
IKGPTU-NIELIT MoU signing ceremony at University Campus.

I K Gujral Punjab Technical University (IKG PTU) inked MoU with National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT).

The MoU was signed by Dr. Susheel Mittal, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, IKG PTU, and Mr. Deepak Wasan, Executive Director, NIELIT Ropar at University main campus.

Dr. Susheel Mittal said that the objective of this MoU is employability enhancement of the students covered under the programme and to set forth the modus operandi to provide training in the field of IECT and all related areas by NIELIT to the students of IKG PTU Campuses & affiliated colleges/ institutes under the following categories:

1. Semester Training Programmes of 5-6 months duration
2. Summer Training Programmes of 6-8 weeks duration

Dr. Navdeepak Sandhu, Deputy Director, said that the aim of the programme is to equip the students with necessary knowledge of the key industry practices and skills to be fruitfully employed besides providing exposure to live projects and hands-on practical training.

Soft Skills, Business Communication, Government Procurement Practices, Legal aspects- IPR, IT Act & International Norms will be the part of semester training. In addition to above, aptitude preparation Module to prepare the student for competitive exams will be part of the programme, he added.

Dr. Manish Arora, Scienctist F, NIELIT, Dr. Rajiv Bedi, HoD (CSE) & Er. Mohit Jain, Assistant Registrar (T&P) were present during the MoU signing ceremony.