• To foster a culture of perpetual learning, development and improvement within the academic and business organizations.
  • To conduct programs on skill development, technical education, entrepreneurship, management and governance etc.
  • To conduct capacity building programs in the area of public finance & policy, management, engineering, etc.
  • To organize management education and development programs, expert talks, seminars, conferences and workshops etc.
  • To conduct a long – duration programs that would assist the professional to develop in-depth competence for decision making and execution.
  • To conduct short-duration training programs for government sector, civil society, private industries and NGOs participants.
  • To provide policy advisory services, consultancy and research expertise services.
  • To provide a platform for policy debate and discussion among policy makers and stakeholders.
  • The Centre may offer online programs to accommodate the social needs.
  • To cater any other developmental services for the society upliftment from time to time.