluminum Hybrid Composites Using AHP and Genetic Algorithm Amresh Kumar Neel kanth Grover Alakesh Manna Raman Kumar Jasgurpreet Singh Chohan Sandeep Singh Sunpreet Singh Catalin Iulian Pruncu Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2021 2191-4281 LINK
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Impingement Heat Transfer in an Inline Array of Multiple Jets Parampreet Singh, Neel Kanth Grover, Vivek Agarwal, Shubham Sharma, Jujhar Singh, Milad Sadeghzadeh, Alibek Issakhov Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2021 1024-123X LINK
Comparative Performance of Copper, Graphite, Brass and Aluminium/Graphite Based Different Tool Electrodes for Optimizing the Material Removal Rate during Die-Sinking EDM of Stir-Casted, Al6061/SiC MMCs for Sustainable Manufacturing and Energy Applications Hardeep Singh, Jujhar Singh, Shubham Sharma, SP Dwivedi, Ahmad J Obaid Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Green Engineering 2021 1904-4720 LINK
Optimization of performance, combustion and emission characteristics of acetylene aspirated diesel engine with oxygenated fuels: An Experimental approach, Gursharan Singh, Shubham Sharma, Jujhar Singh, Som Kumar, Yadvinder Singh, Mohammad H. Ahmadi d, Alibek Issakhov Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Energy Reports 2021 2352-4847 LINK
A Comparative Numerical Analysis on the Effect of Welding consumables on the Ballistic resistance of SMAW joints of Armor steel. Ambuj Saxena, Shashi Prakash Dwivedi, Shubham Sharma, Vishal Shankar Srivastava, Gursharan Singh, J Singh, Somnath Chattopadhyaya, Catalin Pruncu Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Applied Sciences 2021 2076-3417 LINK
Optimization of engine opearting variables on performance and emission characteristics of biogas fuelled CI engine by design of experiments: Taguchi approach. Https://doi.org/10.1002/ep.13736 Mahla SK, Goyal T, Goyal D, Sharma H, Dhir A, Goga G Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Environmental Progress & Sustainable energy 2021 1944-7442 LINK
“Data sience applications for predictive maintenance and materials science in context to Industry 4.0” Sufiyan Sajid, Abid Haleem, Shashi Bahl, Mohd Javaid, Tarun Goyal, Manoj Mittal, Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Today Proceedings 2021 1369-7021 LINK
“Magneto-rheological abrasive finishing (MAF) of soft material using abrasives” Rohit Rampal, Tarun Goyal, Deepam Goyal, Manoj Mittal, Rajeev Kumar Dang, Shashi Bahl, Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Today Proceedings 2021 1369-7021 LINK
“Mechanical and microstructural behaviour of weldment of two low alloy steels using MIG” Vijay Kumar, Manoj Mittal, , Deepam Goyal, Tarun Goyal, Rajeev Kumar Dang, Shashi Bahl, Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Today Proceedings 2021 1369-7021 LINK
Diamond turning of optical materials: a review. Goel, Bhaskar, Sehijpal Singh, RamaGopal V. Sarepaka, Vinod Mishra, Neha Khatri, Vivek Aggarwal, Keshva Nand, and Raj Kumar  Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials 2021 1748-5711 LINK
Multi-objective Optimization of Kerf-taper and Surface-roughness Quality Characteristics for Cutting-operation On Coir and Carbon Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Hybrid Polymeric Composites During CO 2-Pulsed Laser-cutting Using RSM Singh, Yadvinder, Jujhar Singh, Shubham Sharma, Vivek Aggarwal, and Catalin I. Pruncu Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing 2021 2196-7229 LINK
Analysis and optimization of nozzle distance during turning of EN-31 steel using minimum quantity lubrication Kumar, Ajay, Gurpreet Singh, and Vivek Aggarwal Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 2214-7853 LINK
Investigations on the effect of electrical discharge machining process parameters on the machining behavior of aluminium matrix composites Dar, Sajad Ahmad, Jatinder Kumar, Shubham Sharma, Gursharan Singh, Jujhar Singh, Vivek Aggarwal, Jasgurpreet Chohan et al. Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Today: Proceedings 2021 2214-7853 LINK
Selective laser melting of Ti6Al4V alloy: Process parameters, defects and post-treatments Anil Kumar Singla, Mainak Banerjee, Aman Sharma, Jagtar Singh, Anuj Bansal, Munish Kumar Gupta, Navneet Khanna, A.S. Shahi, Deepak Kumar Goyal Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Manufacturing Processes 2021 1526-6125 LINK
Effect of fuel pressure, feed rate, and spray distance on cavitation erosion of Rodojet sprayed Al2O3+50%TiO2 coated AISI410 steel Shivam Pandey, Anuj Bansal, Ankita Omer, Anil Kumar Singla, Deepak Kumar Goyal, Jagtar Singh, Munish Kumar Gupta Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Surface & Coatings Technology 2021 0257-8972 LINK
Influence of thickness of hydrophobic polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) coatings on cavitation erosion of hydro-machinery steel SS410 Anuj Bansal, Jagtar Singh, Harpreet Singh , Deepak Kumar Goyal Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Wear 2021 0043-1648 LINK
Erosion behavior of laser cladded Colmonoy-6 + 50%WC on SS410 steel under accelerated slurry erosion testing Sarpreet Singh, Parlad Kumar, Deepak Kumar Goyal, Anuj Bansal Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 2021 0263-4368 LINK
Experimental investigations into machining performance of Hastelloy C-276 in different cooling environments Singh, Gurpreet, Vivek Aggarwal, and Sehijpal Singh Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2021 1042-6914 LINK
Comparative study of hot corrosion behavior of bare and plasma sprayed Al2O3-40% TiO2 coated T-91, A-1 boiler steel and Superfer800H superalloy in Na2SO4-60% V2O5 salt environment Ansari, Mohd Shadab, Amit Bansal, Vikas Chawla, and Vivek Aggarwal Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 2021 2051-672X LINK
Consumer Attitude towards Green Products: Revisiting the Profile of Green Consumers using Segmentation Approach Pooja Mehta, Harpreet Singh Chahal Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Management of Environmental Quality 2021 ISSN: 1477-7835 LINK
Determining the Impact of Demographics on Perceived Ethical Values of Teacher Venus and Pooja Mehta Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Pacific Business Review International 2021 ISSN: 0974-438X LINK
NITCO: An Intelligent Agent Technique for Optimizing Resource Utilization in Cloud, online 30 march2021, doi.org/10.1504/IJRIS.2021.114632 Anshu Bhasin, H. Singh, P. Kaveri Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International journal of reasoning -based Intelligent System: Sp. Issue on Advances in ML and Intelligent Systems, Inderscience 2021 1755-0564, 1755-0564 e LINK
Capitulation of Mitigation techniques of packet drop attacks in MANET to fore ground nuances and ascertain trends, 20 April 2021 Anshu Bhasin, S. Singh, Anshu Kalia Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, Wiley , USA 2021 1074-5351 / e1099-1131 LINK
High utility and diverse itemset mining Amit Verma, Siddharth Dawar, Raman Kumar, Shamkant Navathe and Vikram Goyal Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Applied Intelligence 2021 1573-7497 LINK
Edge-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Improving Breast Cancer Prediction Performance Madhu and Raman Kumar Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2021 1563-5147 LINK
Face mask detection using YOLOv3 and faster R-CNN models: COVID-19 environment S Singh, U Ahuja, M Kumar, K Kumar, M Sachdeva  Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2021 2021 1380-7501 LINK
Fluorescent molecular probe-based activity and inhibition monitoring of histone deacetylases Roopa, Bhanu Priya, Vandana Bhalla, Manoj Kumar, Naresh Kumar Department of Chemistry Chemical communications 2021 1359-7345 LINK
Bioactivity of microwave and conventionally synthesized 70Sr-HA.xZn (30-x)Si composites. Chetan sharma; kanchan L.Singh; Anirudh P.Singh; Vandana Naithani Department of Chemical Sciences Material Chemistry and Physics 2021 0254-0584 LINK
Development of a sustainable ternary magnetic nanocomposite GCNI for efficient and synergistic photodegradation of Rhodamine B under solar irradiation: kinetic and mechanistic studies Monika Thakur, Harminder Singh, Jaspreet Kaur Rajput & Rupesh Kumar Department of Chemical Sciences International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2021. 2021 0306-7319 LINK
Recent developments in the synthesis of tricyclic condensed pyrimidinones Rayees Ahmad Naikoo, Rupesh Kumar, Vipan Kumar & Gaurav Bhargava Department of Chemical Sciences Synthetic Communications, 2021. 2021 0039-7911 LINK
7-Endo-trig Pictet–Spengler type cyclization of 5-alkylidene/arylidene-amino-3H-pyrimidin-4-ones: An efficient and diastereoselective synthesis of pyrimido[4,5-b] [1,4]benzodiazepines Rayees Ahmad Naikoo, Rupesh Kumar, Parvesh Singh & Gaurav Bhargava Department of Chemical Sciences Synthetic Communications, 2021, 51(8), 1232-1241. 2021 0039-7911 LINK
Assessment of heavy metal contamination and its effect on earthworms in different types of soils F. Verma, S. Singh,· J. Singh, S. Singh Dhaliwal, C. Parkash, V. Kumar and R. Kumar Department of Chemical Sciences International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 2021 1735-1472 LINK
Beyond zinc coordination: Bioimaging applications of Zn(II)-complexes Coordination Chemistry Reviews Naresh Kumar, Roopa, Vandana Bhalla and Manoj Kumar Department of Chemical Sciences Coordination Chemistry Reviews 2021 0010-8545 LINK
Xanthene‐based Fluorescence Turn‐on Probe for Highly Acidic pH Range in Aqueous Solution Bhanu Priya, Vibha Mahajan, Naresh Kumar and Roopa Department of Chemical Sciences Journal of Fluorescence 2021 10530509 LINK
Oxa-Michael addition reactions of 3-hydroxy-2-azetidinones: synthesis of 1,3,4-trisubstituted-2-azetidinones Priyanka Sharma, Maninderjeet Kaur Mann, Gaurav Bhargava Department of Chemical Sciences Letter in organic chemistry 2021 1570-1786 (print); 1875-6255 (web) LINK
Deep convolutional neural model for human activities recognition in a sequence of video by combining multiple CNN streams Neeraj Varshney and Brijesh Bakariya Computer Application (IKGPTU HSP) Multimedia Tools and Application 2021 1573-7721 LINK
Human Activity Recognition by combining external features with Accelerometer sensor data using Deep Learning Network model Neeraj Varshney, Brijesh Bakariya, Alok Kumar Singh Kushwaha and Manish Khare Computer Application (IKGPTU HSP) Multimedia Tools and Applications 2021 1573-7721 LINK
Human activity recognition using deep transfer learning of cross position sensor based on vertical distribution of data Neeraj Varshney, Brijesh Bakariya and Alok Kumar Singh Kushwaha Computer Application (IKGPTU HSP) Multimedia Tools and Applications 2021 1573-7721 LINK
Rule-based multi-view human activity recognition system in real time using skeleton data from RGB-D sensor Neeraj Varshney, Brijesh Bakariya, Alok Kumar Singh Kushwaha and Manish Khare Computer Application (IKGPTU HSP) Soft Computing, Springer 2021 1433-7479 LINK
Classification of malignant lung cancer using deep learning Vinod Kumar, Brijesh Bakariya Computer Application (IKGPTU HSP) Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology 2021 0309-1902 LINK
Assessing the Applicability of Photocatalytic-Concrete Blocks in Reducing the Concentration of Ambient NO2 of Chandigarh, India, Using Box–Behnken Response Surface Design Technique: A Holistic Sustainable Development Approach Neeru Singla,Parteek Singh, Sandeep Singla ARCHITECTURE (IKGPTU, MOHALI CAMPUS-II) Hindawi, Journal of Chemistry 2021 2090-9071 LINK
GI-Science Based Morphometric Analysis for Geo-Hydrological Studies of Ghaggar River Basin, NorthWest India. Ritambhra Upadhyay, Naval Sharma and Mukta Sharma, ARCHITECTURE (IKGPTU, MOHALI CAMPUS-II) Water Science, 35:1,100-108, Taylor and Francis Group 2021 ISSN: 2357-0008 LINK
Assessing the Applicability of Photocatalytic-Concrete Blocks in Reducing the Concentration of Ambient NO2 of Chandigarh, India, Using Box-Behnken Response Surface Design Technique: A Holistic Sustainable Development Approach Neeru Singla, Sandeep Singla, Parteek Singh Thind, Sandeep Singh, Jasgurpreet Singh Chohan ARCHITECTURE (IKGPTU, MOHALI CAMPUS-II) Hindawi Journal of Chemistry 2021 17515831, 1751584X LINK
Comprehensive analysis of oxidation and storage stability of argemone biodiesel and development of correlations based on experimental results Mandeep Singh, Amit Sarin and Sarabjot Singh Sandhu Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2020 1556-7036 LINK
Seasonal Variation of Indoor radon/thoron and their progeny levels in lesser Himalayas of Jammu & Kashmir Ajay Kumar, Raman Vij, Sumit Sharma, Amit Sarin Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 323, 495-506 2020 0236-5731 LINK
Role of tool rotational speed on the tribological characteristics of magnesium based AZ61A/TiC composite developed via friction stir processing route Prem Sagar & Amit Handa Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 2020 1734-8412 LINK
Axisymmetric finite element analysis of single fiber push-out test for stainless steel wire reinforced aluminum matrix composites Shashi Bahl Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2020 2214-7853 LINK
An experimental study to measure the acoustical properties of natural fibers at real case broadband excitations Shashi Bahl, Rameshwar Cambow, Ashok Kumar Bagha Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2020 2214-7853 LINK
Numerical simulation of the debonding behavior of fiber reinforced metal matrix composites Shashi Bahl Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2020 2214-7853 LINK
Smart materials types, properties and applications: A review Shashi Bahl, Himanshu Nagar, Inderpreet Singh, Shankar Sehgal Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2020 2214-7853 LINK
Impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the supply chain in healthcare Karthikeyan P Iyengar, Raju Vaishya, Shashi Bahl, Abhishek Vaish Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) British Journal of Healthcare Management 2020 1358-0574 LINK
Experimental study of electroless plating on acrylonitrile butadiene styrene polymer for obtaining new eco-friendly chromium-free processes Rajiv Suman, Devaki Nandan, Abid Haleem, Shashi Bahl, Mohd Javaid Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2020 2214-7853 LINK
Comparative study of silicon dioxide and kaolinite ratio for temperature and humidity variations of earth energy enabled cooling system and traditional cooler Rajiv Suman, Devaki Nandan, Abid Haleem, Shashi Bahl, Mohd Javaid Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2020 2214-7853 LINK
Experimental study to measure the sound transmission loss of natural fibers at tonal excitations Ankush Kesharwani, Raman Bedi, Ashok Kumar Bagha, Shashi Bahl Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2020 2214-7853 LINK
Blockchain technology and its applications to combat COVID-19 pandemic Abhishek Sharma, Shashi Bahl, Ashok Kumar Bagha, Mohd Javaid, Dinesh Kumar Shukla, Abid Haleem Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Research on Biomedical Engineering 2020 2446-4732 LINK
Sampled-data model validation: An algorithm and experimental setup of dual fuel IC engine Someet Singh, Anuj Jain, Sunil Kumar Mahla Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Fuel 2020 0016-2361 LINK
Separate effect of biodiesel, n-butanol, and biogas on performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine: a review.  Mahla, S.K., Goga, G., Dhir A., Cho, H.M. Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Biomass Conversion & Bio-refinery 2020 2190-6815 LINK
Multi-objective optimization of performance and emissions characteristics of a variable compression ratio diesel engine running with biogas-diesel fuel using response surface techniques Sunil Kumar Mahla , Seyed Mohammad Safieddin Ardebili , Mostafa Mostafaei , Amit Dhir , Geetesh Goga & Bhupendra Singh Chauhan Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Energy Sources, Part A: Recov., Utiliz., and Environmental Effects 2020 1556-7230 LINK
Effect of hydrogen enriched biogas induction on combustion, performance and emission characteristics of dual fuel compression ignition engine Pali Rosha, Saroj Kumar Mohapatra, Sunil Kumar Mahla, Amit Dhir Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 2020 1932-2143 LINK
A comprehensive review of recent progress in fabrication of magnesium base composites by friction stir processing technique—A review Prem Sagar & Amit Handa Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) AIMS Materials Science 2020 2372-0484 LINK
Erosion-corrosion behavior of wire arc sprayed Ni-Cr and Ni-Al coatings on boiler steel in real boiler environment Santosh Kumar, Manoj Kumar & Amit Handa Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials at High Temperature 2020 1878-6413 LINK
Investigation of mechanical properties and hot corrosion behavior of friction welded AISI 304 and AISI 1021 steels Amit Handa & Vikas Chawla Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Sadhana 2020 0973-7677 LINK
Electricity Generation Through Water Supply Pipes in High Rise Buildings Rajiv Suman, Mohd Javaid, Devaki Nandan, Shashi Bahl, Abid Haleem Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Journal of Industrial Integration and Management 2020 2424-8622 LINK
Industry 4.0 technologies and their applications in fighting COVID-19 pandemic Mohd Javaid, Abid Haleem, Raju Vaishya, Shashi Bahl, Rajiv Suman, Abhishek Vaish Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 2020 1871-4021 LINK
Sustainability of Coronavirus on different surfaces Rajiv Suman, Mohd Javaid, Abid Haleem, Raju Vaishya, Shashi Bahl, Devaki Nandan Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology 2020 0973-6883 LINK
Challenges and solutions in meeting up the urgent requirement of ventilators for COVID-19 patients Karthikeyan Iyengar, Shashi Bahl, Raju Vaishya, Abhishek Vaish Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 2020 1871-4021 LINK
Redefining diabetic foot disease management service during COVID-19 pandemic Ibrahim Jaly, Karthikeyan Iyengar, Shashi Bahl, Thomas Hughes, Raju Vaishya Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 2020 1871-4021 LINK
Significance of Health Information Technology (HIT) in Context to COVID-19 Pandemic: Potential Roles and Challenges Ravi Pratap Singh, Mohd Javaid, Abid Haleem, Raju Vaishya, Shashi Bahl Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Journal of Industrial Integration and Management 2020 2424-8622 LINK
Letter to the editor in response to: Telemedicine for diabetes care in India during COVID19 pandemic and national lockdown period: Guidelines for physicians Raju Vaishya, Shashi Bahl, Ravi Pratap Singh Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 2020 1871-4021 LINK
Telemedicine technologies for confronting COVID-19 pandemic: A Review Shashi Bahl, Ravi Pratap Singh, Mohd Javaid, Ibrahim Haleem Khan, Raju Vaishya, Rajiv Suman Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Journal of Industrial Integration and Management 2020 2424-8622 LINK
Significant applications of machine learning for COVID-19 pandemic Shashi Kushwaha, Shashi Bahl, Ashok Kumar Bagha, Kulwinder Singh Parmar, Mohd Javaid, Abid Haleem, Ravi Pratap Singh Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Journal of Industrial Integration and Management 2020 2424-8622 LINK
A case study on quality improvement of connecting rod assembly line using six sigma DMAIC cycle Sunil Kumar and Gayatri Brahma, Prabhkiran Kaur, B.K. Gupta Mech. Engineering IKGPTU Amritsar Campus International journal of six sigma and competitive advantage 2020 1479-2494 LINK
Scale-3 Haar Wavelets and Quasilinearization based Hybrid Technique for the Solution of Coupled Space-Time Fractional – Burgers’ Equation Geeta Arora, Ratesh Kumar and Harpreet Kaur Mathematical Sciences, IKGPTU Mohali-I Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol 2020 1287702 LINK
Approximate Solution of Riccati Differential Equation using He’s Variational iteration Method Vikramjeet Singh, Pankaj Kaushal, Monika Rani. Mathematical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 2020 22076360 LINK
Critical Appraisal of Hot Corrosion Behaviour of Burnished HVOF Sprayed WC-CrC-Ni Coatings in Actual Environmental Conditions of Coal Fired Boiler Atul Agnihotri, Sukhminderbir Singh Kalsi, H.K Kansal, Vikramjeet Singh, Harminder Singh, Amit Handa Mathematical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 2020 22076360 LINK
Analysis of Nonlinear Active Noise Behavior of Fuzzy Controller Using Non-Perturbation Methods Monika Rani, Rakesh Goyal and Vikramjeet Singh Mathematical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Fluctuation and Noise Letters 2020 0219-4775 LINK
Significant applications of machine learning for covid-19 pandemic. Ravi Pratap Singh Shashi Kushwaha, Shashi Bahl, Ashok Kumar Bagha, Kulwinder Parmar, Mohd Javaid, Abid Haleem Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Journal of Industrial Integration and Management 2020 2424-8622 LINK
Development of new hybrid model of discrete wavelet decomposition and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models in application to one month forecast the casualties cases of COVID-19 Sarbjit Singh, Kulwinder Singh Parmar, Jatinder Kumar, Sidhu Jitendra Singh Makkhan Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 2020 0960-0779 LINK
Improvements in the Explicit Estimation of Pollutant Dispersion Coefficient in Rivers by Subset Selection of Maximum Dissimilarity Hybridized With ANFIS-Firefly Algorithm (FFA) Hossien Riahi-Madvar, Majid Dehghani, Kulwinder Singh Parmar, Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) IEEE Acess (IEEE) 2020 2169-3536 LINK
Correlation and time-series analysis of black carbon in the coal mine regions of India: a case study Sidhu Jitendra Singh Makkhan, Kulwinder Singh Parmar, Sachin Kaushal & Kirti Soni Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (Springer) 2020 2363-6211 LINK
Optimization for Biomass Based Plant Localization using NDVI Super Pixels for Punjab State, India H.S. Dhaliwal, Y.S. Brar and G.S. Brar Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 2020 2005-4238 LINK
Photo-Voltaic based Smart Irrigation Cart Amit Anand, Anuj Banshwar, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Bharat Bhushan Sharma and Mohit Pathak Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Journal of Physics: Conference Series  2020 1742-6588 LINK
Power Quality Assessment of Distorted Distribution Networks Incorporating Renewable Distributed Generation Systems Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process M. Bajaj, A. K. Singh, M. Alowaidi, N. K. Sharma, S. K. Sharma and S. Mishra Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus IEEE Access 2020 2169-3536 LINK
Power quality analysis of an AC utility-grid interfaced multilevel inverter systems Akhil Gupta Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus International Journal of Electronics Letters 2020 2168-1732 LINK
Multi-Objective Power Scheduling of Wind–Thermal Integrated System by Using 𝜶-Constrained Simplex Method Y S Brar Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus 8th International Conference on Smart Grid and Clean Energy Technologies, 978-1-7281-5736-8/20, IEEE Kuching, Malaysia, 4-7 Oct. 2020 2020 nan LINK
Solar-Thermal Power Scheduling by Inserting 𝜶-Constrained Method to Nonlinear Simplex Method with Mutations Y S Brar Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus 8th International Conference on Smart Grid and Clean Energy Technologies, 978-1-7281-5736-8/20, IEEE, Kuching, Malaysia 2020 DOI: 10.1109/ICSGCE49177.2020.9275629 LINK
Active and reactive power dispatch using predator prey optimization approach Y S Brar Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus 2016 7th India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), Thapar University Patiala, 2020 nan LINK
Congestion Management of Power Transmission Line: A Survey on Techniques, Methodology and Approaches Sourabh and Gagandeep Kaur Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus 2018 IEEE International Conference on Recent Innovations in Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering (ICRIEECE) 2020 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9008923 LINK
Power quality analysis of a wind energy conversion systems using UPFC Akhil Gupta, Kamal Sharma, Sunny Vig, Gagandeep Kaur, and Ashish Sharma Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus CRC press, Taylor & Francis 2020 nan LINK
Microbial Fuel Cell: A Source of Bioelectricity Production Gagandeep Kaur, Akhil Gupta, and Jaspreet kaur Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus CRC press, Taylor & Francis 2020 nan LINK
Current Scenario of Solar Power and Various Schemes for Stimulation and Expansion of Solar Energy Sector in India Deepika Bhalla Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus  Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series (LNEE, volume 760) 2020 Springer, Singapore LINK
An Evaluation of Different Health Assessment Methods on 50 MVA Power Transformer: A Case Study Naveen Kumar Sharma Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus 2020 IEEE Students Conference on Engineering & Systems (SCES) 2020 978-1-7281-9339-7 LINK
Dynamical aspects of 48Ti+58Fe, 58Ni —> 106Cd*,106Sn* reactions at energies near the coulomb barrier Rupinder Kaur, Maninder Kaur, Varinderjit Singh, Mandeep Kaur, BirBikram Singh, and B. S. Department of Physical Sciences Phys. Rev. C 101, 044605 2020 0556-2813 / 1089-490X LINK
Lattice Thermal Conductivity of pure and doped (B,N) Graphene Sarita Mann, Isha Mudahar, Hitesh Sharma, V.K. Jindal, G. Dubey Department of Physical Sciences Material Research Express 2020 2053-1591 LINK
Effect of Twist Angle on Structural, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Carbon Nano Hybrids: A DFT Study Amrish Sharma, Sandeep Kaur, Hitesh Sharma, Neha Kapila, V.K. Jindal, Vladimir Bubanja Department of Physical Sciences Computational Materials Science 2020 0927-0256 / 1879-0801 LINK
Cyclic Oxidation and Hot Corrosion Behaviour of Plasma Gun Sprayed Cermet Coatings on SS-304 Steel Satjot Singh Dhillon, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Solid State Technology 2020 ISSN 0038-111X LINK
Microstructure and Characterization of D-Gun Sprayed Aluminium Oxide-13%Titanium Dioxide and Aluminium Oxide -40% Titanium Dioxide coatings on ASTM 316 Boiler Steel Shehbaaz Singh Brar, Gurbhinder Singh Brar, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Solid State Technology 2020 ISSN 0038-111X LINK
Characterization of LVOF Sprayed Al2O3-13% TiO2 and Al2O3- 40% TiO2 Coatings on ASTM 316 Boiler Steel and There Microstructure Shehbaaz Singh Brar, Gurbhinder Singh Brar, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Solid State Technology 2020 ISSN 0038-111X LINK
Solid Particle Erosion Analysis of Plasma Gun Sprayed Cermet Coatings on SAE-347H Steel Satjot Singh Dhillon, Vikas Chawla, Gurbhinder Singh Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Solid State Technology 2020 ISSN 0038-111X LINK
Hot Corrosion Performance of Plasma-Sprayed Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube–Al2O3 Composite Coatings in a Coal-Fired Boiler at 900 °C Rakesh Goyal, Buta Singh Sidhu, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 2020 1059-9495 LINK
Characterization of Plasma Sprayed 87% Al and 88% WC–12% Co 2O3–13% TiO2 Coatings

Varun Panwar, Vikas Chawla, Neel Kanth Grover Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Advances in Materials Processing: Select Proceedings of ICFMMP 2019 2020 2195-4364 LINK
Microstructural analysis and hot corrosion behavior of HVOF-sprayed Ni-22Cr-10Al-1Y and Ni-22Cr-10Al-1Y-SiC (N) coatings on ASTM-SA213-T22 steel Gurmail Singh, Niraj Bala, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials 2020 1869-103X LINK
Erosion studies of plasma sprayed WC-12%Co, Cr3C2-25%NiCr, 80%Ni-20%Cr, 87%Al2O3-13%TiO2 coatings on ASTM A36 steel Varun Panwar, Neel Kanth Grover, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Research Express 2020 2053-1591 LINK
Characterization of Plasma Sprayed 87%Al2O3–13%TiO2 and 88%WC–12%Co Coatings on ASTM A36 Steel Varun Panwar, Vikas Chawla, Neel Kanth Grover Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Advances in Materials Processing 2020 2374068X, 23740698 LINK
Investigation of mechanical properties and hot corrosion behavior
of friction welded AISI 304 and AISI 1021 steels
Amit Handa, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Sadhana 2020 0973-7677 LINK
Oxidation Behaviour of HVOF Sprayed NiCrAlY and NiCrAlY-20SiC Coatings on T-91 Boiler Tube Steel Gurmail Singh, Niraj Bala, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 2020 2070-206X LINK
Study of High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Wire Arc Sprayed Coatings Shashi Kant, Manoj Kumar, Vikas Chawla, Supreet Singh Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Today: Proceedings 2020 2214-7853 LINK
In-vitro performance of reinforced hydroxyapatite coatings deposited using vacuum plasma spray technique on Ti-6Al-4V Amardeep Singh Kang, Gurbhinder Singh, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Today: Proceedings 2020 2214-7853 LINK
Model for transient n-heptane droplet ignition at elevated pressure Neel Kanth Grover Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2020 1388-6150 (print);
1572-8943 (web)
Machining Characteristics of Wire EDM of Alloy Steels: A State of the Art Review Jwala Parshad, Neel Kanth Grover, Vivek Aggarwal Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) 2020 2249–6890 (Print); 2249–8001 (Web) LINK
Transient combustion of a multi-component fuel droplet with gas radiation Neel Kanth Grover Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 2020  0735-1933. LINK
WEDM process parameter optimization for newly developed hybrid Al/(SiC + Gr + Fe2O3 ) – MMC Neel kanth Grover, Amresh Kumar Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala J. Indian Chem. Soc., 2020 0019-4522 LINK
Erosion studies of plasma sprayed WC-12%Co, Cr3C2-25%NiCr, 80%Ni-20%Cr, 87%Al2O3-13%TiO2 coatings on ASTM A36 steel Varun Panwar, Neel Kanth Grover, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Material Research Express 2020 2053-1591 LINK
Tribological investigation of HVOF sprayed coated turbine steel under varied Operating conditions Mithlesh Sharma, Deepak Kumar Goyal, and Gagandeep Kaushal Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials today: Proceedings 2020 2214-7853 LINK
Fabrication AL-CNT-Sicp hybrid nano-composite by spark plasma sintering Chander Prakash, Sunpreet Singh, Shubham Sharma, Jujhar Singh, Gursharan Singh, Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Advanced Science Letters. 2020 1936-6612 LINK
A comprehensive review of current developments on the waste-reinforced polymer-matrix composites for automotive, sports goods and construction applications: Materials, processes and properties, Shubham Sharma P.Sudhakara S.K.Misra Jujhar Singh Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Today: Proceedings, 2020 2214-7853 LINK
Utilization of rapid prototyping technology for the fabrication of an orthopedic shoe inserts for foot pain reprieve using thermo-softening viscoelastic polymers: A novel experimental approach Shubham Sharma, Jujhar Singh, Harish Kumar, Abhinav Sharma, Vivek Aggarwal, Amoljit Singh Gill, N Jayarambabu, Saraswathi Kailasa, K Venkateswara Rao Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Measurement and Control 2020 0020-2940 LINK
Comparing the SiC-iron , Al2O3-iron powder combination using microwave sintering in terms of surface finish”, UNDER REVIEW. Tarun Goyal, Rohit Rampal Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science and Engineering 2020 1678-5878 LINK
Fabrication of low elastic modulus Ti50Nb30HA20 alloy by rapid microwave sintering technique for biomedical applications Chander Prakash, Sunpreet Singh, Shubham Sharma, Jujhar Singh, Gursharan Singh, Munish Mehta, Manoj Mittal, Harish Kumar Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Today Proceedings 2020 1369-7021 LINK
Selection of Optimal Parameters for Reduction of Forging Defect using AHP-TOPSIS Technique Panwar, A., R. Kumar, R. Thakur, B. Goel, A. Rana, A. Pathania, and V. Aggarwal Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal on Emerging Technologies 2020 0975-8364 LINK
An outlook on the sustainable machining aspects of minimum quantity lubrication during processing of difficult to cut materials Singh, Gurpreet, Vivek Aggarwal, and Sehijpal Singh Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Today: Proceedings 2020 2214-7853 LINK
Investigating the influence of WEDM process parameters in machining of hybrid aluminum composites Amresh Kumar, Neelkant Grover, Alakesh Manna, Jasgurpreet Singh Chohan, Raman Kumar, Sunpreet Singh, Chander Prakash and Catalin Iulian Pruncu Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Composites and Advanced Materials 2020 2634-9833 LINK
Tribological investigation of HVOF-spray Cr3C2-25NiCr and WC-10Co-4Cr coated turbine steel under varied slurry erosion conditions Mithlesh Sharma, Deepak Kumar Goyal, and Gagandeep Kaushal Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences 2020 0971-4588 LINK
Laser cladding technique for erosive wear applications: a review Sarpreet Singh, Deepak Kumar Goyal, Parhlad Kumar and Anuj Bansal Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Research Express 2020 2053-1591 LINK
Influence of cryogenic treatment on mechanical performance of friction stir Al-Zn-Cu alloy weldments Anuj Bansal, Anil Kumar Singla, Vinay Dwivedi, Deepak Kumar Goyal, Jonny Singla, Munish Kumar Gupta, Grzegorz M. Krolczyk Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Manufacturing Processes 2020 1526-6125 LINK
Erosive wear behaviour of HVOF-sprayed Ni-20Cr2O3 coating on pipeline materials Anuj Bansal, Deepak Kumar Goyal, Prabhjot Singh, Anil Kumar Singla, Munish Kumar Gupta, Niraj Bala, Jayant Kolte, Gautam Setia Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 2020 0263-4368 LINK
“Utilization of rapid prototyping technology for the fabrication of an orthopedic shoe inserts for foot pain reprieve using thermo-softening viscoelastic polymers: A novel experimental approach”, Shubham Sharma, Jujhar Singh, Harish Kumar , Abhinav Sharma, Vivek Aggarwal, Amoljit Singh Gill, N Jayarambabu, Saraswathi Kailasa and K Venkateswara Rao Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Measurement and Control. 2020 0020-2940 LINK
Evaluation of surface roughness in the turning of mild steel under different cutting conditions using backpropagation neural network Mohamed Rafik Noor Qureshi, Shubham Sharma, Jujhar Singh, Shaik Dewood Abdul Khadar, Rahmath Ulla Baig Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Proceeding of the Estonian academy of sciences, Manufacturing Engineering, 2020 1736-6046 LINK
A review of Recent Methods for Tool Wear Reduction in Electrical Discharge Machining Amoljit Singh Gill, Sanjeev Kumar, Jujhar Singh, Vivek Aggarwal and Shubham Sharma Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Surface review and letters, 2020 0218-625X / 1793-6667 LINK
Empirical investigations during WEDM of Ni-27Cu-3.15Al-2Fe-1.5Mn based superalloy for high temperature corrosion resistance applications Aggarwal, V.; Pruncu, C.I.; Singh, J.; Sharma, S.; Pimenov, D.Y. Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials 2020 1996-1944 LINK
Fabrication and characterization of coir/carbonfiber reinforced epoxy based hybrid composite for helmet shells and sports-good applications: influence of fiber surface modifications on the mechanical, thermal and morphological properties Yadvinder Singh, Jujhar Singh, Shubham Sharma, Thanh-Danh Lam, Duc-Nam Nguyen Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Materials Research and Technology 2020 2238-7854 / 2214-0697 LINK
Critical review on ecological, economical and technological aspects of minimum quantity lubrication towards sustainable machining Singh, Gurpreet, Vivek Aggarwal, and Sehijpal Singh Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Cleaner Production 2020 0959-6526 LINK
Empirical investigations during WEDM of Ni-27Cu-3.15 Al-2Fe-1.5 Mn based superalloy for high temperature corrosion resistance applications Aggarwal, Vivek, Catalin Iulian Pruncu, Jujhar Singh, Shubham Sharma, and Danil Yurievich Pimenov Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials 2020 1996-1944 LINK
A Review of Recent Methods for Tool Wear Reduction in Electrical Discharge Machining. Surface Review and Letters Gill, Amoljit Singh, Sanjeev Kumar, Jujhar Singh, Vivek Aggarwal, and Shubham Sharma Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Surface Review and Letters 2020 0218-625X LINK
Exploring consumers’ purchase intention towards cosmetic products in a changing lifestyle landscape in a developing nation Neetu Singh, Manish Bansal and Rajesh Narula Department of Mathematical Sciences International journal of Management 2020 0976-6502 LINK
On q-series and Split Lattice Paths M. Goyal Department of Mathematical Sciences Graphs and Combinatorics 2020 0911-0119 LINK
Corporate Governance: An overview and key issues Satish Kumar and Mandeep Kaur Department of Management, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Sustainable Humanosphere 2020 1880-6503 LINK
Comparative Analysis of Corporate Governance Elements of Indian and Foreign Banks Satish Kumar and Mandeep Kaur Department of Management, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Sustainable Humanosphere 2020 1880-6503 LINK
Corporate Social Responsibility Expenditure (CSR): An Analysis of Public Sector Banks in India Yuvika Midha and Mandeep Kaur Department of Management, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 2020 2005-4238 LINK
Career adaptability and job outcomes: a moderated mediation model of proactivity and job content plateau in educational sector Kaur, Harleen and Kaur, Rajpreet Department of Management, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning. 2020 2042-3896 LINK
The relationship between career adaptability and job outcomes via fit perceptions: A three-wave longitudinal study.  Kaur, Harleen and Kaur, Rajpreet Department of Management, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Australian Journal of Career Development,  2020 2200-6974 LINK
Does online media self-regulate consumption behavior of INDIAN youth? Varun Nayyar and Roopali Batra Department of Management, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing 2020 1465-4520 / 1479-103X LINK
Impact of Merger and Acquisition Announcements on Stock Return, Stock Volatility and Stock Liquidity of Acquirers: Evidence from Indian Banking Sector Pinky Mall and Kapil Gupta Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Management and Accounting Review 2020 2600-7975  LINK
The conception of Tourism communication and strategizing for Tourism Development in Himachal Prades Dr. Ranbir Singh & Ms. Ranjna Thakur Department of Journalism & Mass Communication Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology, 2020 ISSN1006-7930 LINK
Emerging Need To Rethink Language Pedagogies In Indian Technical Education: Creative Pedagogy A Better Approach For Vocabulary Instruction Priyanka Mahajan Department of Humanities Languages & Cultural Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews (Scopus Indexed/ UGC-CARE List -Group II) 2020 2395-6518 LINK
Use of microalgal biomass as novel functional ingredient for preparation of cereal based extrudates: impact of processing on amino acid profiling and colour degradation kinetics LaxmiAnanthanarayan, Vikas Kumar, Anil Panghal, Barinderjit Singh, RojiWaghmare, Yogesh Gat and Narinder Kaur Department of Food Science & Technology, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University,Main Campus, Kapurthala Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2020 2175-9790 LINK
Lifetime Enhancement of wireless sensor network using solar energy harvesting technique Harmandeep Kaur,Avtar Singh Buttar Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering IET Wireless Sensor Systems 2020 2043-6386 ,2043-6394 LINK
Measurement of AC and DC relaxation properties in Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Nanocomposites Rajesh, Dalveer Kaur Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Elsevier Journal – Measurement 2020 0263-2241 LINK
A novel design of energy efficient bidirectional passive optical green networks using reduced buffer with small packet size technique Rakesh Goyal, Rajinder Singh Kaler, Monika Rani Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Microwave and Optical technology Letters 2020 1098-2760 LINK
Highly Sensitive and Reusable Cu+2/Polyaniline /Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite Ink Based Non-Enzymatic Glucose Sensor Vijay Kumar Anand, Archana Bukke, Kapil Bhatt, Sandeep Kumar, Sandeep Sharma, Rakesh Goyal, G. S. Virdi Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Applied Physics A 2020 nan LINK
Design And Investigation Of High-Capacity Spatial-Division Multiplexing Network Employing A Multimode Fiber Ashish Malhotra, Gurmanik Kaur, Rakesh Goyal, Monika Rani Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal of Russian Laser Research 2020 10712836, 15738760 LINK
Impact of High Speed Differential Quadrature Amplitude Modulation using Hybrid Optical Amplifier for Super Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing System Chakresh Kumar, Rakesh Goyal Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 2020 0019-5596 LINK
Development of 32‑GBaud DP‑QPSK free space optical transceiver using homodyne detection and advanced digital signal processing for future optical networks Sahil Nazir Pottoo, Rakesh Goyal, Amit Gupta Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Optical and Quantum Electronics 2020 0306-8919 , 1572-817X LINK
Transmission of audio over LTE packet based Wireless Networks using wavelets Dr Amit Gupta Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Wireless Personal Communications 2020 0929-6212 LINK
Optimization of hybrid WDM/TDM (16×1024) PON for future access systems Dr Amit Gupta Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Optoelectronicsa nd Advanced materials :Rapid Communication 2020 1842 – 6573 LINK
Availability Assessment of Crop residue Potential for Electric Power Generation in Punjab, India: A review H.S. Dhaliwal, Y.S. Brar and G.S. Brar Department of Electrical Engineering , IKGPTU International Journal on Emerging Technologies; 11-1; 476-485 2020 0975-8364 LINK
Evaluation of Air Pollution due to Crop Residual Burning in Open Fields of Punjab, India H.S. Dhaliwal, Y.S. Brar and G.S. Brar Department of Electrical Engineering , IKGPTU Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems; 12-2; 2312-2321 2020 1943-023X LINK
Hybridized particle swarm optimization on constrained economic dispatch problem N., Chopra, Y.S. Brar and J.S. Dhillon, Department of Electrical Engineering , IKGPTU Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience; 17-1; 322-328; 2020 1546-1955 LINK
Computation of Power Transformer Reactance using Finite Element Method Vibhuti, Genius Walia, Deepika Bhalla Department of Electrical Engineering , IKGPTU International Journal of Performability Engineering 2020 0973-1318 LINK
Decision Tree based Classification and Dimensionality Reduction of Cervical Cancer Diksha, Gupta, D. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) 2020 2278-3075 LINK
Cloud Resource Management: Comparative Analysis and Research Issues, Vol 9, no 6, 2020, pp 96-113 Anshu Bhasin, H. Singh, P.kaveri Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International journal of Scientific and Technology Research 2020 2277-8616 LINK
A comprehensive study of routing layer intrusions in zigbee based wireless sensor networks N Sidhu, M Sachdeva – International Journal of Advanced Science and …, 2020 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 2020 2005-4238 LINK
Validation of rationale characterizing the anomalies causing denial of service Avneet Dhingra and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Advances in Mathematics journal 2020 1857-8365 LINK
BEST: Battery, Efficiency and Stability based Trust mechanism for mitigation of Blackhole Attack and its Variants in MANET Nitin Khanna and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Ad-hoc Sensor and Wireless Network, Old City Publishing, SCI-E, Scopus Indexed (Accepted), Impact Factor: 0.948 2020 1551-9899 LINK
Detection of denial of service using a cascaded multi-classifier Avneet Dhingra and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering > 2020 1742-7185 LINK
Experimental study on the behaviour of modified bituminous concrete mix developed using plastic waste and scrapped rubber tyre Singh, G. and Chauhan, R Department of Civil Engineering, I.K G Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 2020 2207-6360 LINK
Investigation on behaviour of Modified Bituminous Concrete mix developed using Crumb rubber Singh, G. and Chauhan, R. Department of Civil Engineering, I.K G Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Adavnced Science and Technology 2020 2207-6360 LINK
Chlorophyll triggered one-pot synthesis of 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-ones via photo induced electron transfer reaction Simran Harsh, Sanjay Kumar, Rohit Sharma, Yogesh Kumar and Rupesh Kumar Department of Chemical Sciences Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 13(3), 4720-4730. 2020 1878-5352 LINK
Recent development in the synthesis of pyrrolin‐4‐ones/pyrrolin‐3‐ones Priyanka Sharma, Rupesh Kumar, Gaurav Bhargava Department of Chemical Sciences Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 2020, 57(12), 4115-4135. 2020 1943-5193 LINK
Near-IR discriminative detection of H2S and Cysteine with 7-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazole-perylenediimide conjugate in water, live cells and solid state: Mimicking IMP, INH and NOR/OR complimentary logic Poonam Sharma, Kapil Kumar, Sandeep Kaur, Satwinderjeet Kaur, Gaurav Bhargava, Subodh Kumar, Prabhpreet Singh Department of Chemical Sciences Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 2020 1010-6030 LINK
A multifunctional perylenediimide-based dual-analyte chemodosimeter for specific and rapid detection of H2S and Pd(0) in water, biofluids, live cells and solid state Kapil Kumar, Sandeep Kaur, Satwinderjeet Kaur, Gaurav Bhargava, Subodh Kumar, Prabhpreet Singh Department of Chemical Sciences Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 2020 1010-6030 LINK
Nickel (0) Catalyzed (3+2) Cycloadditions of Bis-alkylidenecyclopropanes with Diazenes: A Facile Synthesis of Functionalized Pyrazolidine-1,2-Dicarboxylates Bilash Kuila, Rayees Ahmad, Dinesh Mahajan, Prabhpreet Singh, Gaurav Bhargava Department of Chemical Sciences Synlett 2020 0936-5214 (print) 1437-2096 (web) LINK
Self-assembled nanofibers of perylene diimide for detection of hypochlorite in water, bio-fluids and solid state: Exogenous and endogenous bioimaging of hypochlorite in cells Kapil Kumar, Sandeep Kaur, Satwinderjeet Kaur, Gaurav Bhargava, Subodh Kumar and Prabhpreet Singh Department of Chemical Sciences Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2020 2050-7518 LINK
Rhodium-catalysed chemo- and regio-selective [3 + 2+2] cycloadditions of bis(methylenecyclopropanes) and alkynes: Synthesis of spirocyclic 5–7 condensed cycloheptenes, Bilash Kuila, Priyanka Sharma, Dinesh Mahajan, Prabhpreet Singh and Gaurav Bhargava Department of Chemical Sciences Synthetic Communications 2020 0039-7911 (print); 1532-2432 (web) LINK
3-Butadienyl-β-lactams: A useful synthon for functionalized heterocycles, Gaurav Bhargava, Maninderjeet K. Mann and Rayees Ahmad Naikoo, Department of Chemical Sciences Synthetic Communications 2020 0039-7911 (print); 1532-2432 (web) LINK
Comparison of microwave and conventionally sintered manganese and niobium doped lanthanum germanate based apatites by Micro Raman Spectroscopy. Chetan Sharma, Anirudh P. Singh, Kanchan L Singh, Payal Sharma; Sonia mago; Vandana Naithani; Ravinder Chadha Department of Chemical Sciences Materials Chemistry and Physics 2020 0254-0584 LINK
Effect of Microwave and Conventional processing techniques on mechanical properties of Strontium substituted hydroxyapatite Ravinder Kumar Chadha, Anirudh P. Singh, Kanchan L. Singh, Chetan Sharma, Vandana Naithani Department of Chemical Sciences Ceramics International 2020 0272-8842 (print); 1873-3956(online) LINK
Performance evaluation of SS-FSO communication system incorporating different line coding Aditi Thakur, Amit Gupta, Surbhi Bakhshi, Neeraj Mohan CSE-IKGPTU Mohali-I Optical and Quantum Electronics 2020 1572-817X LINK
A Study on Source Device Attribution Using Still Images Surbhi Gupta, Neeraj Mohan, Munish Kumar CSE-IKGPTU Mohali-I Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 2020 1134-3060(print) 1886-1784 (web) LINK
A computational approach for printed document forensics using SURF and ORB features Munish Kumar, Surbhi Gupta, Neeraj Mohan CSE-IKGPTU Mohali-I Soft Computing 2020 EISSN 1433-7479 Print ISSN 1432-7643 LINK
Dynamic routing and wavelength assignment for efficient traffic grooming Neeraj Mohan, Priyanka Kaushal CSE-IKGPTU Mohali-I Journal of Optical Communication 2020 Online 2191-6322 Print ISSN: 0173-4911 LINK
Link failure recovery using p-cycles in wavelength division multiplex (WDM) mesh networks Neeraj Mohan, Surbhi Gupta, Abhay Bhandari CSE-IKGPTU Mohali-I Journal of Optical Communication 2020 Online 2191-6322 Print ISSN: 0173-4911 LINK
Cascade aeration: a promising post treatment of effluent from UASB reactor R Walia, I mehrotra and Pradeep Kumar Civil Engg (IKGPTU HSP) Eco. Env. & Cons 2020 0971–765X LINK
Effect of metal contaminants and antioxidants on the oxidation stability of Argemone Mexicana biodiesel, Experimental and Statistical study Mandip Singh, Deepak Kumar Singh, Surjit Kumar Gandhi, Amit Sarin, Sanjeev Saini, Sunil Kumar Malha, Ajay Gupta and Sarabjot Singh Sandhu Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Waste and biomass valorization 2019 1877-2641 LINK
Antioxidative Potential of Phyllanthus emblica for Oxidation Stability of Biodiesels Meetu Singh, Neerja Sharma, Harkirat S. Paras, Navneet S. Hans, Narinder P. Singh, and Amit Sarin Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 2019 1944-7450 LINK
Effect of varying biogas mass flow rate on performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine fuelled with blends of n-butanol and diesel Geetesh Goga, Bhupendra Singh Chauhan, Sunil Kumar Mahla*, Amit Dhir, Haeng Muk Cho Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2019 1588-2926 LINK
Biodiesel production using Terminalia bellerica using eggshell-based green catalyst: An optimization study with response surface methodology Akshey Marwaha, Pali Rosha, Saroj Kumar Mohapatra, Sunil Kumar Mahla, Amit Dhir Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Energy Reports 2019 2352-4847 LINK
Performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine fuelled with rice bran biodiesel and n-butanol Geetesh Goga, Bhupendra Singh Chauhan, Sunil Kumar Mahla*, Haeng Muk Cho Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Energy Reports 2019 2352-4847 LINK
Effects of metal containments and antioxidants on the oxidation stability of argemone Mexicana biodiesel: Experimental and statistical study (Published Online) Mandeep Singh, Deepak Kumar Singh, Surjit Kumar Gandhi, Amit Sarin, Sanjeev Saini, Sunil Kumar Mahla, Ajay Gupta, SS Sandhu Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Waste & Biomass Valorisation 2019 1877-2641 LINK
Trend and time series analysis by ARIMA model to predict the emissions and performance characteristics of biogas fuelled compression ignition engine, Sunil Kumar Mahla*, Kulwinder Singh Parmar, Jujhar Singh, Amit Dhir, Sarbjot Singh Sandhu, Bhupendra Singh Chauhan Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Energy Sources, Part A: Recov., Utiliz., and Environmental Effects 2019 1556-7230 LINK
Effect of compression ratio on combustion, performance, and emission characteristics of compression ignition engine fuelled with palm (B20) biodiesel blend Pali Rosha, Saroj K Mohapatra, Sunil Kumar Mahla, Amit Dhir, B.S. Chauhan, H.M. Cho Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Energy 2019 0360-5442 LINK
Catalytic reforming of synthetic biogas for hydrogen enrichment over Ni supported on ZnO-CeO2 mixed catalyst, Pali Rosha, Saroj Kumar Mohapatra, Sunil Kumar Mahla, Amit Dhir Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Biomass and Bioenergy 2019 0960-9534 LINK
Dry reforming of methane using various catalysts in the process: Review Rattanvir Singh, Amit Dhir, Saroj Kumar Mohapatra, Sunil Kumar Mahla Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Biomass Conversion & Bio-refinery 2019 2190-6815 LINK
Combined impact of varying biogas mass flow rate and rice bran methyl esters blended with diesel on a dual fuel engine Geetesh Goga, Bhupendra Singh Chauhan, Sunil Kumar Mahla Amit Dhir, Heang Muk Cho Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Energy Sources, Part A: Recov., Utiliz., and Environmental Effects 2019 1556-7230 LINK
Hydrogen enrichment of biogas via dry and auto thermal-dry reforming with pure nickel (Ni) nanoparticle Pali Rosha, Saroj Kumar Mohapatra, Sunil Kumar Mahla, Amit Dhir Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Energy 2019 0360-5442 LINK
A facile synthesis of Cs loaded TiO2 nanotube photo electrode for the removal of 4-chloroguaicol, Himadri Rajput, Rahil Changotra, Vikas Kumar Sangal, Sunil Kumar Mahla, Amit Dhir Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Chemosphere 2019 0045-6535 LINK
Performance and emission characteristics of CNG-fuelled compression  ignition engine with Ricinus communis methyl ester as pilot fuel, Sunil Kumar Mahla, Amit Dhir Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2019 0944-1344 LINK
Synthesis of noval hybrid nanocomposite of AZ31 Mg/Graphene by multi-pass friction stir processing and evaluation of mechanical properties Sanjay Sharma, Amit Handa, Sahib Sartaj Singh & Deepak Verma Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Research Express 2019 2053-1591 LINK
High temperature oxidation and erosion-corrosion behavior of wire arc sprayed Ni-Al coatings on boiler steel Santosh Kumar, Manoj Kumar & Amit Handa Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Research Express 2019 2053-1591 LINK
Comparative study of high temperature oxidation behavior and mechanical properties of wire arc sprayed Ni-Al coatings Santosh Kumar, Manoj Kumar & Amit Handa Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Engineering Failure Analysis 2019 1350-6307 LINK
High-temperature corrosion behavior of some post-plasma-spraying-gas-nitride metallic coatings on a Fe-based superalloy Vikas Chawla, Buta S Sidhu, Amita Rani & Amit Handa Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials and Corrosion 2019 1521-4176 LINK
Influence of tool rotation speeds on mechanical and morphological properties of friction stir processed nano hybrid composite of MWCNT – Graphene-AZ31 magnesium Sanjay Sharma, Amit Handa, Sahib Sartaj Singh & Deepak Verma Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 2019 2213-9567 LINK
Microstructure of Ni-Cr Based Coating for Corrosive Conditions S.B.S. Kalsi,H. Singh, T.S. Sidhu, M.P.S. Dhulka, D.P. Singh, N.P.S. Saini Mech. Engineering IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 2019 1059-9630 LINK
Analysis of cold spray-coated boiler-tube material in chlorine-based corrosive environment at 900°C S.B.S. Kalsi,H. Singh, T.S. Sidhu Mech. Engineering IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Materials and Corrosion 2019 0947-5117 LINK
Analysis of Atmospheric Turbulence on Free Space Optical System using Homotopy Perturbation Method Monika Rani, Harbax Singh Bhatti and Vikramjeet Singh Mathematical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Journal of Optical Communications 2019 21916322 LINK
Green inventory supply chain model with inflation under permissible delay in finite planning horizon Seema Saxena , Vikramjeet Singh, Rajesh Kumar Gupta , Nitin Kumar Mishra , Pushpinder Singh Mathematical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems 2019 2415-6698 LINK
NORMALIZATION, INACCURACY AND CRISPNESS GS Buttar, V Singh, H Kaur Mathematical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences 2019 0974-6803 LINK
Neuro-fuzzy-wavelet hybrid approach to estimate the future trends of river water quality Kulwinder Singh Parmar, Sidhu Jitendra Singh Makkhan, Sachin Kaushal Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Neural Computing and Applications 2019 1433-3058 LINK
Wave propagation in generalized thermodiffusion elastic medium with Impedence boundary condition Priya Sachin Kaushal, Kulwinder Parmar Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics 2019 1735-4463 LINK
Trend and time series analysis by ARIMA model to predict the emissions and performance characteristics of biogas fueled compression ignition engine Sunil Kumar Mahla, Kulwinder Singh Parmar, Jujhar Singh, Amit Dhir, Sarbjot Singh Sandhu, Bhupendra Singh Chauhan Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects. 2019 1556-7230 LINK
Pan evaporation modeling by three different neuro-fuzzy intelligent systems using climatic inputs M. Rana, A. Malik, A.Kumar, KS Parmar, O. Kisi Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Arabian Journal of Geosciences 2019 1866-7538 LINK
Land use/land cover change detection using geoinformatics in gurugram district, haryana, India Goyal, A., Sharma, M., Singh, D.D. IKGPTU Mohali Campus-II International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 2019 3753–3755 LINK
Software effort estimation using FAHP and weighted kernel LSSVM machine S.K. Sehra, Y.S. Brar, N. Kaur and S.S. Sehra Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Soft Computing 2019 1433-7479 LINK
Solution of Optimal Power Flow Based on Active and Reactive Cost using Particle Swarm Optimization H.P. Singh, Y. S. Brar and D.P. Kothari Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (IJEET), 2019 ISSN Print: 0976-6545 and ISSN Online: 0976-6553 LINK
Reactive power based fair calculation approach for multi-objective load dispatch problem H.P. Singh, Y.S. Brar and D.P. Kothari, Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Archives of Electrical Engineering, , 2019 nan LINK
Market-based Participation of Energy Storage Scheme to Support Renewable Energy Sources for the Procurement of Energy and Spinning Reserve Anuj Banshwar, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Renewable Energy 2019 0960-1481 LINK
Simulation based Elevator Group Control System for Multi Storey Building Bharat Bhushan Sharma, Anuj Banshwar, Mohit Pathak, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Aman Joshi Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences (IJMEMS) 2019 2455-7749 LINK
Congestion Management in Deregulated Power Systems: A Review Baldeep Singh Negi and Gagandeep Kaur Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus 2018 IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN) 2019 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8748730 LINK
Renewable Energy Management in Multi-microgrid Under Deregulated Environment of Power Sector Naveen Kumar Sharma Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (LNEE, volume 698) 2019 978-981-13-1819-1_28 LINK
Comparative Study of Duval Triangle with the New DGA Interpretation Scheme Naveen Kumar Sharma Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus LNEE, volume 509 2019 978-981-13-0664-8 LINK
Graphene nanoribbons under axial compressive and point tensile stresses Sandeep Kaur, Hitesh Sharma, V.K. Jindal, Vladimir Bubanja and Isha Mudahar Department of Physical Sciences Physica E: Low dimensional System and Nanostructures
111, 1-12
2019 1386-9477 LINK
Substitutional doping of symmetrical sized small fullerene dimmers Sandeep Kaur, Amrish Sharma, Hitesh Sharma and Isha Mudahar Department of Physical Sciences In. Journal of Quantum Chemistry
119,23, 1-12
2019 1097-461X LINK
Erosion Studies of D-Gun-Sprayed WC-12%Co, Cr3C2-25%NiCr and Al2O3-13%TiO2 Coatings on ASTM A36 Steel Vineet Shibe, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 2019 1544-1016 LINK
High-temperature corrosion behavior of some post-plasma-spraying-gas-nitrided metallic coatings on a Fe-based superalloy Vikas Chawla, Buta S Sidhu, Amita Rani, Amit Handa Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials and Corrosion 2019 15214176 LINK
Wear behaviour of plasma sprayed WC−12%Co and Al2O3−13%TiO2 coatings on ASTM A36 steel used for I.D. fans in coal fired power plants Varun Panwar, Neel Kanth Grover, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Research Express 2019 2053-1591 LINK
High temperature oxidation behaviour and characterization of NiCrAlY-B4C coatings deposited by HVOF Gurmail Singh, Niraj Bala, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Research Express 2019 2053-1591 LINK
Characterization and Industrial Performance Evaluation of Duplex-Treated AISI H21 Die Steel during Hot Forging Process Subhash Chander, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Performance and Characterization 2019 2379-1365 LINK
Erosion studies of cermet-coated ASTM A36 steel Vineet Shibe, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Industrial Lubrication and Tribology 2019 0036-8792 LINK
A study of microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welding aluminium alloy AA6082 with Zn interlayer Avtar Singh, Vinod Kumar, Neel Kanth Grover Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Material Research Express 2019 2053-1591 LINK
Influence of tool pin profiles on friction stir welding with a gap for AA6082-T6 aluminium alloy Avtar Singh, Vinod Kumar, Neel Kanth Grover Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Material Research Express 2019 2053-1591 LINK
Wear behaviour of plasma sprayed WC−12%Co and Al 2 O 3−13%TiO 2 coatings on ASTM A36 steel used for I.D. fans in coal fired power plants Varun Panwar, Neel Kanth Grover, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Material Research Express 2019 2053-1591 LINK
Parametric optimization of rice husk ash, copper, magnesium reinforced aluminium matrix hybrid composite processed by EDM Ram Narayan Muni, Jujhar Singh, Vineet Kumar, Shubham Sharma Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2019 1819-6608 LINK
Influence of rice husk ash, Cu, Mg on the mechanical behaviour of Aluminium Matrix hybrid composites Ram Narayan Muni, Jujhar Singh, Vineet Kumar, Shubham Sharma Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Applied Engineering 2019 0973-4562 LINK
Fabrication of low elastic modulus Ti50Nb30HA20Alloy by Rapid Microwave Sintering Technique for Biomedical Applications, Chander Prakash, Sunpreet Singh, Shubham Sharma, Jujhar Singh, Gursharan Singh, Manoj Mittal, Harish Kumar Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Today-Proceedings, 2019 2214-7853 LINK
“Investigation on technique for multiple parameter optimization of cold sprayed coatings process” UNDER REVIEW Tarun Goyal, R.S.Walia, T.S.Sidhu Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2019 0268-3768 LINK
“Design of Micro-Controller based Dual Axis Solar Tracker for Mobile Laboratory” UNDER REVIEW. Tarun Goyal, Jujhar Singh, Lakhvir Singh Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal on Interactive Design & Manufacturing 2019 1955-2513 LINK
“Characterization of cold sprayed copper coatings on Brass” UNDER REVIEW. Tarun Goyal, T.S.Sidhu, R.S.Walia Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation 2019 1757-2754 LINK
“Cold sprayed copper coatings on ASTM B36 alloy: Characterization and corrosion studies in simulated marine and industrial environment” UNDER REVIEW Tarun Goyal, T.S.Sidhu, R.S.Walia Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation 2019 1757-2754 LINK
“Investigation on multiple parametric optimization of cold sprayed coatings process” UNDER REVIEW Tarun Goyal, R.S.Walia, T.S.Sidhu Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Surface Science & Technology 2019 09710-1893 LINK
Erosion wear evaluation of HVOF sprayed WC-12Co coating on some pipeline materials using Taguchi approach Prabhjot Singh, Anuj Bansal, and Deepak Kumar Goyal Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Kovove Materialy-Metallic Materials 2019 0023-432X LINK
Micro-structural and tribological assessment of HVOF sprayed coating by Co alterations for wear applications Mithlesh Sharma, Deepak Kumar Goyal, and Gagandeep Kaushal Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Research Express 2019 2053-1591 LINK
Characterization and Accelerated Erosion Testing of HVOF-sprayed WC-Co-Cr and CoNiCrAlY Coatings on CA6NM Turbine Steel Deepak Kumar Goyal, Harpreet Singh, and Harmesh Kumar Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 2019 1544-1016 LINK
Trend and time series analysis by ARIMA model to predict the emissions and performance characteristics of biogas fuelled compression ignition engine Sunil Mahla, Kulwinder Parmar, Jujhar Singh, Amit Dhir, Sarbjot Singh Sandhu, Bhupendra Chauhan; Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Energy Source, part A: Recovery, utlilization and environment effects 2019 1556-7230 LINK
Integrating morphological edge detection and mutual information for nonrigid registration of medical images Aggarwal, Vivek, and Anupama Gupta Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Current Medical Imaging 2019 1573-4056 LINK
Surface characteristics investigation of tool steel machined by powder metallurgy tool in EDA Amoljit Singh Gill and Sanjeev Kumar Department of Mechanical Engineering Materials Research Express 2019 2053-1591 LINK
A Novel approach for Segmentation of Typewritten Gurmukhi Script Rajan Goyal, Rajesh Narula, Manish Jindal Department of Mathematical Sciences Int. Journal of advanced science and Technology 2019 2005-4238 LINK
An efficient optimized adaptive
step-size hybrid block method for
integrating differential systems
Gurjinder Singh,
Arvind Garg,
V. Kanwar,
Higinio Ramos
Department of Mathematical Sciences Applied Mathematics
and Computation
2019 0096-3003 LINK
An Optimized Two-Step Hybrid Block Method Formulated in Variable Step-Size Mode for
Integrating y”=f(x,y,y’) numerically
Gurjinder Singh,
Higinio Ramos
Department of Mathematical Sciences Numerical Mathematics:
Theory, Methods and Applications
2019 2079-7338 LINK
Rayleigh wave at composite porous half space saturated by two immiscible fluids, Applied Mathematical Modelling Abhishek Painuley and Ashish Arora Department of Mathematical Sciences Applied Mathematical Modelling 2019 0307-904X LINK
An Analogue of Euler’s Identity and Split Perfect Partitions M. Goyal Department of Mathematical Sciences Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2019 0004-9727 LINK
“Brand Satisfaction and Brand Equity: An Interplay
between Various Dimensions of Customer Brand Engagement
Kaushik, Priyanka and Soch, Harmeen Department of Management, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of
Management Studies
2019 2232-1608 (print) LINK
Impact of Brand Commitments on Brand Equity:
A Conceptual Framewor
Kaushik, Priyanka and Soch, Harmeen Department of Management, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Management Studies 2019 2232-1608 (print) LINK
Mobile Shopping: An Analysis of Extended Technology Acceptance Model of Indian Consumers Kaur, Jaspreet and Soch, Harmeen Department of Management, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of
Management Studies
2019 2232-1608 (print) LINK
Mobile Shopping Adoption: Insights into Attitude, Intentions and Flow Experience Kaur, Jaspreet and Soch, Harmeen Department of Management, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Management Studies 2019 2232-1608 (print) LINK
Investigating the Impact of Hedge Horizon upon Hedging Effectiveness: Evidence from National Stock Exchange of India Mandeep Kaur and Kapil Gupta Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Management and Accounting Review 2019 2600-7975  LINK
Cefixime‑associated acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis: Rare cases in India Vipin Kumar, Vivekanandan Kalaiselvan, A. Pramod Kumar, Archana Saurabh,
Prasad Thota, Shabir Sidhu, Bikash Medhi
Department of Food Science & Technology, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University,Main Campus, Kapurthala Indian Journal of Pharmacology 2019 0253-7613 LINK
Targeted Spontaneous Reporting on Drug Safety Alerts Issued by Pharmacovigilance Programme of India: A New Origin of Pharmacovigilance in India Shabir Sidhu, Prasad Thota, , Bikash Medhi, Phulen Sharma, Ajay Prakash, Kalaiselvan Vivekanandan, Anusha Thota Department of Food Science & Technology, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University,Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 2019 0976-500X LINK
Effect of different drying techniques on chemical composition,
color and antioxidant properties of kinnow (Citrus reticulata) peel
Barinderjit Singh, Shafiya Rafiq, Yogesh Gat Department of Food Science & Technology, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University,Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Food Science and Technology 2019 0022-1155 LINK
An Interval Type 2 Fuzzy Logic Framework For Faster Evolutionary Design Singh, Sarabjeet and Singh, Satvir and Banga, Vijay Kumar Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience 2019 1546-1955 LINK
RAMAN-Ytterbium Doped Hybrid Optical Amplifier yielding Flat Gain in S-band for Super Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing System Chakresh Kumar and Rakesh Goyal Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research 2019 0975-1084(online) ,0022-4456(Print) LINK
Enhance the Capacity of MIMO Wireless Communication channel using SVD and Optimal Power allocation algorithm Dalveer Kaur, Neeraj Kumar Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunication 2019 2300-1933 LINK
Performance Evaluation of Dynamically Flattened Gain L-Band Raman-EDFA-Raman Hybrid Optical Amplifier for Super Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing system Chakresh Kumar, Ghanendra Kumar and Rakesh Goyal Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 2019 0019-5596 LINK
Experimental Evaluation of HOA in term of Flat Gain in C-Band for Super Dense Optical Communication System Chakresh Kumar and Rakesh Goyal Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Wireless Personal Communications 2019 0929-6212 LINK
A unified non-linear approach based on recurrence quantification analysis and approximate entropy: application to the classification of heart rate variability of age-stratified subjects Dr Amit Gupta Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2019 ISSN: 0140-0118 (Print) 1741-0444 (Online) LINK
Designing and analysis of cross-shaped CRLH metamaterial for wide band negative index characteristics Dr Amit Gupta Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Material Research Express 2019 2053-1591 LINK
An integration of smart grids with demand side management and renewable energy: A review  B. Koul, K., Singh and Y.S. Brar Department of Electrical Engineering , IKGPTU International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD); 9-4; 839-848 2019 2249-6890 LINK
Fault detection in power transformers using random neural networks Amrinder Kaur,Y S Brar, Leena G Department of Electrical Engineering , IKGPTU International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 78-84 2019 2088-8708 LINK
QoS based Efficient Resource Allocation and Scheduling in Cloud Computing” ,Vol15, issue 4, pp13-29, Dec. 2019 Anshu Bhasin, H. Singh, P.kaveri Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala IJTHI, IGI global 2019 1548-3908 Eissn: 1548-3916 LINK
“SECURE: Efficient
Resource Scheduling by
Swarm in Cloud
Computing”, Vol22, no.2, pp127-137, March2019
Anshu Bhasin, H. Singh, P. KAveri Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, Taylor& Francis 2019  0972-0529 LINK
A Multiple Pheromone Ant Colony Optimization Scheme for Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks Vishal Arora,Vishal Sharma and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Soft Computing, Springer, 2019 2019 ISSN: 1433-7479 LINK
A Distributed, Multi-Hop, Adaptive, Tree-based Energy-Balance Routing Approach”, International Vishal Arora,Vishal Sharma and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, 2019. 2019 ISSN: 1099-1131 LINK
ACO Optimized Self-Organized Tree-Based Energy Balance Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network Vishal Arora,Vishal Sharma and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Springer, 2019.

2019 ISSN: 1868-5145 LINK
Study of trust‐based mechanism and its component model in MANET: Current research state, issues, and future recommendation Nitin Khanna and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Communication Systems 2019 ISSN: 1099-1131 LINK
OFFM-ANFIS Analysis for Flood prediction using mobile IoS, Fog and Cloud Computing Nitin Khanna and Monika and Sachdeva

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Cluster Computing, DOI: 10.1007/s10586-019-03033-w, Springer (SCI-E, Scopus Indexed), 1.851 2019 1386-7857 LINK
Influence of microwave processing and sintering temperature on the structure and properties of Sr/Zr doped hydroxyapatite Ravinder Kumar Chadha, Anirudh P. Singh, Kanchan L. Singh, Chetan Sharma, Vandana Naithani Department of Chemical Sciences Materials Chemistry and Physics 2019 0254-0584 LINK
Design and Applications of Small Molecular Probes for Calcium Detection Roopa, Naresh Kumar, Manoj Kumar and Vandana Bhalla Department of Chemical Sciences Chemistry-An Asian Journal 2019 1861-471X LINK
Coronene diimide-based self-assembled (fibre-to-disc) fluorescent aggregates for visualization of latent fingerprint Kapil Kumar, Harminder Singh, Vanita Vanita, Ramesh Singh, K.B. Joshi, Gaurav Bhargava, Subodh Kumar, Prabhpreet Singh, Department of Chemical Sciences Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2019 9254005 LINK
Direct Conversion of Carboxylic Acids to Various Nitrogen-Containing Compounds in the One-Pot Exploiting Curtius Rearrangement Arun Kumar, Naveen Kumar, Ritika Sharma, Gaurav Bhargava, Dinesh Mahajan Department of Chemical Sciences Journal of Organic Chemistry 2019 0022-3263 (print); 1520-6904 (web) LINK
Transition metal catalyzed [6 + 2] cycloadditions, Amit Anand, Prabhpreet Singh, Vipan Kumar and Gaurav Bhargava Department of Chemical Sciences RSC Advances 2019 2046-2069 LINK
Perylene diimide–Cu2+ based fluorescent nanoparticles for the detection of spermine in clinical and food samples: a step toward the development of a diagnostic kit as a POCT tool for spermine Kapil Kumar, Sandeep Kaur, Satwinderjeet Kaur, Gaurav Bhargava, Subodh Kumar and Prabhpreet Singh Department of Chemical Sciences J. Mater. Chem. B 2019 2050-7518 LINK
Influence of microwave processing and sintering temperature on the structure and properties of Sr/Zr doped hydroxyapatite   Ravinder Kumar Chadha, Anirudh P. Singh, Kanchan L. Singh, Chetan Sharma, Vandana Naithani Department of Chemical Sciences Materials Chemistry and Physics 2019 0254-0584 LINK
Efficient Approach for Weblog Analysis based on Maximum Frequency Dharmendra Daangi, Amit Bhagat, Brijesh Bakariya Computer Application (IKGPTU HSP) International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) 2019 2278-3075 LINK
An Efficient Algorithm for Extracting Infrequent Itemsets from Weblog Brijesh Bakariya, G.S. Thakur Computer Application (IKGPTU HSP) The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT) 2019 1683-3198 LINK
Post-treatment of effluent from UASB reactor by surface aerator R Walia, I mehrotra and Pradeep Kumar Civil Engg (IKGPTU HSP) International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 2019 1735-1472 LINK
Investigation on Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine Fuelled with Biogas and ethanol – Biodiesel – Diesel Blend Neeru Singla, Jatinder Singla , Sunil Kumar Mahla and Geetesh Goga ARCHITECTURE (IKGPTU, MOHALI CAMPUS-II) International Journal on Emerging Technologies 2019 ISSN NO. 2249-3255 LINK
Emissions Characteristics of Biogas-Diesel Fuel Blends in Compression Ignition Engine Neeru Singla, Jatinder Singla , Sunil Kumar Mahla and Geetesh Goga ARCHITECTURE (IKGPTU, MOHALI CAMPUS-II) International Journal on Emerging Technologies 2019 ISSN NO. 2249-3255 LINK
Ultimate Load in Beam Column Joints under Opening Moment using Genetic Algorithm Neeru Singla, Ashok Gupta, Yeshpal Vashisht ARCHITECTURE (IKGPTU, MOHALI CAMPUS-II) International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering Volume 8, Issue 3, Sept. 2019 2019 ISSN: 2277-3878 LINK
Crystallisation kinetics and thermal stability analysis of Se82-xTe15Sn3Sbx(0=x=6) glass alloys Sethi, Amit & Sarin, Amit & Kumar, Rajesh & Sharma, Navjeet Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Physica b: Condensed matter 2018 0921-4526 LINK
Assessment of radionuclide concentration and exhalation studies in soil of lesser Himalayas of Jammu and Kashmir, India Ajay Kumar, Raman Vij, Sumit Sharma, Amit Sarin, Saurabh Narang Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Acta Geophysica 2018 1895-7455 LINK
Optical characterisation of amorphous Se-Te-Sn thin films Amit Sethi, Surbhi Sharma, Amit Sarin, Rajesh Kumar, Navjeet Sharma Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 2018 1432-0630 LINK
Influence of compositional variations on optoelectrical properties of Ge20Sn10Se70-xTex glass system Surbhi Sharma; Navjeet Sharma; Amit Sarin Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Optical Engineering 2018 0091-3286 LINK
Prediction of indoor radon/thoron concentration in a model room from exhalation rates of building materials for different ventilation rates Manish Kumar, Navjeet Sharma, Amit Sarin Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Acta Geophysica 2018 1895-7455 LINK
Properties and characteristics of various materials used as biofuels: A review, Materials Today Geetesh Goga, B.S. Chauhan, S.K. Mahla, H.M. Cho, Amit Dhir, and H.C. Lim Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Materials Today: Proceedings 2018 2214-7853 LINK
Influence of EGR on simultaneous reduction of NOx-Smoke emissions trade off under CNG-Biodiesel dual fuel engine Sunil Kumar Mahla, Amit Dhir, Kanwar J.S. Gill, H.K. Cho, H.C. Lim, B.S. Chauhan Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Energy 2018 0360-5442 LINK
Performance and emissions characteristics of compression ignition engine fuelled with biogas-diesel under dual fuel mode Sunil Kumar Mahla*, Varun Singla, Sarabjot Singh Sandhu, Amit Dhir Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2018 0944-1344 LINK
Waste materials as potential catalysts for biodiesel production: Current state and future scope, Akshey Marwaha, Pali Rosha, Saroj Kumar Mohapatra, Sunil Kumar Mahla, Amit Dhir Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Fuel Processing Technology 2018 0378-3820 LINK
An overview of solid base heterogeneous catalysts for biodiesel production, Akshey Marwaha, Amit Dhir, Sunil Kumar Mahla, Saroj K. Mohapatra Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Catalysis Review-Science & Engineering 2018 0161-4940 LINK
Biogas reforming for hydrogen enrichment by cerium decorated over nickel catalyst supported in titanium and alumina Pali Rosha, Amit Dhir, Sunil Kumar Mahla, Saroj K Mohapatra Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2018 0360-3199 LINK
Optimisation of hydrogen enriched biogas by oxidative reforming with nickel (Ni) nanopowder using response surface methodology, Pali Rosha, Rattanvir Singh, Saroj Kumar Mohapatra, Sunil Kumar Mahla, and Amit Dhir Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Energy & Fuels 2018 0887-0624 LINK
Investigations on environmental emissions characteristics of CI engine fuelled with castor (Ricinus communis) biodiesel blends Sunil Kumar Mahla, Amit Dhir, Varun Singla and Pali Rosha Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Journal of Environmental Biology 2018 0022-0949 LINK
Combating hot corrosion of boiler tubes – A study Santosh Kumar, Manoj Kumar & Amit Handa Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Engineering Failure Analysis 2018 1350-6307 LINK
Characteristic study of cold sprayed N06601 superalloy surface S.B.S. Kalsi,H. Singh, Henna Khosla, Gurpreet Singh Walia, T.S. Sidhu, J. Karthikeyan Mech. Engineering IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Surface Engineering 2018 0267-0844 LINK
Characteristic study of N07718 superalloy surface prepared by cold spray S.B.S. Kalsi,H. Singh,Henna Khosla, T.S. Sidhu, J. Karthikeyan Mech. Engineering IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2018 1042-6914 LINK
A novel wavelet based hybrid method for finding the solutions of higher order boundary value problems Harpreet Kaur, Geeta Arora, and Ratesh Kumar Mathematical Sciences, IKGPTU Mohali-I Ain Shams Engineering Journal 2018 2090-4479 LINK
Risk analysis of flood disaster based on similarity measures in picture fuzzy environment Pushpinder Singh, Nitin Kumar Mishra, Manoj Kumar, Seema Saxena & Vikramjeet Singh Mathematical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Afrika Matematika 2018 10129405 LINK
Performance analysis of free space optical communication system using homotopy perturbation method under different weather conditions Monika Rani, Harbax Singh Bhatti, Vikramjeet Singh Mathematical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus The Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 2018 14544164 LINK
Long-term aerosol climatology over Indo-Gangetic Plain: Trends, prediction and potential source fields M Kumar, KS Parmar, DB Kumar, A Mhawish, DM Broday, RK Mall and T Banerjee Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Atmospheric Environment 2018 1352-2310 LINK
Software effort estimation using FAHP and weighted kernel LSSVM machine S.K. Sehra, Y.S. Brar, N. Kaur and S.S. Sehra Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Soft computing,Soft Computing, 2018 1432-7643 LINK
Simultaneous Optimization of Renewable Energy Based Pumped Storage Scheme in Energy and Ancillary Services Market under Deregulated Power sector Souvik Roy, Anuj Banshwar, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2018 1064-1248 LINK
Islanding Detection Using Passive Technique Singh N. and Akhil Gupta Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2018 1314-3395 LINK
Stability investigation for a 100 kW solar photovoltaic grid-connected system using D-STATCOM control Akhil Gupta and Verma K Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Springer 2018 nan LINK
Substitutional Doping of Asymmetrical Small Fullerene Dimar Sandeep Kaur, Amrish Sharma, Isha and Hitesh Sharma Department of Physical Sciences Advanced Science Letters
24, 888-892
2018 ISSN 1936-6612 (Print) LINK
A First Principle Study on C20 and C40 Carbon Nanobuds, Sandeep Kaur, Amrish Sharma, Isha and Hitesh Sharma Department of Physical Sciences Advance Science letters
24, 888-892
2018 ISSN 1936-6612 (Print) LINK
Fusion hindrance for the positive Q-value system 12C+30Si G. Montagnoli, A.M. Stefanini, C.L. Jiang, K.Hagino, F. Galtarossa, G. Colucci, S. Bottoni, C. Broggini, A. Caciolli, P. Colovi´c, L. Corradi, S. Courtin, R. Depalo, E. Fioretto, G.Fruet, A. Gal, A. Goasduff, M. Heine, S.P. Hu, M. Kaur, T. Mijatovi´c, M. Mazzocco, D.Montanari, F. Scarlassara, E. Strano, S. Szilner, G.X. Zhang Department of Physical Sciences Physical Review C 2018 0556-2813 / 1089-490X LINK
Investigation of fusion enhancement for the neutron-rich mid-mass nuclei using dynamical cluster- decay model Rupinder Kaur, Maninder Kaur, Varinderjit Singh, Sarbjeet Kaur, BirBikram Singh, and B. S. Sandhu Department of Physical Sciences Physical Review C
98, 064612
2018 0556-2813 / 1089-490X LINK
Probing the fusion of neutron-rich nuclei with re-accelerated radioactive beams J. Vadas, Varinderjit Singh, B. B. Wiggins, J. Huston, S. Hudan, R. T. deSouza, Z. Lin, C. J. Horowitz, A. Chbihi, D. Ackermann, M. Famiano, and K. W. Brown Department of Physical Sciences Physical Review C
97, 031601
2018 0556-2813 / 1089-490X LINK
Structural and Magnetic Properties of Small Symmetrical and Asymmetrical sized Fullerene Dimers Sandeep Kaur, Amrish Sharma, Isha and Hitesh Sharma Department of Physical Sciences Mater. Res. Express
5, 016105
2018 2053-1591 LINK
Effect of Dopant and Defects in GNRs on Adsorption of Gas Molecules Sandeep Kumar, Meenakshi and Hitesh Sharma Department of Physical Sciences Mater. Res. Express
5, 105007
2018 2053-1591 LINK
Chemical State analysis of Cl, K and kB13 x-ray emission lines using polychromatic WDXRF spectrometer Harpreet Singh Kainth, Arun Upmanyu, Hitesh Sharma, Tejbir Singh and Sanjeev Kumar Department of Physical Sciences Nuclear Inst. And Methods in Physics Research
B416, 62
2018 0168-583X / 1872-9584 LINK
Electronic and magnetic properties of small fullerene carbon nanobuds: A DFT study Amrish Sharma, Sandeep Kaur, Isha and Hitesh Sharma Department of Physical Sciences Mater. Res. Express,
5, 065032
2018 2053-1591 LINK
Adsorption of gas molecules on ultra-thin pristine and doped
graphene nanoribbons
Sandeep Kaumar and Hitesh Sharma Department of Physical Sciences Mater. Res. Express
5, 105007
2018 2053-1591 LINK
Electronic and magnetic properties of small fullerene carbon nanobuds: A DFT study, Amrish Sharma, Sandeep Kaur, Hitesh Sharma and Isha Department of Physical Sciences Mater. Res. Express,
5, 065032
2018 2053-1591 LINK
HYTAR: A HYbrid Telescope ARray detection system for heavy ion nuclear reactions around Coulomb barrier Akhil Jhingan, Gurpreet Kaur, N. Saneesh, R. Ahuja, Tathagata Banerjee, Rakesh Dubey, Varinderjit Singh, Ruchi Mahajan, Meenu Thakur, M. Kumar, Abhishek Yadav, et. al. Department of Physical Sciences Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A
903, 326
2018 0168-9002 / 1872-9576 LINK
Characterization of Fe–C–Cr Based Hardfacing Alloys Vineet Shibe, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Transactions of the Indian Institute Of Metals 2018 9722815 LINK
Influence of post coating heat treatment on microstructural, mechanical and electrochemical corrosion behaviour of vacuum plasma sprayed reinforced hydroxyapatite coatings Amardeep Singh, Gurbhinder Singh, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 2018 1751-6161 LINK
Improving the high-temperature oxidation resistance of ASME-SA213-T11 boiler tube steel by plasma spraying with CNT-reinforced alumina coatings Rakesh Goyal, Buta Singh Sidhu, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials 2018 0003-5599 LINK
Characterization and mechanical behaviour of reinforced hydroxyapatite coatings deposited by vacuum plasma spray on SS-316L alloy Amardeep Singh, Gurbhinder Singh, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 2018 1751-6161 LINK
Solid particle erosion studies of D-gun sprayed cermet coatings on ASTM A36 steel Vineet Shibe, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering 2018 1749785X LINK
Impact of post coating heat treatment on the behavior of hydroxyapatite coatings: a review Amardeep Singh, Gurbhinder Singh, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Today: Proceedings 2018 2214-7853 LINK
Investigation of Micro-Hardness in Electrical Discharge Alloying of En31 Tool Steel with Cu–W Powder Metallurgy Electrode Amoljit Singh Gill and Sanjeev Kumar Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2018 2191-4281 LINK
Micro-hardness evaluation for surface alloying of H11 die steel with Cu-Cr-Ni powder metallurgy tool in EDM Amoljit Singh Gill and Sanjeev Kumar Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 2018 2041-2975 LINK
“Characterization of cold sprayed copper coatings on Brass”, Vol.8, Nos 2, July-Dec, 2018; pp. 18-25. Tarun Goyal, R.S.Walia, T.S.Sidhu Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Surface Engineering and Materials Technology 2018 1749-785X LINK
“Optimization of friction stir process parameters by affecting mechanical properties of aluminium alloy 6061 by Taguchi method”, Vol. 7, No. 2, July-Dec, 2017 Tarun Goyal, Maninder Singh, Harsimrandeep Singh Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Surface Engineering and Materials Technology 2018 1749-785X LINK
“ Selection of different material handling system using multi attributes decision making approach”, Vol. 7, No. 2, July-Dec, 2017 Tarun Goyal, Sarabjit Singh Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Surface Engineering and Materials Technology 2018 1749-785X LINK
Study and Characterization of Mechanical and Electrochemical Corrosion Properties of Plasma Sprayed Hydroxyapatite Coatings on AISI 304L Stainless Steel Vikas Rattan, T S Sidhu, Manoj Mittal Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering 2018 2296-9845 LINK
Characterization and Wear Behavior of TiN, TiAlN, TiCrN and AlCrN PVD Coatings Deposited onto AISI H13 Hot Forging Die Steel Subhash Chandera, Vikas Chawla, Badri Narayan Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Metallurgy and Alloys 2018 1674-4799 LINK
On Rogers-Ramnujan Type of Identities for Overpartitions and Generalized Lattice Paths M. Goyal Department of Mathematical Sciences Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 2018 1015-8634 LINK
Effect of pore connectivity on reflection amplitudes of an inhomogeneous wave in a composite porous solid saturated by two immiscible fluids Neeru Bala and Ashish Arora Department of Mathematical Sciences Journal of earth System Sciences 2018 2347-4327 LINK
“Effectiveness of Training and Soft Skills for Enhancing the Performance of Banking Employees” Roopal Batra and Davinder Kaur Department of Management, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management 2018 9752854 LINK
Satisfaction, Trust and Loyalty: Investigating
the Mediating Effects of Commitment, Switching Costs and Corporate Image”,
Kaur, Harsandaldeep and Soch, Harmeen Department of Management, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of
Asia Business Studies
2018 1558-7894 LINK
Drug safety alerts of pharmacovigilance programme of India: A scope for targeted spontaneous reporting in India   Shabir Sidhu ,Thota P, Thota A, Medhi B,  Kumar P, Selvan VK, Singh GN Department of Food Science & Technology, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University,Main Campus, Kapurthala Perspectives in Clinical Research 2018 2229-3485 LINK
Polysorbate 80 Coated Solid Lipid Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Temozolomide into the Brain Gazal Sharma, Pawan Yadav, Goutam Rath, Ranjit Singh and Amit Kumar Goyal Department of Food Science & Technology, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University,Main Campus, Kapurthala The Open Pharmacology Journal 2018 1874-1436 LINK
Augmentation of hepatoprotective potential of Aegle marmelos in combination
with piperine in carbon tetrachloride model in wistar rats
Deepti Rathee, Anjoo Kamboj, Shabir Sidhu Department of Food Science & Technology, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University,Main Campus, Kapurthala Chemistry Central Journal 2018 2661-801X LINK
Hepatoprotective effect of Aegle marmelos augmented with piperine co-administration in paracetamol model  Shabir Sidhu, Deepti Rathee, Anjoo Kamboj, A., Rajneesh Kant Sachdev, Department of Food Science & Technology, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University,Main Campus, Kapurthala Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy 2018 0102-695X LINK
Effect of extrusion on thermal, textural and rheological properties of legume based snack Barinderjit Singh, Yogesh Gat, Anil Panghal, Navnidhi Chhikara, Poorva Sharma, Vikas Kumar, Department of Food Science & Technology, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University,Main Campus, Kapurthala Food Scientists & Technologists 2018 0022-1155 LINK
Recent Advancement in Nanocarriers for Oral Vaccination Gazal Sharma , Preeti Kour, Goutam Rath, Amit Kumar Goyal  Department of Food Science & Technology, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University,Main Campus, Kapurthala Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine and Biotechnology (IANB) 2018 2169-1401 LINK
Interference Cancellation in Broadcast Channel of Multiuser MIMO system using Block Diagonalization and Dirty Paper Coding Schemes Neeraj Kumar, Dalveer Kaur Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 2018 2231-5381 LINK
A modified butterfly optimization algorithm for mechanical design optimization problems Arora, Sankalap and Singh, Satvir and Yetilmezsoy, Kaan Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 2018 1806-3691 LINK
Butterfly Optimization Algorithm: A Novel Approach for Global optimization Arora, Sankalap and Singh, Satvir Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Soft Computing 2018 1433-7479 LINK
Optimal Node Clustering and Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks Mann, Palvinder Singh and Singh, Satvir Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Wireless Personal Communications 2018 1572-834X LINK
Effect of interface in Dielectric relaxation properties of PEMA-BaZrO3 nanocomposites Rajesh, Dalveer Kaur Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Springer Journal – Polymer Bulletin 2018 0170-0839 LINK
Performance Evaluation of RAMAN-EDFA-RAMAN Hybrid optical amplifiers in the context of high spectral efficiency Chakresh Kumar, Rakesh Goyal Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics 2018 1555-130x,1555-1318 LINK
Performance Analysis of Hybrid Optical Amplifiers for Super Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing System in the Scenario of Reduced Channel Spacing Chakresh Kumar, Rakesh Goyal Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering MAPAN-Journal of Metrology Society of India 2018 0974-9853 (online) 0970-3950(PRINT) LINK
A Novel flatted gain C-Band Cascaded Hybrid optical Amplifier RAMAN and Thulium Doped Fluoride fiber Amplifier for Super Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing System Chakresh Kumar, Rakesh Goyal Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Optica Applicata 2018 0078-5466 (PRINT)1899-7015(ONLINE) LINK
L-Band Flat-Gain RAMAN with Erbium Doped Fluoride Fiber Amplifier Hybrid optical Amplifier for Super Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing System Chakresh Kumar, Rakesh Goyal Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal of Russian Laser Research 2018 1573-8760(ONLINE) 1071-2836 (print) LINK
All-optical Integrated Parity Generator and Checker Using an SOA-based Optical Tree Architecture Nivedita Nair, Sanmukh Kaur, Rakesh Goyal Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Current Optics and Photonics 2018 2508-7226( print) 2508-7274 ( online) LINK
A Performance Enhancement and High Speed Spectrum Sliced Free Space Optical System Aditi Thakur, Shaina Nagpal , Amit Gupta Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Wireless Personal Communications 2018 0929-6212 LINK
Kerr effect based spectrum sliced wavelength division multiplexing for free space optical communication Aditi Thakur, Shaina Nagpal , Amit Gupta Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Optik International journal of Light and Electron Optics 2018 0030-4026 LINK
Assessment of Capacitance for Self-Excited Induction Generator in Sustaining Constant Air gap Voltage under Variable Speed and Load Ashish Sharma, Gagandeep Kaur Department of Electrical Engineering , IKGPTU Energies 2018 1996-1073 LINK
Analyzing Short Circuit Forces in Transformer for Double Layer Helical LV Winding using FEM Deepika Bhalla, Raj Kumar Bansal, Hari Om Gupta Department of Electrical Engineering , IKGPTU International Journal of Performability Engineering 2018 0973-1318 LINK
“Mixed GA-OPF based Optimal Procurement of Energy and Operating Reserve in Deregulated Environment Anuj Banshwar, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Bharat Bhushan Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava Department of Electrical Engineering , IKGPTU Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2018 1064-1246 LINK
Mixed GA-OPF based Prioritized Optimal Location and Rating of Wind Power Generation in Deregulated Electricity Market Naveen Kumar Sharma, Anuj Banshwar, Bharat Bhushan Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava Department of Electrical Engineering , IKGPTU Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2018 1064-1247 LINK
An International Experience of Technical and Economic Aspects of Ancillary Services in Deregulated Power Industry: Lessons for Emerging BRIC Markets Anuj Banshwar, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava Department of Electrical Engineering , IKGPTU Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2018 1364-0321 LINK
Efficient Retrieval Of Html Documents Using hybrid PSO and Hybrid ACO in Web Document Clustering, vol 11, 2019 Anshu Bhasin, M. Singh, S. Jagron Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of advanced research in dynamical and control systems 2018 1943-023X LINK
A Comprehensive Review of Mitigation Techniques for Blackhole Attack in AODV Routing Protocol in MANETS Nitin Khanna and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 2018 2005-4238 LINK
Critical Review of Techniques for Detection and Mitigation of Co-operative Blackhole Attack in MANET Nitin Khanna and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 2018 2005-4238 LINK
Using Meta-heuristic Approaches in Web Document Clustering in Web Search” Volume 119 No. 15, 2018, 2853-2861, Anshu Bhasin, M. Singh, S. Jagron Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2018 ISSN:1311-8080 E-ISSN:1314-3395 LINK
Efficient Retrieval Of Html Documents Usingeffective centroid selection by ant colony optimisation with Clustering, vol 10, issue 04,pp 2111-2116, 2018 Anshu Bhasin, M. Singh, S. Jagron Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of advanced research in dynamical and control systems 2018 1943-023X LINK
D-FACE: An anomaly based distributed approach for early detection of DDoS attacks and flash events, Sunny Behal, Krishan Kumar and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Network and Computer Applications 2018 1084-8045 LINK
A generalized detection system to detect
distributed denial of service attack and flash events for information theory metrics

Nitin Khanna and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Turkish
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences,
2018 ISSN 1303-6203 LINK
A comprehensive taxonomy of schemes to detect and mitigate blackhole attack and its variants in MANETs Nitin Khanna and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Computer Science Review 2018 1574-0137 LINK
On QoS evaluation
for ZigBee incorporated Wireless Sensor Network (IEEE 802.15.4) using mobile
sensor nodes
Vishal Arora,Vishal Sharma and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences 2018 ISSN 1319-1578 LINK
Exploring the Sustainability of Building Regulations in Jaipur City: A Review Dr Jawaid, M. F., Pipralia, S. & Kumar, A Department of Civil Engineering, I.K G Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Urban Management, Volume 7, pp. 111-120 2018 2226-5856 LINK
“Fluorometric differential detection of Zn2+ and Cu2+ by picolylamine appended pyrimidinone-based receptor: Application in mimicking TRANSFER and INH logic gate” Prabhpreet Singh, Sanjeev Dhawan, Parvesh Singh, Harminder Singh, Rashmi Sharma, Gaurav Bhargava, Subodh Kumar Department of Chemical Sciences Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 2018 1010-6030 LINK
Self-assembled small molecule based fluorescent detection of serum albumin proteins: Clinical detection and cell imaging” Prabhpreet Singh, Lalit Singh Mittal, S Kaur, S Kaur, Gaurav Bhargava Department of Chemical Sciences Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2018 0925-4005 LINK
”Controllable supramolecular self-assemblies (rods-wires-spheres) and ICT/PET based perylene probe for palladium detection in solution and solid state” Prabhpreet Singh, Kapil Kumar, Gaurav Bhargava, Subodh Kumar Department of Chemical Sciences New Journal of Chemistry 2018 1144-0546 LINK
Modulatory role of vermicompost and vermiwash on growth, yield
and nutritional profiling of Linum usitatissimum L. (Linseed):
a field study
Cinny Makkar, Jaswinder Singh & Chander Parkash Department of Chemical Sciences Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2018 0944-1344E-1614-7499 LINK
“Transition Metal Catalysed [3+2+2] Cycloaddition Reactions,   Bilash Kuila, Maninderjeet kaur, Prabhpreet Singh and Gaurav Bhargava Department of Chemical Sciences European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2018 1099-0690 LINK
Facile and Chemoselective Acetylenic Ester Promoted Tandem Ring opening and cyclizations of Dienyl Thiazolidin-4-ones: Synthesis of Functionalized Pyridine-2-Carboxylates, Bilash Kuila, Kapil Kumar, Dinesh Mahajan, Prabhpreet Singh, Gaurav Bhargava Department of Chemical Sciences Synlett 2018 093-65214 LINK
 Quadruple-signaling (PET, ICT, ESIPT, -C=N- rotation) mechanism-based dual chemosensor for detection of Cu2+ and Zn2+ ions: TRANSFER, INH and complimentary OR/NOR logic circuits,   Harminder Singh, Gaurav Bhargava, Subodh Kumar, Prabhpreet Singh Department of Chemical Sciences Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 2018 1010-6030 LINK
“Microstructural (self-assembly) and optical based discrimination of Hg2+, CN- and Hg(CN)2 ion-pair; Hg2+ promoted-ESIPT assisted guanylation of thiourea” Prabhpreet Singh, Harminder Singh, Gaurav Bhargava, Subodh Kumar Department of Chemical Sciences Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 2018 0925-4005 LINK
“Dissymmetric Bay Functionalized Perylene diimides” Prabhpreet Singh, Gaurav Bhargava, Subodh Kumar Department of Chemical Sciences Synlett 2018 093-65214 LINK
“AIE+ESIPT based red fluorescent aggregates for visualization of latent fingerprints” New Harminder Singh, Rashmi Sharma, Gaurav Bhargava, Subodh Kumar, Prabhpreet Singh Department of Chemical Sciences New Journal of Chemistry 2018 1369-9261 LINK
“Pyrimidinone-hydroxyquinoline conjugate for sequential recognition of Zn2+/Cd2+, Cu2+ and its ensemble with Cd2+ for secondary sensing of ATP in water: Application in OR, INH logic gate and ‘Set-Reset’ memorized device” Prabhpreet Singh, Harminder Singh, Rashmi Sharma, Gaurav Bhargava, Subodh Kumar, Department of Chemical Sciences chemistryselect 2018 2365-6549 LINK
“Thermal [2+2] Cycloaddition of Butadienylketene with Imines/1-Azadienes: A One Pot, Domino Approach for a-Alkylidene-b-lactams and their computational studies and Antimicrobial evaluation”- Yogesh Kumar, Preet Mohinder Singh Bedi, Prabhpreet Singh, Adebayo A. Adeniyi, Ashona Singh-Pillay, Parvesh Singh and Gaurav Bhargava Department of Chemical Sciences Chemistryselect 2018 2365-6549 LINK
Microwave and conventional processing of niobium and manganese doped lanthanum germanate based apatites Chetan sharma; kanchan L.Singh; Anirudh P.Singh; vandana Naithani; Payal sharma; Sonia Mago and Ravinder Kumar chadha Department of Chemical Sciences Materials Chemistry and Physics 2018 DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2018.07.002 LINK
Biamphiphilic Ionic Liquids-Drug Mixtures: Interactional and Morphological Aspects R. Vashishat, R.Sanan, D. Ray, V. K. Aswal and R.K. Mahajan Department of Chemical Sciences Chemistry Select 2018 2365-6549 LINK
Regioselective Copper(I)‐Catalyzed Ullmann Amination of Halopyridyl Carboxylates using Sodium Azide: A Route for Aminopyridyl Carboxylates and their Transformation to Pyrido[2, 3‐d]pyrimidin‐4(1H)‐ones Nisha, Chetan Sharma, rupesh Kumar and Yogesh Kumar Department of Chemical Sciences ChemistrySelect 2018 2365-6549 LINK
Concentrated solar radiation promoted unconventional greener approach: solvent-free benign synthesis of functionalized benzimidazoles Simran Harsh, Mohamad Yusuf, Rohit Sharma, Yogesh Kumar and Rupesh Kumar Department of Chemical Sciences ARKIVOC, 2018, VII, 119-130. 2018 1551-7012 LINK
Computational offloading in android devices using cloud computing capabilities Neelesh Chaurasiya, Neeraj Mohan CSE-IKGPTU Mohali-I International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation 2018 ISSN 2039 – 5086 LINK
Disruptive Practices In Architecture Design Studios Neerja Babbar, Prabhjot kaur ARCHITECTURE (IKGPTU, MOHALI CAMPUS-II) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2018 ISSN 0973-4562 LINK
Influence of Sb substitution on thermal and electrical characteristics of Ge-Sn-Se chalcogenide glass system Surbhi Sharma, Navjeet Sharma and Amit Sarin Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Materials Science and Engineering 2017 1757-8981 LINK
Radon and uranium concentrations in drinking water sources along the fault line passing through Reasi district, lesser Himalayas of Jammu and Kashmir State, India Ajay Kumar, Raman Vij, Amit Sarin & Priya Kanwar Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 2017 1549-7860 LINK
Prospects of Tectona Grandis as a feedstock for Biodiesel. Amit Sarin, Meetu Singh, Neerja Sharma, N.P. Singh Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Frontiers in Energy Research 2017 2296-598X LINK
Measurement of uranium and radon concentration in drinking water samples and assessment of ingestion dose to local population in Jalandhar district Manish Kumar, , Anjali Kaushal, B. K. Sahoo, Amit Sarin, Rohit Mehra, Rajan Jakhu, Atul Bhalla, Navjeet Sharma Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Indoor and Built Environment 2017 1420-326X LINK
Measurement of radon concentration in the drinking water and assessment of age dependent ingestion dose to local population in Kapurthala district of Punjab, India Manish Kumar, Amit Sarin, B. K. Sahoo, and Navjeet Sharma Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus journal of environment and bio-sciences 2017 0973-6913 LINK
Radon/thoron and progeny levels in dwellings: Regional variations and effect of dwelling characteristics A case study in Jalandhar district of Punjab, India Manish Kumar, Anjali Kaushal, Amit Sarin, Rajesh Kumar, Navjeet Sharma Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Indoor and Built Environment 2017 1420-326X LINK
Optical anisotropy and the direction of polarization of exciton emissions in a semiconductor quantum dot: Effect of heavy- and light-hole mixing Ranber Singh, Rajiv Kumar and Vikramjeet Singh Mathematical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Chinese Physics B 2017 0256-307X LINK
Exact solitary wave solution for higher order nonlinear Schrodinger equation using He’s variational iteration method Monika Rani, Harbax Singh Bhatti and Vikramjeet Singh, Mathematical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Optical Engineering 2017 0091-3286 LINK
Modeling of Air Pollution in Residential and Industrial Sites by Integrating Statistical and Daubechies Wavelet (Level 5) Analysis Kirti Soni, Kulwinder Singh Parmar, Sanjeev Agrawal Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 2017 2363-6211 LINK
Modeling of Air Pollutants using Least Square Support Vector Regression, Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline and M5 Model Tree Models Ozgur Kisi, Kulwinder Singh Parmar, Kirti Soni and Vahdettin Demir Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health 2017 1873-9326 LINK
Research Patterns & Trends in Software Effort Estimation Sehra SK, BrarYS, Kaur , Navdeep Kaur Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Information & Software Technology 2017 0950-5849 LINK
Potential of Livestock Generated Biomass Untapped Energy Source in India Gagandeep Kaur, Yadwinder Singh Brar, D.P Kothari Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Energies  2017 1996-1073 LINK
Potential of Livestock Generated Biomass: Untapped Energy Source in India Gagandeep Kaur, Yadwinder S.Brar, D.P.Kothari Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Energies 2017 1996-1073 LINK
Real time procurement of energy and operating reserve from Renewable Energy Sources in deregulated environment considering imbalance penalties Anuj Banshwar, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Renewable Energy 2017 0960-1481 LINK
Renewable Energy Sources as a New Participant in Ancillary Service Markets Anuj Banshwar, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Energy Strategy Reviews, 2017 2211-467X LINK
Optimal location and rating of wind power plants in competitive electricity market Anuj Banshwar, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 2017 1941-7012 LINK
Market Based Procurement of Energy and Ancillary Services from Renewable Energy Sources in Deregulated Environment Anuj Banshwar, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Renewable Energy 2017 0960-1481 LINK
A Novel Technique for Reduction of Harmonics in Multilevel Inverters: A Survey Gagandeep Kaur Cheema and Gagandeep Kaur Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus 2016 7th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation (ISMS) 2017 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7877188 LINK
Real Power Loss Reduction in Distribution Network through Distributed Generation Integration by Implementing SPSO Sunaina Saini and Gagandeep Kaur Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus 2016 International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems (ICEPES) 2017 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7915902 LINK
Effect of Gas Adsorption on Graphene Nanoribbons: A Density Functional Theory Sandeep Kaumar and Hitesh Sharma Department of Physical Sciences Materials Today: Proceedings
4, 10441–10445
2017 2214-7853 LINK
Experimental measurement of 12C + 16O fusion at stellar energies X. Fang, W. P. Tan, M. Beard, G. Gilardy, H. Jung, Q. Liu, S. Lyons, D. Robertson, K. Setoodehnia, C. Seymour, E. Stech, B. Vande Kolk, M. Wiescher, R. T. deSouza, S. Hundan, V. Singh, X. D. Tang, E. Uberseder Department of Physical Sciences Phys. Rev. C
96, 045804
2017 0556-2813 / 1089-490X LINK
Fission time scale from pre-scission neutron and alpha multiplicities in the 16O + 194Pt reaction. K. Kapoor, S. Verma, P. Sharma, R. Mahajan, N. Kaur, G. Kaur, B. R. Behera, K. P. Singh, A. Kumar, H. Singh, R. Dubey, N. Saneesh, A. Jhingan, P. Sugathan, G. Mohanto, B. K. Nayak, A. Saxena, H. P. Sharma, S. K. Chamoli, I. Mukul, and V. Singh Department of Physical Sciences Phys. Rev. C.
96, 054605
2017 0556-2813 / 1089-490X LINK
Cross section measurements of radiative KL2,3 in case of 24Cr and L3M4,5RRS in 59Pr for Mn Kα1,2X –rays Veena Sharma, Arun Upmanyu, R.Singh, G.Singh, Hitesh Sharma, Sanjeev Kumar and D. Mehta Department of Physical Sciences Radiation Physics and Chemistry
135, 55-62
2017 0969-806X LINK
A first principle investigation into effect of B and BN doped C60 in lowering dehydrogenation of MXH4 (where M= Na, Li and X = Al, B) Meenakshi, Deepak Agnihotri and Hitesh Sharma Department of Physical Sciences Bulletin of Materials Science
40, 7, 1397–1403
2017 0250-4707 LINK
Fusion Enhancement at near and sub-barrier energies in 19O + 12C. Varinderjit Singh, J. Vadas, T.K. Steinbach, B.B. Wiggins, S. Hudan, R. T. deSouza, Zidu Lin, C.J. Horowitz, L.T. Baby, S.A. Kuvin, Vandana Tripathi, I. WiedenhÖver, and A.S. Umar, Department of Physical Sciences Physics Letter B
765, 99
2017 0217-9849 / 1793-6640 LINK
Development of a compact ExB micro-channel plate detector for beam imaging B. B. Wiggins, V. Singh, J. Vadas, J. Huston, T. K. Steinbach, S. Hudan, R. T. deSouza, Department of Physical Sciences Nucl. Instr. Meth. in Phys. Res. A 866, 202 2017 0168-9002 / 1872-9576 LINK
Gravitational form factors and angular momentum densities in light-front quark-diquark model Narinder Kumar, Chandan Mondal, Neetika Sharma Department of Physical Sciences Scientific Research and Management 3, 127 (2018). 2017 1434-601X LINK
Characterization of Vacuum Plasma Sprayed Reinforced Hydroxyapatite Coatings on Ti–6Al–4V alloy Amardeep Singh, Gurbhinder Singh, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 2017 0972-2815 LINK
Comparing Mechanical and Corrosion Behaviour of
TIG & FSW Weldments of AA5083-H321
Harinder Singh Grover, Vikas Chawla, Gurbhinder Singh Brar Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2017 0974-6846 (Print)
0974-5645 (Online)
Elevated Temperature Corrosion Studies of AlCrN and TiAlN Coatings by PAPVD on T91 Boiler Steel Lucky Goyal, Vikas Chawla, Jasbir Singh Hundal Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 2017 1059-9495 LINK
Mechanical properties of vacuum plasma sprayed reinforced hydroxyapatite coatings on Ti-6Al-4V alloy Amardeep Singh, Gurbhinder Singh, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society 2017 0004881X LINK
Characterization of plasma-sprayed carbon nanotube (CNT)-reinforced alumina coatings on ASME-SA213-T11 boiler tube steel Rakesh Goyal, Buta Singh Sidhu, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2017 1433-3015 LINK
Failure of Hot Forging Dies –An Updated Perspective Subhash Chander, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Today: Proceedings 2017 2214-7853 LINK
Depositing Fe-C-Cr based Hardfacing
Alloys on Steel Substrate for Enhancement
in Wear Resistance
Vineet Shibe, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Engineering and Technology 2017 2319-8613 (Print)
High Temperature Oxidation Behaviour of HVOF Thermally Sprayed NiCrAlY Coating on T-91 Boiler Tube Steel Gurmail Singh, Niraj Bala, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials Today: Proceedings 2017 2214-7853 LINK
Performance based Optimal Capacity Utilization in RMS Gazal Preet Arneja, Rakesh Kumar, Neel Kanth Grover, Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems 2017 1943-023X LINK
Optimal Configuration Assignment Plans of Multi Flow-Line RMS Using NSGA-II Gazal Preet Arneja, Rakesh Kumar, Neel Kanth Grover, Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems 2017 1943-023X LINK
A State of the Art Review of Super Alloys and their Machining Characteristics in Wire-EDM Jwala Parshad, Neel Kanth Grover, Vivek Aggarwal Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems 2017 1943-023X LINK
Reliability and Availability Evaluation of a Series Paralle+A4:G13l System Subject to Random Failure Munish Mehta, Jujhar Singh and Manpreet Singh Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2017 0974-5645 LINK
Numerical Analysis of Reliability and Availability of a Complex Repairable System Munish Mehta, Jujhar Singh and Manpreet Singh Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments 2017 1024-1752 LINK
Detection of crack initiation in the ball bearing using FFT analysis, Gurjit Singh, Rajeev Kumar, Manpreet Singh, Jujhar Singh Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 2017 0976-6359 LINK
“Comparing the techniques of magnetic abrasives by finishing by investigating the surface finish”, Vol. 12, Issue 19, pp. 8972-8975 (2017). Tarun Goyal, Rohit Rampal Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) 2017 0973-4562 LINK
“Taguchi and utility based concept for determining of optimal process parameters of cold sprayed coatings for multiple responses”, Vol. 11, Nos.4, November 2017, pp.761-769. Tarun Goyal, R.S.Walia, T.S.Sidhu Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal on Interactive Design & Manufacturing 2017 1955-2513 LINK
Performance Analysis and Maintenance Scheduling of a System using Runge-Kutta Method Munish Mehta, Jujhar Singh and Manpreet Singh Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 2017 0975-5462 LINK
Construction of new quantum MDS codes derived from Constacyclic Codes. Rajesh Narula, Manish Gupta, Divya Taneja & Jaskarn Bhullar Department of Mathematical Sciences International Journal of Quantum Information 2017 0219-7499 LINK
A tenth order A -stable two-step hybrid
block method for solving initial value
problems of ODEs
Higinio Ramos,
Gurjinder Singh
Department of Mathematical Sciences Applied Mathematics
and Computation
2017 0096-3003 LINK
Reflection and transmission of inhomogeneous waves in a composite porous solid saturated by two immiscible fluids Abhishek Painulay and Ashish Arora Department of Mathematical Sciences Geophysical Prospecting 2017 0016-8025 LINK
On Combinatorial Extensions of Rogers-Ramanujan Type Identities M. Goyal Department of Mathematical Sciences Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 2017 1715-0868 LINK
Does Image Matter while Choosing a Smartphone?
A Cross-culture Study of India and Canada
Kaur, Kuljit and Soch, Harmeen Department of Management, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Global Marketing 2017 0019-5286 LINK
“Capital Budgeting Practices in Indian Companies” Roopali Batra and Satish Verma Department of Management, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala IIMB Management Review 2017 9703896 LINK
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of volatile oil obtained from Aegle marmelos leaves collected from foothills of Shivalik range   Shabir Sidhu, Deepti Rathee, Anjoo Kamboj, A. Department of Food Science & Technology, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University,Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Green Pharmacy  2017 9738-258 LINK
Enhanced oral bioavailability of nisoldipine-piperine-loaded poly-lactic-co-glycolic acid nanoparticles   Shabir Sidhu, Rathee, P., Kamboj, A.,  Department of Food Science & Technology, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University,Main Campus, Kapurthala Nanotechnology Reviews  2017 2191-9089 LINK
The novel role of β-aescin in attenuating CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats Shabir Sidhu, Singh, H. , Chopra, K., Khan, M.U. Department of Food Science & Technology, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University,Main Campus, Kapurthala Pharmaceutical Biology  2017 1388-0209 LINK
Ultrasound assisted extraction of polyphenols and their distribution in whole mung bean, hull and cotyledon Barinderjit Singh, Narpinder Singh, Sheetal Thakur, Amritpal Kaur Department of Food Science & Technology, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University,Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Food Science and Technology 2017 0022-1155 LINK
Flatted gain S+C+L Band RAMAN-Thulium-Doped Tellurite Fiber Amplifier hybrid optical amplifier for super dense wavelength division multiplexing system Chakresh Kumar, Rakesh Goyal Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal of Optical Communication,ISSN (2191-6322) 2017 nan LINK
Analysis of Proposed Hybrid Amplifier Model for Single to Multi-Channel WDM Optical System at 10 Gbps with 100 GHz of Channel Spacing Chakresh Kumar, Rakesh Goyal Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering International Journal of Information Technology,ISSN (25112104)P (25112112)E 2017 nan LINK
Design and Evaluation of 10 Gbps Inter-Satellite Optical Wireless Communication Link for Improved Performance Amit Gupta, Shaina Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal of Optical Communication 2017 2191-6322 LINK
Energy-efficient hierarchical routing for wireless sensor networks: a swarm intelligence approach Mann, Palvinder Singh and Singh, Satvir Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Wireless Personal Communications 2017 1572-834X LINK
Node Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Butterfly Optimization Algorithm Sankalap Arora and Satvir Singh Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2017 2191-4281 LINK
Energy efficient clustering protocol based on improved metaheuristic in wireless sensor networks Mann, Palvinder Singh and Singh, Satvir Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal of Network and Computer Applications 2017 1084-8045 LINK
Improved artificial bee colony metaheuristic for energy-efficient clustering in wireless sensor networks Mann, Palvinder Singh and Singh, Satvir Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Artificial Intelligence Review 2017 0269-2821 LINK
Improved metaheuristic-based energy-efficient clustering protocol with optimal base station location in wireless sensor networks Mann, Palvinder Singh and Singh, Satvir Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Soft Computing 2017 1432-7643 LINK
Modified Viola-Jones algorithm with GPU accelerated training and parallelized skin color filtering-based face detection Mutneja Vikram and Singh Satvir Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal of Real Time Image Processing 2017 1861-8219 LINK
Elucidation of Phase evolution, Microstructural, Mossbauer and Magnetic properties of Co2+ – Al3+ doped M-type Ba-Sr Hexaferrites synthesized by a ceramic method Jasbir Singh, Charanjeet Singh, Dalveer Kaur Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017 0925-8388 LINK
Microwave Absorbing Characteristics of Co2+ and W4+ ions doped M-type Ba-Sr hexagonal Ferrites Rajat Joshi, Charanjeet Singh, Dalveer Kaur Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 2017 0957-4522 LINK
Wormhole attack detection techniques in MANET Dalveer Kaur,Parvinder Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Wireless Personal Communication 2017 0929-6212 LINK
A cost effective bidirectional hybrid passive optical network using common carrier for all optical network units (CCAONUs) technique with mitigation of non linearity impact Rakesh Goyal, R. S. Kaler, T. S. Kamal Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Optik- International Journal for light and electron optics 2017 0030-4026 LINK
Analysis and mitigation of XPM crosstalk in the scenario of mixed line rates for next generation access networks Rakesh Goyal, Rajinder Singh Kaler, Monika Rani Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Optoelectronics And Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications 2017 1842-6573(PRINT) ,2065-3824 (ONLINE) LINK
Influence of solar photovoltaic array on operation of grid-interactive fifteen-level modular multilevel converter with emphasis on power quality Akhil Gupta Department of Electrical Engineering , IKGPTU Renewable & sustainable energy reviews 2017 1364-0321 LINK
Improved shape matching and retrieval using robusthistograms of spatially distributed points and angularradial transform Pooja Sharma Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Optik – International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 2017  0030-4026 LINK
Efficient Resource Management Technique for Performance Improvement in Cloud Computing Harvinder Chahal, Anshu Bhasin Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala   Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering 2017 0976-5166 LINK
Load Balanced and Link Break Prediction Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad hoc Networks Mandeep Gulati, Krishan Kumar and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Future Generation Communication And Networking 2017 1796-2021 LINK
Discriminating Flash Events from DDoS Attacks: A Comprehensive Review Sunny Behal, Krishan Kumar and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala IJ Network Security 2017 1816-353X LINK
ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF PROTOCOL FOR ENHANCED SELFISH ROUTING SCHEME Raman Kumar Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) 2017 0976-5166 LINK
“Efficient Resource Management Technique for Performance Improvement in Cloud Computing” Vol. 8 , No. 1, 2017, 33-39, Anshu Bhasin, H. Singh Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering 2017 0976-5166 LINK
Analysis and design of an optimized secure auditing protocol for storing data dynamically in cloud computing Raman Kumar, Gurpreet Singh Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Elsevier Materials Today: Proceedings 2017 2214-7853 LINK
A Survey on LEACH and other’s routing protocols in wireless sensor networks Vishal Arora,Vishal Sharma and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Elsevier, International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 2017 0030-4026 LINK
Characterizing DDoS attacks and flash events: Review, research gaps and future directions Sunny Behal, Krishan Kumar and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Computer Science Review 2017 1574-0137 LINK
D-FAC: A novel ϕ-Divergence based distributed DDoS defense system Sunny Behal, Krishan Kumar and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences 2017 1319-1578 LINK
A Biological Immune System (BIS) inspired Mobile Agent Platform (MAP) security architecture Pallavi Bagga, Rahul Hans and Vipul Sharma Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Expert Systems with Applications 2017 0957-4174 LINK
N-grams Based Supervised Machine Learning Model for Mobile Agent Platform Protection against Unknown Malicious Mobile Agents Pallavi Bagga, Rahul Hans and Vipul Sharma Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IKGPTU Amritsar Campus  International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence 2017 1989-1660 LINK
Disasters – Special Focus on Earthquake Induced Soil Liquefaction, Indian Journal of Science and Technology Rajiv Chauhan, Harjinder Singh Department of Civil Engineering, I.K G Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2017 0974-5645 LINK
“To kill many birds with one stone’: Addressing half-adder, half-subtractor, demultiplexer, 2-to-4 decoder, comparator, keypad lock with unimolecular system” Prabhpreet Singh, Harminder Singh, Gaurav Bhargava, Subodh Kumar, Department of Chemical Sciences Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2017 0925-4005 LINK
“Ionic Self‐assembled Platform of Perylenediimide‐Sodium dodecylsulfate for Detection of Spermine in Clinical Samples   Prabhpreet Singh, Lalit Singh Mittal, Gaurav Bhargava, Subodh Kumar Department of Chemical Sciences Chemistry–An Asian Journal 2017 1861-471X LINK
Vermicompost & Vermiwash as a supplement to improve seedlings, plant growth and yield in Linum usitassimum L. for organic agriculture. Cinny Makkar, Jaswinder Singh & Chander Parkash Department of Chemical Sciences International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture. 2017 2251-7715 LINK
“Perylene diimide-based organic π-motif for differentiating CN− and F− ions by electron-transfer and desilylation mechanisms: applications to complex logic circuits,”   P Singh, LS Mittal, H Singh, G Bhargava, S Kumar Department of Chemical Sciences New Journal of Chemistry 2017 1144-0546 LINK
  Spectroscopic Characterization of Humic acids extracted from different types of Soils of Punjab Naithani Vandana; Singh, Anirudh P; Nautiyal, M.K. Department of Chemical Sciences Journal of the indian soil science society 2017 0019-638X LINK
Copper (I)‐Catalyzed Regioselective C‐H Amination of N‐Pyridyl Imines Using Azidotrimethylsilane and TBHP: A One‐Pot, Domino Approach to Substituted Imidazo [4, 5‐b] pyridines   P Singh, LS Mittal, H Singh, G Bhargava, S Kumar Department of Chemical Sciences Chemistryselect 2017 2365-6549 LINK
Efficient Approach of Analyzing and Generating Intrinsic Information from Weblog Brijesh Bakariya, G.S. Thakur Computer Application (IKGPTU HSP) National Academy Science Letters, Springer 2017 0250-541X LINK
Pattern Mining Approach for Social Network Service Brijesh Bakariya, G.S. Thakur Computer Application (IKGPTU HSP) National Academy Science Letters, Springer 2017 2250-1754 LINK
Effect of Sb addition on linear and nonlinear optical properties of amorphous GeSeSn thin films Navjeet Sharma, Surbhi Sharma, Amit Sarin, Rajesh Sharma Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Optical Materials 2016 0925 -3467 LINK
An Experimental Study on Storage and Oxidation Stability of Bitter Apricot Kernel Oil Biodiesel/ Virender Singh Gurau, Mudit Shankar Agarwal, Amit Sarin, and Sarbjot Singh Sandhu Physical Sciences IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Energy & Fuels 2016 0887-0624 LINK
Experimental evaluation of mechanical properties of friction welded dissimilar steels under varying axial pressures Amit Handa & Vikas Chawla Mechanical Engineering (IKGPTU HSP) Journal of Mechanical Engineering – Strojnícky časopis 2016 2450-5471 LINK
Development and characterization of Cr3C2-NiCr coated superalloy by novel cold spray process S.B.S. Kalsi,H. Singh,T.S. Sidhu, J. Karthikeyan Mech. Engineering IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2016 1042-6914 LINK
Evolution of microstructure by high velocity impacts of particles by cold spray S.B.S. Kalsi,H. Singh,T.S. Sidhu, J. Karthikeyan Mech. Engineering IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2016 1042-6914 LINK
Behavior of Cold Spray Coating in Real Incineration Environment S.B.S. Kalsi,H. Singh,T.S. Sidhu, J. Karthikeyan Mech. Engineering IKGPTU Amritsar Campus Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2016 1042-6914 LINK
Statistical Variability Comparison in MODIS and AERONET Derived Aerosol Optical Depth Over Indo-Gangetic Plains Using Time Series Kirti Soni, Kulwinder Singh Parmar, Sangeeta Kapoor, Nishant Kumar Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Science of total environment 2016 0048-9697 LINK
Application of Least Square Support Vector Machine and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline Models in Long Term Prediction of River Water Pollution Ozgur Kisi and Kulwinder Singh Parmar Mathematical Sciences (IKGPTU HSP) Journal of Hydrology 2016 0022-1694 LINK
Neural Based Algorithm for Fault Detection in a Transformer Amrinder Kaur, Y.S Brar , Leena G Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus Fareast joural of electronics communication 2016 0973-7006 LINK
A hybrid model of a grid connected solar photovoltaic (PV) cell with partial shading Akhil Gupta Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus  Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2016 0974-5645 LINK
Optimization and Simulation of Smart Grid Distributed Generation: A Case Study Of University Campus Harpreet Sharma and Gagandeep Kaur Electrical Engineering, IKG PTU Main campus 2016 IEEE Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE) 2016 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7589517 LINK
Effect of nitrogen as co-dopant in carbon and boron-doped ZnO clusters Neha Kapila, Isha, Gaurav and Hitesh Sharma Department of Physical Sciences Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
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Carbon nanotubes for improving dehydrogenation from NaAlH4 Meenakashi, Deepak Agnihotri and Hitesh Sharma Department of Physical Sciences Computational and Theoretical Chemistry,
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2016 2210-271X LINK
Improvement in dehydrogenation of MXH4 where M = Na, Li and X = Al, B confined in CNTs: a DFT investigation, Meenakshi,Deepak Agnihotri and Hitesh Sharma Department of Physical Sciences Mater. Res. Express
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2016 2053-1591 LINK
Size dependent electronic and magnetic properties of ultra-thin graphene nanoribbons Sandeep Kaumar and Hitesh Sharma Department of Physical Sciences Mater. Res. Express
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2016 2053-1591 LINK
High-rate axial-field ionization chamber for particle identification of radioactive beams J. Vadas, Varinderjit Singh, G. Visser, A. Alexander, S. Hudan, J. Huston, B.B. Wiggins, A. Chbihi, M. Famiano, M.M. Bischak, and R.T. deSouza Department of Physical Sciences Nucl. Instrum. Methods A
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Diffractive rho and phi vector meson production at HERA using a holographic light-front wavefunction Mohammad Ahmady, Ruben Sandapen, and Neetika Sharma Department of Physical Sciences Phys. Rev. D
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Momentum transfer dependence of generalized parton distributions Neetika Sharma Department of Physical Sciences Eur. Phys. J. A
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Hard gluon evolution of nucleon Generalized Parton Distributions in the Light-front quark model Neetika Sharma Department of Physical Sciences Eur. Phys. J. A
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2016 1434-601X LINK
Nucleon-generalized parton distributions in the Light-front quark model Neetika Sharma Department of Physical Sciences Pramana, Journal of Physics
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2016 0973-7111 LINK
Combating Wear of ASTM A36 Steel by Surface Modification Using Thermally Sprayed Cermet Coatings Vineet Shibe, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2016  1687-8442 LINK
Amit Handa, Vikas Chawla Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING – Strojnícky časopis 2016 0039-2472
2450-5471 (Online)
Surface roughness and microhardness evaluation for EDM with Cu-Mn powder metallurgy tool Amoljit Singh Gill and Sanjeev Kumar Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2016 1532-2475 LINK
“Finite element modelling and analysis of powder stream in Low pressure cold spray process”, Vol.97, Nos.3, July-Sept 2016, pp.331-344. Tarun Goyal, Prince Sharma, R.S.Walia, T.S.Sidhu Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala The Journal of Institution of Engineers India- Series C 2016 2250-0553 LINK
Experimental Investigations on Slurry Erosion Behaviour of HVOF and HVOLF Sprayed Coatings on Hydraulic Turbine Steel Harjinder Singh, Khushdeep Goyal, and Deepak Kumar Goyal Department of Mechanical, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 2016 0972-2815 LINK
Generalization of zero set of Non-Binary Triple Error Correcting BCH type Code. Rajesh Narula, Ajay Kumar, O. P Vinocha Department of Mathematical Sciences J. Math. Comput. Sci. 2016 19275307 LINK
A mathematical model for wave propagation in a composite solid matrix containing two immiscible fluids Ashish Arora, Neeru Bala, S. K. Tomar Department of Mathematical Sciences Acta Mechanica 2016 1619-6937 LINK
Barriers to Adoption of Hospital management Systems Roopali Batra and Amanpartap Singh Department of Management, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management 2016 9752854 LINK
Rethinking and Redefining the Determinants of Corporate profiatbility Roopali Batra and Ashima Rana Department of Management, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Global Business Review 2016 9721509 LINK
Calendula officinalis ameliorates l-arginine-induced acute necrotizing pancreatitis in rats   Shabir Sidhu, Kaur, J., Chopr a, K., Khan, M.U. Department of Food Science & Technology, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University,Main Campus, Kapurthala Pharmaceutical Biology 2016 1388-0209 LINK
Protective effect of Mimosa pudica L. in an l-arginine model of acute necrotising pancreatitis in rats  Shabir Sidhu, Kaur, J., , Chopra, K., Khan, M.U. Department of Food Science & Technology, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University,Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Natural Medicines  2016 1340-3443 LINK
Optimization and development of Nisoldipine nano-bioenhancers by novel orthogonal array (L27 array)   Shabir Sidhu, Rathee, P., Kamboj, A.,  Department of Food Science & Technology, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University,Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2016 0141-8130 LINK
Hepatoprotective effect of trans-Chalcone on experimentally induced hepatic injury in rats: Inhibition of hepatic inflammation and fibrosis Shabir Sidhu, Singh, H., Chopra, K., Khan, M.U. Department of Food Science & Technology, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University,Main Campus, Kapurthala Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 2016 0008-4212 LINK
An improved butterfly optimization algorithm with chaos Sankalap Arora and Satvir Singh Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 2016 1875-8967 LINK
Improved metaheuristic based energy-efficient clustering protocol for wireless sensor networks Mann, Palvinder Singh and Singh, Satvir Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Engineering applications of Artificial Intelligence 2016 0952-1976 LINK
Artificial bee colony metaheuristic for energy-efficient clustering and routing in wireless sensor networks Mann, Palvinder Singh and Singh, Satvir Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Soft Computing 2016 1433-7479 LINK
Microwave absorbing characteristics in Co 2+ and Al 3+ substituted Ba0.5Sr0.5CoxAlxFe12-2xO19 hexagonal ferrite Rajat Joshi, Charanjeet Singh, Dalveer Kaur Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Springer Journal of Material Science: Materials in Electronics 2016 0957-4522 LINK
Performance analysis of different amplifiers for polarization dependent 10 Gbps bidirectional hybrid (WDM/TDM) with 16-QAM modulation technique Rakesh Goyal, R. S. Kaler, T. S. Kamal Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal of Optical Technology 2016 1070-9762,1091-0786 LINK
Comparative study of different optical amplifiers for hybrid passive optical networks Rakesh Goyal,R,S Kler,T S Kamal Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Optoelectronics And Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications 2016 1842-6573(PRINT) ,2065-3824 (ONLINE) LINK
Analysis of SAC-OCDMA system to reduce MAI using fiber bragg gratings and MDW code Rakesh Goyal, Navpreet Kaur, R. S. Kaler, Monika Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Optoelectronics And Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications 2016 1842-6573(PRINT) ,2065-3824 (ONLINE) LINK
Realization of High speed All Optical Logic Gates based on Nonlinear Characteristics of a SOA Pawan Amit Gupta Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering IJST 2016 0974-5645 LINK
A Novel Security Enhanced Decoder Based on XOR Detection for Optical Code Division Multiple Access System Using Multi-Diagonal Code Shivani ,Amit Gupta Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering IJST 2016 0974-5645 LINK
Optimized Routing in Mobile Ad hoc Networks Dr Rakesh Kumar Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 2016 1738-7906 LINK
Application of Multi-criteria Decision Making in Software Engineering Sehra S K, Brar YS, Kaur Navdeep Department of Electrical Engineering , IKGPTU International jounal of advanced computer science & application 2016 2156-5570 LINK
Comparative power quality analysis of different discontinuous phase control grid-interactive converter systems Akhil Gupta Department of Electrical Engineering , IKGPTU International Journal of Control Theory and Applications 2016 0974-5572 LINK
Having an Eagle-eye on GENI Shiffali, Monika Sachdeva and Sunny behal Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Control Theory and Applications 2016 0974-5572 LINK
Energy efficient task scheduling mechanism in cloud computing Prabhpreet kaur and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Control Theory and Applications 2016 0974-5572 LINK
A Grouping based Scheduling Algorithm on Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Parveen Kaur and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala International Journal of Control Theory and Applications 2016 0974-5572 LINK
Nature inspired feature selection approach for effective intrusion detection Rajendar Kaur, Gulshan Kumar and Monika Sachdeva Department of Computer Science and Engineering, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2016 0974-6846 LINK
Probing interactions of neurotransmitters with twin tailed anionic surfactant: A detailed physio chemical study R. Kaur, R. Sanan and R. K. Mahajan Department of Chemical Sciences J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2016 0021-9797 LINK
[2+2] Cycloaddition Reactions of Butadienyl Ketene with 1,4-Diazabuta-1,3-dienes: Synthesis of Functionalized Butadienyl-4-iminomethyl-azetidin-2-ones and Butenylidene-butadienyl-[2,2′-biazetidine]-4,4′-diones Deepak Bains, Yogesh Kumar, Prabhpreet Singh, Gaurav Bhargava Department of Chemical Sciences Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry 2016 1943-5193 LINK
Tandem Aza-Michael and Intramolecular Amidic Ring-Opening Reactions of β-Lactams: A Facile Synthesis of 4-Oxo-4, 5-dihydro-1H-pyrroles from β-Lactam Synthons, 2 Priyanka Sharma, ManinderJeet Kaur Mann, Bilash Kuila, Prabhpreet Singh, Gaurav Bhargava Department of Chemical Sciences Synlett 2016 093-65214 LINK
Self-assembled Nano rods of Bay functionalized perylenediimide: Cu2+ based ‘turn on’ response for INH, complementary NOR/OR and TRANSFER logic functions and fluorosolvatochromism, Prabhpreet Singh, Kapil Kumar, Gaurav Bhargava and Subodh Kumar Department of Chemical Sciences Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2016 2050-7534 LINK
Self-assembled vesicle and rod-like aggregates of functionalized perylene diimide: Reaction based near-IR intracellular fluorescent probe for selective detection of palladium, Prabhpreet Singh, Lalit Singh Mittal, Vanita Vanita, Rahul Kumar, Gaurav Bhargava, Amandeep Walia, and Subodh Kumar Department of Chemical Sciences J. Mater. Chem. B 2016 2050-7518 LINK
A Facile and Chemoselective Synthesis of 1,4-Benzodiazepin-2-ones and Dienyl Thiazolidin-4-ones”, Bilash Kuila, Yogesh Kumar, Dinesh Mahajan, Kapil Kumar, Prabhpreet Singh, Gaurav Bhargava Department of Chemical Sciences RSC Advances 2016 2046-2069 LINK
Cu(I) mediated Kinugasa Reactions of α,β-unsaturated Nitrones: A Facile, Diastereoselective Route to 3-(Hydroxy/bromo)methyl-1-aryl-4-(-styryl)azetidin-2-ones Yogesh Kumar, Prabhpreet Singh, Gaurav Bhargava Department of Chemical Sciences New Journal of Chemistry 2016 1144-0546 LINK
Highly Chemo and Diastereoselective Synthesis of Diaza-bicyclo[3.2.0]heptan-7-ones, Pyrrolidines and Aziridinopyrrolidine

Yogesh Kumar, Bilash Kuila Prabhpreet Singh and Gaurav Bhargava Department of Chemical Sciences Arkivoc 2016 15517012 LINK
*, Recent developments in the synthesis of condensed--lactams”, Yogesh Kumar, Prabhpreet Singh, Gaurav Bhargava Department of Chemical Sciences RSC Advances 2016 2046-2069 LINK
A facile and highly chemoselective synthesis of 1-thia-3a,6-diaza-benzo[e]azulen-3-ones by 7-exo-dig/trig halocyclizations,” Bilash Kuila, Dinesh Mahajan, Prabhpreet Singh and Gaurav Bhargava Department of Chemical Sciences RSC Advances 2016 2046-2069 LINK
“Diphenylpyrimidinone-salicylideneamines – New ESIPT based AIEgens with applications in latent fingerprinting” Prabhpreet Singh, Harminder Singh, Rashmi Sharma, Gaurav Bhargava, Subodh Kumar, Department of Chemical Sciences Journal of Material Chemistry C 2016 2050-7534 LINK
Nanomolar Cu2+ Detection in Water Based on Disassembly of AIEgen: Applications in Blood Serum, Cell Imaging and Complex Logic Circuits, Prabhpreet Singh, Harminder Singh, Vanita Vanita, Rashmi Sharma, Gaurav Bhargava, Subodh Kumar Department of Chemical Sciences ChemistrySelect 2016 2365-6549 LINK
ACO based single link failure recovery in all optical networks Neeraj Mohan, Amit Wason, Parvinder S. Sandhu CSE-IKGPTU Mohali-I International Journal for Light and Electron Optics (Optik) 2016 ISSN 0030-4026 LINK
Mining Rare Itemsets from Weblog Data Brijesh Bakariya, G.S. Thakur Computer Application (IKGPTU HSP) National Academy Science Letters, Springer 2016 2250-1754 LINK
Impact of Financial Crisis on Hedging Effectiveness of Futures Contracts: Evidence from the National Stock Exchange of India Kapil Gupta and Mandeep Kaur Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala South East European Journal of Economics and Business 2015 1840-118X LINK
Mediating Roles of Commitment and Corporate Image in the Formation of Customer Loyalty Harsandaldeep Kaur and Harmeen Soch Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Indian Business Research 2013 1755-4195 LINK
Validating Antecedents of Customer Loyalty for Indian Cell Phone Users Harsandaldeep Kaur and Harmeen Soch Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Vikalpa 2012 0256-0909 LINK
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Determinants of Service Recovery Nidhi Sabharwal and Harmeen Soch Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Global Business Review 2011 0972-1509 LINK
Are We Satisfied with Incompetent Services? A Scale Development Approach for Service Recovery Nidhi Sabharwal, Harmeen Soch and Harsandaldeep Kaur Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Service Research 2010 1094-6705 LINK
Information Memory and Futures Pricing Efficiency: An Evidence From The Indian Equity Futures Market Kapil Gupta and Balwinder Singh Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Journal of Emerging Market Finance 2009 nan LINK
Does Customer Relationship Management Activity Affect Firm Performance? Harmeen Soch and H. S Sandhu Department of Management Studies, I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus, Kapurthala Global Business Review 2008 0972-1509 LINK